20 research outputs found

    Control and Correction of Horse Rider's Body Posture

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    Centre of gravity represents the point where the net force of gravity of all the body parts is applied. Balance is a specific state of the postural control system, being a vertical orientation of human body maintained through balancing the forces and moments of forces that act on the body. Stability is understood to mean the ability to recover the state of balance and typical body position in the space. 
 The concept of division of the rider's posture into 5 blocks that has been used in the literature seems to be legitimate. However, due to the natural shape of spinal curvature, the division of body into opposing truncated pyramids (a trapezoid in the sagittal plane and a rectangle with longer horizontal sides in the frontal plane) appears to be more accurate. The eight-segment model is dynamic and illustrates all the shallowed or deepened spinal curvatures very well while maintaining alternate sagittal curvatures with regard to the deficits of motion in the joints. It is also correct in anatomical terms since it contains all the sections and joints in the kinematic chain.
 Body posture, considered under conditions of the equestrian pair (a rider and a horse) as a motor task, will be adjusted using the continuous control. This control works within the tracking system and consistently adjusts the activity of different muscles to current needs. These needs result from a specific program encoded in the central nervous system and, more specifically, from the difference between the program and current state of the equestrian pair. This program is developed during equestrian training and it represents a demanded situation

    Health and its conditionality as a factor for increasing the level of safety in society

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    We are constantly aging, and the majority of diseases result from an improper diet and lack of physical movement. Health and a fit body figure is a shared dream among everyone, no matter the continent or country one is living in. For the technological advance, change in the natural and social environment, humanity has to pay a great price. More often things lead to a disordered nervous system, weakened immune system and an impairment in the functionality of the morph functional structure. Diseases of the XXI century are the most common consequences of this state; including diseases of the circulatory system, diabetes (select types), tumors, osteoporosis, obesity, asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system, back pain, neurosis, psychosomatic disorders, brain trauma, allergies and many more diseases. The purpose of the research was to determine pro-healthy behaviors of students studying in fields related to safety, selected two universities from Košice (Slovakia) and from Kraków (Poland) as a factor of increasing the level of security of the society. The research group consisted of 66 students of the Academy of Public and Individual Security in Krakow APEIRON and 70 students from the University of Security Management in Košice. An own structure survey questionnaire was used, containing 9 questions about nutrition and hydration of the body, as well as physical activity and sleep. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, the following conclusions were made: the frequency and duration of physical activity undertaken among the researched students from both universities is at a similar and high level, physical activity is a priority for respondents in maintaining health and safety, both individual and in the population, nutrition, hydration and sleep in the daily life of respondents play a dominant role in health

    Zarządzanie i handel zagraniczny w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach w warunkach integracji europejskiej: materiały z konferencji

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    Z przedmowy: "Integracja europejska to proces łączenia, scalania się odrębnych ekonomicznie, społecznie, kulturowo gospodarek europejskich krajów. Proces integracji prowadzi do istotnych przekształceń w sferze gospodarki, strategiach organizacji i funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw, handlu międzynarodowym, działalności marketingowej, strukturach organizacyjnych i mechanizmach ekonomicznych przedsiębiorstw i instytucji działających w krajach integrujących się. Proces integracji to w praktyce proces dostosowywania się struktur gospodarczych; tworzenia związków kooperacyjno-produkcyjnych; powstawania trwałych więzi ekonomicznych między przedsiębiorstwami integrujących się krajów a więc proces kształtowania jednolitego obszaru gospodarczego z odrębnych a często także wzajemnie konkurencyjnych krajów, gospodarek, regionów, gałęzi, branż. Proces międzynarodowej integracji gospodarczej to w dużej mierze proces tworzenia komplementamości przedsiębiorstw i instytucji, komplementamości międzygałęziowej i wewnątrz gałęziowej, w produkcji i wymianie jak też kształtowanie niezbędnej infrastruktury technicznej i ekonomicznej umożliwiającej tworzenie sytemu trwałych powiązań gospodarczych między poszczególnymi krajami."(...


