462 research outputs found


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    A Comparative Study of Frederick Manfred\u27s Lord Grizzly and A.B. Guthrie Jr.\u27s The Big Sky

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    The purpose of this thesis is to do a comparative study of two books by two men who are interested in the mountain man and his period in American history. Frederick Manfred and A. B. Guthrie Jr., authors of Lord Grizzly and The Big Sky, have a deep love for the American West. Their books are about America\u27s frontier and the dreams of the mountain men who first explored it. The mountain men\u27s dreams were of freedom from civilization, excitement in discovery, and love for the vast sea of plains and soaring grandeur of mountains. The spirit of the wild is captured in the books of these two writers. Manfred\u27s style of writing is circular. It has a continuation in it. Guthrie\u27s writing style, on the other hand, is more linear. It is straight forward, direct. The main characters are also different. Hugh Glass is a seasoned veteran of many years in the mountains. Boone Caudill is younger, and inexperienced. He is a greenhorn compared to Hugh. This chapter provides a brief history of the fur trade and the importance of the Missouri River in relation to it. The second chapter is an examination of the lives of Manfred and Guthrie. These writers grew up in the West, which helps them to record the happenings of the region and the feelings of her people. In addition, this chapter includes their common beliefs and at the same time their differences as writers of the Western novel. Chapter Three is an investigation of Manfred\u27s writing style in Lord Grizzly. A summary of the story of Hugh Glass and his metamorphosis in character is also included. Chapter Four is an investigation of Guthrie\u27s writing style in The Big Sky. Chapter Four mirrors Chapter Three, retelling The Big Sky and the course taken by the main character in the story. Chapter Four also compares and contrasts the writing styles of Guthrie and Manfred. Chapter Five is the conclusion of the thesis

    Average structures of the disordered β-phase of Pigment Red 170: a single-crystal X-ray diffraction study

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    The [beta]-phase of the industrially important Pigment Red 170 ([beta]-P.R. 170) has a structure with severe layer stacking disorder. The single-crystal X-ray diffraction pattern consists of a difficult-to-disentangle mix of Bragg diffraction superimposed on rods of diffuse scattering which impede the estimation of accurate Bragg intensities. Two average monoclinic structure models with the same unit-cell dimensions, but different extents of disorder in the layers and different space groups seem plausible, one with the non-conventional space group setting B21/g (No. 14, Z' = 2) and one in P21/a (No. 14, Z' = 4). Disordered molecules related by a translation of 0.158b are present in all layers of the B21/g model and in every second layer of the P21/a model. Layer-to-layer contacts are practically the same in both models. According to order-disorder theory, both models are valid superposition structures. Structure-factor calculations show that the pattern of strong and weak Bragg reflections is very similar for the two models. R factors indicate that the B21/g model is the most economic representation of the average structure. However, given the limitations in data processing, the P21/a model should not be discarded and further insight sought from a detailed analysis of the experimental diffuse scattering. The difficulties encountered in this analysis raise the question of whether or not the concept of an average structure is applicable in practice to [beta]-P.R. 170

    Improving Collision Avoidance Behavior of a Target-Searching Algorithm for Kilobots

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    Collision avoidance in the area of swarm robotics is very important. The lacking ability of such collision avoidance is mentioned as one important reason for the sparse distribution of the small test robots named Kilobots. In this research paper, two new algorithms providing a collision avoidance strategy are presented and compared with previous research results. The first algorithm uses randomness to decide which one of several approaching Kilobots are stopped for a defined time before starting to move again. The second algorithm tries   to determine the assumed position of approaching Kilobots based on its radio signal strength and then to move away in the opposite direction by rotation. The results, especially of the second algorithm, are promising as the number of collisions can be significantly reduced

    The impact of market orientation on business performance - The case of Tatarstan knowledge-intensive companies (Russia)

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    © Ekaterina Protcko, Utz Dornberger, 2014. The article provides a direct test of the applicability of a western paradigm to Russia - a country with a different cultural and economic system. This article aims to give knowledge-intensive companies in Tatarstan (Russia) a better understanding about influence of their level of market orientation on business performance. This study validated Kohli and Jaworski's market orientation scale in knowledge-intensive industries, particularly in small and medium knowledge-intensive companies in Russia. The findings show that the market orientation has a positive impact on financial and non-financial business performance in knowledge-intensive industries. It is important for hi-tech companies to improve their performance by implementing market orientated strategies, putting emphasis in conducting effective market research and be strong in customer and competitor orientation

    Integration von e-Learning Systemen und Groupware-Anwendungen am Beispiel von „Group-based Management Training“

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    Basierend auf den Erfahrungen der Mitarbeiter der confuture Innovationssysteme GmbH auf den Gebieten der Entwicklung von internetbasierten Anwendungssystemen und Groupware-Anwendungen sowie den Mitarbeitern des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik der Universität Leipzig (IWi) bei der Entwicklung, Einführung und Betrieb von e-Learning-Systemen im Projekt „Winfoline“ wurde im Jahre 2003 der Prototyp eines modularen, frei konfigurierbaren e-Learning Systems entwickelt

    The level of market orientation in Tatarstan high technology companies (Russia)

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    This article aims to give high technology companies in Tatarstan (Russia) a better understanding about the concept of market orientation and their level of market orientation in total and also depending on the number of employees, years in business and the type of ownership. It shows the importance of implementation of the market orientation concept regarding better company's performance. This study validated Kohli and Jaworski's market orientation scale in high technology companies, particularly in small and medium high-tech companies in Tatarstan. The findings show that the level of market orientation in high-tech industries in Tatarstan is low. The article provides the recommendations for the managers of high-tech companies to improve the level of market orientation. Implementation of the market orientated strategies, putting emphasis in conducting effective market research and be strong in customer and competitor orientation, is important for hi-tech companies to improve their performance
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