6 research outputs found

    Occupational risk assessment of oxidative stress and genotoxicity in workers exposed to paints during a working week

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    Objectives: Paints are complex mixtures of solvents and metals that can induce health damages in workers exposed to them. The aim of the present work was to evaluate possible oxidative and genotoxic effects in workers exposed to paints. Material and Methods: Peripheral blood and buccal cell samples were collected from 33 workers exposed to paints and 29 non-exposed workers (controls) during an ordinary working week (Monday morning and Friday evening). Oxidative markers were assessed using thiobarbituric acid assay, carbonylated proteins, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities. Hippuric acid and delta-aminolevulinic acid were determined as biomarkers of toluene and lead exposure, respectively. Genotoxicity was measured through comet assay and micronucleus (MN) frequencies. Results: The exposed group showed higher hippuric acid and delta-aminolevulinic acid levels (Friday samples) and lower superoxide dismutase activity (Monday samples) in relation to control group. DNA damage index (comet assay) was higher in the exposed group, both in Monday and Friday samples, compared to the control group. No differences were observed in frequency of micronuclei (MN) between the groups, either in lymphocytes or buccal cells. However, the exposed group presented an increase (Monday samples) in nuclear buds frequency in lymphocytes — a marker of gene amplification — as well as an increase in condensed chromatin in the buccal cells (Monday and Friday samples), suggesting induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, a decrease in the nuclear division index (Friday samples) was observed in the exposed group, indicating that paint exposure induces cytostatic effects in lymphocytes. Conclusion: The results suggest that individuals exposed to paints have increased levels of DNA damage

    INDE – Aplicabilidade em escalas grandes

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    O presente estudo visa aplicar as formas e os padrões de dados e metadados propostos pela INDE - Infraestrutura Nacional de Dados Espaciais, para o mapeamento em escalas grandes. Com o objetivo de evitar a duplicidade de ações e o desperdício de recursos na obtenção de dados geoespaciais, bem como viabilizar a integração e a padronização desses dados, o Governo Federal institui, em 2008, a INDE. A padronização da estrutura de dados espaciais e de metadados proposta pela INDE atende as escalas-padrão da Cartografia Sistemática Brasileira. O mapeamento topográfico em escalas maiores que 1:25.000, no entanto, ainda carece de uma legislação em âmbito federal para sua normatização. A adoção das normas e padrões propostos pela INDE para projetos cartográficos em escalas grandes significa um avanço nesse sentido. A metodologia de trabalho adotada compreende a aquisição de dados, o levantamento das feições mapeadas, o enquadramento no modelo de dados da INDE, a geração e montagem do banco de classes de feições, a implementação em um SIG e associação dos metadados. Com os resultados aqui obtidos, verifica-se que as feições representadas em cartas de escalas grandes, como no caso deste trabalho, podem ser estruturadas de acordo com o modelo de dados e padrão de metadados proposto na INDE. Pelo maior grau de detalhamento, inerente à representação de feições na escala 1:2.000, novas classes, atributos e domínios de atributo foram criados. Os resultados obtidos confirmam a aplicabilidade da INDE para escalas maiores que 1:25.000

    Dural sinus thrombosis following epidural analgesia for delivery: a clinical case

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    Background and objectives: Neurological complications of spinal anesthesia are rare conditions. Headache caused by low pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid is one of the most frequent, which occurs after post-dural puncture. A comprehensive history and physical exam must be carried out before making the diagnosis of Post-Dural Puncture Headache (PDPH) and additional tests are necessary to exclude the possibility of developing serious neurological complications such as Dural Sinus Thrombosis (DST). According to the Case Report a differential diagnosis between Dural Sinus Thrombosis with PDPH is discussed. Case report: A 22 year-old lady, ASA Physical Status Class I was admitted at 39 weeks of gestation for delivery. For labor pain relief she requested epidural for analgesia, but unfortunately accidental dural puncture occurred. She developed an occipital headache and neck pain in the second day postpartum which was relieved by both lying down and supporting treatment such as rehydration, analgesics and caffeine. On day third postpartum she was discharged without complaints. On day fifth postpartum the pain returned and became more intense and less responsive to oral analgesics. She was admitted to the hospital to do a complete neurological and image investigation that showed a lesion consistent with the diagnosis of cortical vein thrombosis and Dural Sinus Thrombosis (DST). She was treated with oral anticoagulants. After two days, a repeated magnetic resonance image (MRI) showed partial canalization of the central sinus thrombus. The patient was discharged from hospital five days after her admission without any of the initial symptoms. Conclusion: The report describes a patient who developed severe headache following continuous epidural analgesia for delivery. Initially it was diagnosed as PDPH, however with the aid of MRI the diagnosis of DST was later established and treated. DST is a rare condition and is often underdiagnosed. Because of its potentially lethal complications, it should always be considered in acute headache differential diagnosis. Resumo: Justificativa e objetivos: As complicações neurológicas da raquianestesia são condições raras. A cefaleia causada pela baixa pressão do fluido cerebrospinal é uma das mais frequentes que ocorre após a punção dural. Anamnese completa e exame físico geral devem ser realizados antes de fazer o diagnóstico de cefaleia pós-punção dural (CPPD) e testes adicionais são necessárias para excluir a possibilidade complicações neurológicas graves, como trombose de seis durais (TSD). De acordo com o relato do caso, discutiremos o diagnóstico diferencial entre TSD e CPPD. Relato de caso: Paciente de 22 anos, estado físico ASA I, foi admitida com 39 semanas de gestação para o parto. Para alívio da dor do trabalho de parto, a paciente solicitou analgesia peridural, mas infelizmente ocorreu uma punção dural acidental. A paciente desenvolveu cefaleia occipital e dor cervical no segundo dia pós-parto — ambas aliviadas com repouso e terapia de suporte, como reidratação, analgésicos e cafeína. No terceiro dia pós-parto, a paciente recebeu alta sem queixas. No quinto dia pós-parto, a dor retornou e ficou mais intensa e com pouca resposta aos analgésicos orais. Ela foi admitida no hospital para uma completa investigação neurológica e de imagem que mostrou uma lesão compatível com o diagnóstico de trombose venosa cortical e TSD. A paciente foi tratada com anticoagulantes orais. Após dois dias, a repetição de ressonância nuclear magnética (RNM) mostrou canalização parcial de trombo do seio central. A paciente recebeu alta hospitalar cinco dias após a admissão, sem quaisquer dos sintomas iniciais. Conclusão: O caso descreve uma paciente que desenvolveu cefaleia grave após epidural contínua para o parto. Inicialmente ela foi diagnosticada como CPPD, contudo com o auxílio da RNM foi estabelecido o diagnóstico tardio de TSD. TSD é uma condição rara e frequentemente subdiagnosticada. Ela deve sempre ser considerada como diagnóstico diferencial de cefaleia aguda em decorrência de suas complicações potencialmente letais. Keywords: Epidural complication, Post-Dural Puncture Headache (PDPH), Dural Sinus Thrombosis, Palavras-chave: Complicação epidural, Cefaleia pós-punção dural, Trombose de seios durai