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    Podczas badania zastosowano między innymi skalę wartości schelerowskich, koncentrując się jedynie na analizie wartości kultury fizycznej. Oszacowano również podstawowe statystyki rozkładu danych oraz siłę zależności korelacyjnych między wartościami. Wyniki potwierdzają rangę edukacji oraz dotychczasowych doświadczeń, w tym doświadczeń sportowych dorosłych respondentów, we wzmacnianiu ich pozytywnego nastawienia wobec wartości kultury fizycznej

    Physiology of strength training as a form of prophylaxis and counteraction against civilization threats

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the scope of influence a modified circuit training of endurance and strength character, carried out in line with an original programme, on the selected physiological parameters. 30 volunteers who train in fitness clubs in Kraków on an everyday basis were selected by means of purposeful selection to participate in the research. This group was divided into two subgroups. One of them used an experimental programme of circuit training, the other took part in the same training programmes they had used so far. After six weeks the two groups were subjected to research. Heart rate and blood lactate levels were measured. Heart rate monitors were used to measure heart rate. Research results show that the proposed training programme is carried out at a high intensity level, which is indicated by the recorded heart rate and blood lactate levels. The research programme carried out with the use of the circuit training positively influences fundamental physiological parameters; average and maximal heart rate frequency were lowered, energy expenditure in the course of the training was lowered; blood lactate levels after the training were reduced as well and post-exercise restitution was increased. The proposed form of training can be an example of physical activity of significant health-oriented advantages

    The Value of Physical Culture in the Group Sportsmen Doing Combat Sports

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    During the research the Scheler value scale has been used with the analysis accent put only on physical culture values. The basic data distribution statistics and the strength of correlations between the values have been evaluated, too. The findings confirm the rank of their previous education and life experiences including the sporty ones in strengthening the adult respondents’ attitudes to the physical culture values

    Fizjologia treningu siłowego jako forma profilaktyki zdrowotnej i przeciwdziałania zagrożeniom cywilizacyjnym

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    Celem pracy była próba określenia zakresu oddziaływania na wybrane parametry fizjologiczne, zmodyfikowanego treningu obwodowego o charakterze siłowo-wytrzymałościowym realizowanego według programu autorskiego. W projekcie uczestniczyło 30 wyselekcjonowanych za pomocą doboru celowego ochotników trenujących na co dzień w krakowskich klubach fitness. Grupę osób podzielono na dwie podgrupy. Jedna wykonywała podczas sesji treningowej eksperymentalny program treningu obwodowego, trzy razy w tygodniu, a druga w tym czasie uczestniczyła w dotychczasowych standardowo praktykowanych treningach własnych. Po upływie 6 tygodni grupy zostały poddane badaniu. Mierzono częstotliwość skurczów serca za pomocą pulsometrów oraz poziomu mleczanu w organizmie. Wyniki badań wskazują, że zaproponowany program treningowy przebiega na wysokim poziomie intensywności, na co wskazuje zarejestrowany pomiar częstości skurczów serca oraz stężenie mleczanu we krwi. Zrealizowany projekt badawczy z wykorzystaniem treningu obwodowego wpływa korzystnie na podstawowe parametry fizjologiczne; spadek średniej i maksymalnej częstości skurczów serca, zmniejszenie wydatku energetycznego podczas treningu, spadek stężenia mleczanu po treningu oraz przyspieszenie restytucji powysiłkowej. Zaproponowana forma treningu może być przykładem aktywności fizycznej o znacznych walorach prozdrowotnych

    Safety culture in sporting activity

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    As a result of the growing pace of life and developing civilization in which important factors are the crisis of values, the misunderstood idea of freedom and the willingness to achieve success quickly (by taking a shortcut), a new area of threats can be observed. They are caused by faster pace of life that is related to technical development which, in turn, makes us place higher demands on ourselves both in respect to our physical and psychological fitness. Contemporary world requires people to take care of their bodies. This is related especially to taking care of our bodies through the prism of the myth of beauty. The ideal of beauty promoted by mass media is difficult to achieve for an average human being and impossible to achieve for the majority of people in a satisfactory time period. Therefore, reflection on experiencing corporality as an aesthetic value in reference to safety culture seems to be both interesting and significant. High safety culture is related to high values ascribed to human health and life as well as keeping the boundary between essential risk, which is an integral part of life and development, and ensuring safety and protection against threats. The axiology of physical activity and issues of movement, fitness, health and beauty of human body related to it is one of subject of interest in safety culture. The aim and specification of actions in the field of body axiology is description, interpretation and analysis of facts related to human corporality which have sense and therefore are a value