214 research outputs found

    Comparison of the generic neuronal differentiation and neuron subtype specification functions of mammalian achaete-scute and atonal homologs in cultured neural progenitor cells

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    In the vertebrate peripheral nervous system, the proneural genes neurogenin 1 and neurogenin 2 (Ngn1 and Ngn2), and Mash1 are required for sensory and autonomic neurogenesis, respectively. In cultures of neural tube-derived, primitive PNS progenitors NGNs promote expression of sensory markers and MASH1 that of autonomic markers. These effects do not simply reflect enhanced neuronal differentiation, suggesting that both bHLH factors also specify neuronal identity like their Drosophila counterparts. At high concentrations of BMP2 or in neural crest stem cells (NCSCs), however, NGNs like MASH1 promote only autonomic marker expression. These data suggest that that the identity specification function of NGNs is more sensitive to context than is that of MASH1. In NCSCs, MASH1 is more sensitive to Notch-mediated inhibition of neurogenesis and cell cycle arrest, than are the NGNs. Thus, the two proneural genes differ in other functional properties besides the neuron subtype identities they can promote. These properties may explain cellular differences between MASH1- and NGN-dependent lineages in the timing of neuronal differentiation and cell cycle exit

    Neural crest stem cells undergo multilineage differentiation in developing peripheral nerves to generate endoneurial fibroblasts in addition to Schwann cells

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    Neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) persist in peripheral nerves throughout late gestation but their function is unknown. Current models of nerve development only consider the generation of Schwann cells from neural crest, but the presence of NCSCs raises the possibility of multilineage differentiation. We performed Cre-recombinase fate mapping to determine which nerve cells are neural crest derived. Endoneurial fibroblasts, in addition to myelinating and non-myelinating Schwann cells, were neural crest derived, whereas perineurial cells, pericytes and endothelial cells were not. This identified endoneurial fibroblasts as a novel neural crest derivative, and demonstrated that trunk neural crest does give rise to fibroblasts in vivo, consistent with previous studies of trunk NCSCs in culture. The multilineage differentiation of NCSCs into glial and non-glial derivatives in the developing nerve appears to be regulated by neuregulin, notch ligands, and bone morphogenic proteins, as these factors are expressed in the developing nerve, and cause nerve NCSCs to generate Schwann cells and fibroblasts, but not neurons, in culture. Nerve development is thus more complex than was previously thought, involving NCSC self-renewal, lineage commitment and multilineage differentiation


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    We employ high-resolution N-body simulations of isolated spiral galaxy models, from low-amplitude, multi-armed galaxies to Milky Way-like disks, to estimate the vertical action of ensembles of stars in an axisymmetrical potential. In the multi-armed galaxy the low-amplitude arms represent tiny perturbations of the potential, hence the vertical action for a set of stars is conserved, although after several orbital periods of revolution the conservation degrades significantly. For a Milky Way-like galaxy with vigorous spiral activity and the formation of a bar, our results show that the potential is far from steady, implying that the action is not a constant of motion. Furthermore, because of the presence of high-amplitude arms and the bar, considerable in-plane and vertical heating occurs that forces stars to deviate from near-circular orbits, reducing the degree at which the actions are conserved for individual stars, in agreement with previous results, but also for ensembles of stars. If confirmed, this result has several implications, including the assertion that the thick disk of our Galaxy forms by radial migration of stars, under the assumption of the conservation of the action describing the vertical motion of stars. © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    Simulation of heat transport in low-dimensional oscillator lattices

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    The study of heat transport in low-dimensional oscillator lattices presents a formidable challenge. Theoretical efforts have been made trying to reveal the underlying mechanism of diversified heat transport behaviors. In lack of a unified rigorous treatment, approximate theories often may embody controversial predictions. It is therefore of ultimate importance that one can rely on numerical simulations in the investigation of heat transfer processes in low-dimensional lattices. The simulation of heat transport using the non-equilibrium heat bath method and the Green-Kubo method will be introduced. It is found that one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) momentum-conserving nonlinear lattices display power-law divergent, logarithmic divergent and constant thermal conductivities, respectively. Next, a novel diffusion method is also introduced. The heat diffusion theory connects the energy diffusion and heat conduction in a straightforward manner. This enables one to use the diffusion method to investigate the objective of heat transport. In addition, it contains fundamental information about the heat transport process which cannot readily be gathered otherwise.Comment: Article published in: Thermal transport in low dimensions: From statistical physics to nanoscale heat transfer, S. Lepri, ed. Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 921, pp. 239 - 274, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (2016

    Modelling Non-linear Crowd Dynamics in Bio-PEPA

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    Emergent phenomena occur due to the pattern of non-linear and distributed local interactions between the elements of a system over time. Surprisingly, agent based crowd models, in which the movement of each individual follows a limited set of simple rules, often re-produce quite closely the emergent behaviour of crowds that can be observed in reality. An example of such phenomena is the spontaneous self-organisation of drinking parties in the squares of cities in Spain, also known as "El Botellon" [20]. We revisit this case study providing an elegant stochastic process algebraic model in Bio-PEPA amenable to several forms of analyses, among which simulation and fluid flow analysis. We show that a fluid flow approximation, i.e. a deterministic reading of the average behaviour of the system, can provide an alternative and efficient way to study the same emergent behaviour as that explored in [20] where simulation was used instead. Besides empirical evidence, also an analytical justification is provided for the good correspondence found between simulation results and the fluid flow approximation

    Scalable Analysis of Scalable Systems

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    Abstract. We present a systematic method of analysing the scalability of large-scale systems. We construct a high-level model using the SRMC process calculus and generate variants of this using model transformation. The models are compiled into systems of ordinary differential equations and numerically integrated to predict non-functional properties such as responsiveness and scalability.

    Solitary waves in the Nonlinear Dirac Equation

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    In the present work, we consider the existence, stability, and dynamics of solitary waves in the nonlinear Dirac equation. We start by introducing the Soler model of self-interacting spinors, and discuss its localized waveforms in one, two, and three spatial dimensions and the equations they satisfy. We present the associated explicit solutions in one dimension and numerically obtain their analogues in higher dimensions. The stability is subsequently discussed from a theoretical perspective and then complemented with numerical computations. Finally, the dynamics of the solutions is explored and compared to its non-relativistic analogue, which is the nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation. A few special topics are also explored, including the discrete variant of the nonlinear Dirac equation and its solitary wave properties, as well as the PT-symmetric variant of the model

    Viscous Shock Capturing in a Time-Explicit Discontinuous Galerkin Method

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    We present a novel, cell-local shock detector for use with discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods. The output of this detector is a reliably scaled, element-wise smoothness estimate which is suited as a control input to a shock capture mechanism. Using an artificial viscosity in the latter role, we obtain a DG scheme for the numerical solution of nonlinear systems of conservation laws. Building on work by Persson and Peraire, we thoroughly justify the detector's design and analyze its performance on a number of benchmark problems. We further explain the scaling and smoothing steps necessary to turn the output of the detector into a local, artificial viscosity. We close by providing an extensive array of numerical tests of the detector in use.Comment: 26 pages, 21 figure