44 research outputs found

    A transferência de cádmio de cefalópodes para cetáceos: uma revisão

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    Considering that environmental levels of cadmium have increased due to anthropogenic activity, surveillance on the concentrations of this toxic element in cetaceans and their prey is of special interest, since marine mammals appear as a choice material in the framework of ecotoxicology. Cephalopods role in the transfer of cadmium to cetaceans is well known in other regions of the planet and was also verified in Brazil. The high burden of cadmium ingested by cetaceans raise the question of a possible detrimental effect; however, as it seems that exposure has occurred during the evolution process, apparently these mammals are adapted.Considerando o fato de que os níveis ambientais de cádmio estão se elevando em decorrência de atividades antrópicas, a vigilância sobre as concentrações deste elemento tóxico em cetáceos e suas presas constitui matéria de especial interesse, principalmente levando-se em consideração que, no alicerce da ecotoxicologia, mamíferos marinhos apresentam-se como material de escolha. O papel dos cefalópodes na transferência de cádmio para cetáceos é conhecido em outras regiões do planeta, tendo sido verificado também no Brasil. A elevada carga de cádmio ingerida pelos cetáceos suscita a questão de um possível efeito deletério; entretanto, como a exposição parece ter ocorrido durante o processo evolutivo, aparentemente estes mamíferos estão adaptados

    Cadmium concentrations in franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) from south brazilian coast

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    Franciscanas foram utilizadas como fonte de informação sobre a biodisponibilidade de cádmio em águas neríticas da Costa Sul do Brasil. Amostras de fígado, obtidas de 44 indivíduos capturados acidentalmente ao largo da costa do Rio Grande do Sul, foram analisadas através de EAA eletrotérmica. Concentrações de cádmio, idade, peso e comprimento totais dos golfinhos analisados variaram entre 39 e 4144 µg.kg-1 (peso úmido), um e cinco anos, 17,5 e 49,2 kg, e entre 105,3 e 156,8 cm, respectivamente. Em relação às concentrações hepáticas de cádmio em franciscanas, não houve diferença significativa entre os dados gerados pelo presente estudo e informação proveniente da literatura, referente ao Estado do Rio de Janeiro. As baixas concentrações de cádmio observadas podem ser atribuídas ao fato de as lulas da Família Loliginidae constituírem a principal presa para franciscanas, dentre os cefalópodes. Este estudo corrobora investigações sobre níveis de cádmio em lulas brasileiras e reforça a hipótese de que cefalópodes loliginídeos não constituem vetores importantes da transferência de cádmio para cetáceos.Franciscana dolphins were used as source of information on the bioavailability of cadmium in the neritic waters off South Brazilian Coast. Liver samples obtained from 44 individuals incidentally captured off Rio Grande do Sul State were analyzed by electrothermal AAS. Cadmium concentrations, age, total weight and length of the analyzed dolphins varied between 39 and 4144 µg.kg-1 (wet weight), one and five years, 17.5 and 49.2 kg, and between 105.3 and 156.8 cm, respectively. Concerning hepatic cadmium concentrations of franciscanas, there was no significant difference between data raised by the present study and information from literature, regarding Rio de Janeiro State. The low cadmium concentrations observed may be attributed to the fact that loliginid squids constitute the main cephalopod prey for franciscanas. This study corroborates investigations on cadmium levels in Brazilian squids and strengthened the hypothesis that cephalopods of Loliginidae Family do not constitute important vectors of the transfer of cadmium to cetaceans

    Trophic relationships and mercury biomagnification in Brazilian tropical coastal food webs

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    The present study investigated trophic relationships and mercury flow through food webs of three tropical coastal ecosystems: Guanabara, Sepetiba and Ilha Grande bays. The investigation was carried out through carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) and total mercury (THg) determination in muscle from 35 species, including crustacean, cephalopod, fish and dolphin species. Detritivorous species showed the lowest average δ15N values in all bays. These species were 13C enriched in Sepetiba and Ilha Grande bays, suggesting the presence of 13C enriched macroalgae in their diet. The highest mean δ15N values were found in fish and benthic invertebrate feeders, as well as in species presenting demerso-pelagic feeding habit. The carbon and nitrogen isotopic findings showed different trophic relationship in food webs from Sepetiba, Guanabara and Ilha Grande bays. Guanabara Bay showed to be depleted in δ15N compared to both Sepetiba and Ilha Grande bays. The latter finding suggests substantial contribution of atmospheric nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria. A positive linear relationship was found between log THg concentrations and δ15N values for Guanabara and Ilha Grande bays, but not for Sepetiba Bay. Our findings showed trophic magnification factors (TMF) above 1, demonstrating that THg is being biomagnified up the food chains in Rio de Janeiro bays. Highlights ► The δ13C and δ15N findings showed different trophic relationship in food webs from Rio de Janeiro bays. ► Guanabara Bay showed depleted δ15N values compared to Sepetiba and Ilha Grande bays. ► Ilha Grande Bay showed significant depleted δ13C values. ► Our findings indicate THg biomagnifications up food webs in Rio de Janeiro bays. ► Ilha Grande Bay food web showed the highest trophic magnification factor.“Ciencias do Mar” – Proc. 23038.051661/2009-1

