8 research outputs found

    Multicultural Curriculum Designs in Counselor Education Programs: Enhancing Counselors-in-Training Openness to Diversity

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    Multicultural competencies are critical elements in both counselor preparation and practice. In accordance with the standards of the Council of Accredited Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), counselor education programs must implement multicultural competencies as one of core curriculum areas. Although research evidences the positive impact of multicultural training, it remains a challenge to establish which curriculum designs and pedagogical approaches are most effective. This study compares self-reported openness and comfort in interactions with diverse populations of 87 counselors-in-training across two distinct multicultural curriculum designs (i.e., single multicultural course vs. infusion through the curriculum) in a CACREP accredited counselor education program in the Midwest. Implications for counselor education programs and counselors in the field are provided

    Intensive Faculty-led International Multicultural Courses: Understanding the Perceptions from Students and Improving the Quality of Course Delivery by Faculty

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    Graduate programs in counselor education have historically offered the on campus multicultural course to increase students’ diversity knowledge, skills, and cultural self-awareness in order to satisfy state, national and international accreditation mandates. This article analyzes the self-reported perceptions and experiences of 21 master’s level counselor education students who participated in an intensive faculty-led international course (IFLIC) as an alternative format to the traditional on campus multicultural course. The pedagogy and curriculum of the IFLIC format is cemented on current multicultural international methodologies of instruction. Subsequently, it presents an in-depth analysis of students’ perceptions of their acquisition of multicultural concepts and skills, as well the role of the course’s curricular and instructional components in their multicultural learning outcomes. It offers a set of recommendations based on the research findings for academic/educational/faculty developers in higher education with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of international higher education. And, it provides delivery strategies for international programs seeking effective implementation of short-term faculty-led international courses (IFLIC)

    Second Youth or Decline? Warsaw Large-Scale Housing Estate Sluzew nad Dolinka during Socio-Economic Transformation

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    Artykuł przedstawia przeobrażenia przestrzenne i społeczno-gospodarcze jednego z warszawskich wielkich zespołów mieszkaniowych – osiedla Służew nad Dolinką. Szczególna uwaga została zwrócona na przemiany, jakie w jego przestrzeni zaszły pod wpływem procesów transformacyjnych po 1989 r. Osiedle to, mimo potencjalnego zagrożenia degradacją materialną i społeczną, uniknęło losu wielu podobnych zespołów mieszkaniowych w Europie Zachodniej i nie uległo przekształceniu w tzw. miejski slums. Dzięki połączonym, systematycznym działaniom podejmowanym przez spółdzielnię mieszkaniową, władze miejskie i indywidualne podmioty (zarówno mieszkańców, jak i przedsiębiorców), jak również dzięki sprzyjającym okolicznościom na warszawskim rynku mieszkaniowym, nie stało się ofi arą syndromu wielkiego osiedla i nadal stwarza atrakcyjne warunki życia dla swoich mieszkańców.The paper presents the spatial and socio-economic transformation of one of Warsaw’s large-scale housing estates – Sluzew nad Dolinka, especially after 1989. In spite of potential threat of physical and social degradation, the area has not converted into a city slum and still offers attractive living conditions for its inhabitants. Continuous and regular actions of the local housing association, city authorities, entrepreneurs and dwellers, as well as propitious circumstances of the Warsaw real estate market, protect the estate from physical and social decline

    Multilingualism in Counselor Education and Human Services Professionals: Implications for a New Training Paradigm

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    This study analyzes the relationships among the three distinct levels of language and cultural-linguistic professional competences. A total of 483 participants from three U.S. and one Central American university representing the fields of counseling, social work, family services, and psychology were surveyed. The results suggest that there is a large multilingual training deficit among human service providers in the U.S. Training programs need to make curricular revisions to include bi/multilingual training consistent with multilingual clientele. Recommendations for culturally-embedded and non-native language use are provided to increase cultural-linguistic competences among counselor education trainees


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    Abstract The purpose of the paper is to provide a systematic insight into the state of the art in the regional (subnational) input-output analyses. Large and growing body of scientific literature in the field is very diverse, fragmented and challenging to comprehend mostly because it is usually published as articles, not only in the field specific journals, but also sporadically in other journals. On the other hand subnational (regional) level of the analysis is not very frequent. However, articles concerning this level are not easy to identify in a bunch of literature because the term 'regional' can refer to various spatial levels (country, continent, group of countries, sub-national entities). Therefore, there is a need for upto-date and comprehensive meta-analysis of the work done so far in the area of regional (sub-national) input-output analyses. The present systematic review is based on a broad search of two databases of scientific publications: Web of Science and SCOPUS. In this research we apply a Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) approach and conduct a content-coding of selected papers

    Regional Input-Output Studies: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The purpose of the paper is to provide a systematic insight into the state of the art in the regional (subnational) input-output analyses. Large and growing body of scientific literature in the field is very diverse, fragmented and challenging to comprehend mostly because it is usually published as articles, not only in the field specific journals, but also sporadically in other journals. On the other hand subnational (regional) level of the analysis is not very frequent. However, articles concerning this level are not easy to identify in a bunch of literature because the term ‘regional’ can refer to various spatial levels (country, continent, group of countries, sub-national entities). Therefore, there is a need for upto-date and comprehensive meta-analysis of the work done so far in the area of regional (sub-national) input-output analyses. The present systematic review is based on a broad search of two databases of scientific publications: Web of Science and SCOPUS. In this research we apply a Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) approach and conduct a content-coding of selected papers