    Dural sinus thrombosis following epidural analgesia for delivery: a clinical case

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    Abstract Background and objectives: Neurological complications of spinal anesthesia are rare conditions. Headache caused by low pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid is one of the most frequent, which occurs after post-dural puncture. A comprehensive history and physical exam must be carried out before making the diagnosis of Post-Dural Puncture Headache (PDPH) and additional tests are necessary to exclude the possibility of developing serious neurological complications such as Dural Sinus Thrombosis (DST). According to the Case Report a differential diagnosis between Dural Sinus Thrombosis with PDPH is discussed. Case report: A 22 year-old lady, ASA Physical Status Class I was admitted at 39 weeks of gestation for delivery. For labor pain relief she requested epidural for analgesia, but unfortunately accidental dural puncture occurred. She developed an occipital headache and neck pain in the second day postpartum which was relieved by both lying down and supporting treatment such as rehydration, analgesics and caffeine. On day third postpartum she was discharged without complaints. On day fifth postpartum the pain returned and became more intense and less responsive to oral analgesics. She was admitted to the hospital to do a complete neurological and image investigation that showed a lesion consistent with the diagnosis of cortical vein thrombosis and Dural Sinus Thrombosis (DST). She was treated with oral anticoagulants. After two days, a repeated magnetic resonance image (MRI) showed partial canalization of the central sinus thrombus. The patient was discharged from hospital five days after her admission without any of the initial symptoms. Conclusion: The report describes a patient who developed severe headache following continuous epidural analgesia for delivery. Initially it was diagnosed as PDPH, however with the aid of MRI the diagnosis of DST was later established and treated. DST is a rare condition and is often underdiagnosed. Because of its potentially lethal complications, it should always be considered in acute headache differential diagnosis

    Occupational risk assessment of oxidative stress and genotoxicity in workers exposed to paints during a working week

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    Objectives: Paints are complex mixtures of solvents and metals that can induce health damages in workers exposed to them. The aim of the present work was to evaluate possible oxidative and genotoxic effects in workers exposed to paints. Material and Methods: Peripheral blood and buccal cell samples were collected from 33 workers exposed to paints and 29 non-exposed workers (controls) during an ordinary working week (Monday morning and Friday evening). Oxidative markers were assessed using thiobarbituric acid assay, carbonylated proteins, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities. Hippuric acid and delta-aminolevulinic acid were determined as biomarkers of toluene and lead exposure, respectively. Genotoxicity was measured through comet assay and micronucleus (MN) frequencies. Results: The exposed group showed higher hippuric acid and delta-aminolevulinic acid levels (Friday samples) and lower superoxide dismutase activity (Monday samples) in relation to control group. DNA damage index (comet assay) was higher in the exposed group, both in Monday and Friday samples, compared to the control group. No differences were observed in frequency of micronuclei (MN) between the groups, either in lymphocytes or buccal cells. However, the exposed group presented an increase (Monday samples) in nuclear buds frequency in lymphocytes — a marker of gene amplification — as well as an increase in condensed chromatin in the buccal cells (Monday and Friday samples), suggesting induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, a decrease in the nuclear division index (Friday samples) was observed in the exposed group, indicating that paint exposure induces cytostatic effects in lymphocytes. Conclusion: The results suggest that individuals exposed to paints have increased levels of DNA damage