    Trophic dynamics of methylmercury and trace elements in a remote Amazonian Lake.

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    peer reviewedInformation on pollutant trophodynamics can be crucial for public health, as contaminated food consumption may lead to deleterious effects. This study was performed in Puruzinho Lake, a remote body of water in the Brazilian Amazon from which a riparian human population obtains an important part of its animal protein intake. Samples from 92 individuals, comprising 13 species and four trophic guilds (iliophagous, planktivorous, omnivorous, and piscivorous fish) were analysed for the determination of trace elements (Fe, Cr, Mn, Ni, Zn, Ca, Sr, Cd, Sn, Tl and Pb) and methylmercury concentrations. Samples from the same individuals had already been analysed for stable isotope (SI) measurements (δ13C and δ15N) in a previous investigation and the SI data have been statistically treated with those generated in this study for the evaluation of trophic dynamics of contaminants. Methylmercury was the only analyte that biomagnified, presenting TMF values of 4.65 and 4.55 for total and resident ichthyofauna, respectively. Trace elements presented either trophic dilution or independence from the trophic position, constituting a behaviour that was coherent with that found in the scientific literature. The similarity between Ni behaviour through the trophic web to that of essential elements contributes to the discussion on the essentiality of this metal to fish. Considering the Non-cancer Risk Assessment, the calculated Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) values were higher than 1.0 for all analysed individuals for methylmercury, as well as for only one individual for nickel. No other analyte rendered THQ values higher than 1.0.14. Life below wate

    Trophic Relationships and Habitat Preferences of Delphinids from the Southeastern Brazilian Coast Determined by Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Composition

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    To investigate the foraging habitats of delphinids in southeastern Brazil, we analyzed stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes in muscle samples of the following 10 delphinid species: Sotalia guianensis, Stenella frontalis, Tursiops truncatus, Steno bredanensis, Pseudorca crassidens, Delphinus sp., Lagenodelphis hosei, Stenella attenuata, Stenella longirostris and Grampus griseus. We also compared the δ13C and δ15N values among four populations of S. guianensis. Variation in carbon isotope results from coast to ocean indicated that there was a significant decrease in δ13C values from estuarine dolphins to oceanic species. S. guianensis from Guanabara Bay had the highest mean δ13C value, while oceanic species showed significantly lower δ13C values. The highest δ15N values were observed for P. crassidens and T. truncatus, suggesting that these species occupy the highest trophic position among the delphinids studied here. The oceanic species S. attenuata, G. griseus and L. hosei had the lowest δ15N values. Stable isotope analysis showed that the three populations of S. guianensis in coastal bays had different δ13C values, but similar δ15N results. Guiana dolphins from Sepetiba and Ilha Grande bays had different foraging habitat, with specimens from Ilha Grande showing more negative δ13C values. This study provides further information on the feeding ecology of delphinids occurring in southeastern Brazil, with evidence of distinctive foraging habitats and the occupation of different ecological niches by these species in the study area.Peer reviewe

    A Greater Capacity of Metallothionein Synthesis: Would it be Sufficient as Explanation for the Absence of Pathological Effects in Marine Mammals with Extremely High Cd Concentrations? A Review

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    Several studies have shown that marine mammals, especially the oceanic ones, present extremely high Cd concentrations. As the phenomenon of Cd transfer from cephalopods to cetaceans seems to be natural, the most plausible reason for the perpetuation of these predator species is related to adaptations to this high exposure to Cd during the evolution process. The most widely accepted explanation is that these mammals present a greater capacity of metallothionein (MT) synthesis. However, renal physiology studies have shown that the Cd-MT complex is 100-fold more toxic than cadmium chloride. In this context, attributing the resistance of these animals to cadmium to the abovementioned higher capacity of MT production is obviously insufficient and the present study discuss in detail how unsatisfactory this explanation is. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v10i4.1121</p