60 research outputs found

    Die neue Internetpräsenz des Masterstudiengangs Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft der FH Köln

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    Für den 2009 neu eingerichteten berufsbegleitenden Masterstudiengang Bibliotheksund Informationswissenschaft (MALIS) der Fachhochschule Köln ist ein eigenständiger Webauftritt auf Basis des Content Management Systems Typo3 eingerichtet worden. Die neue Internetpräsenz zeichnet sich durch eine zielgruppenspezifische Aufbereitung vielfältiger Informationen rund um den Studiengang aus. Dies beinhaltet neben studienrelevanten Informationen zu Zulassungsbedingungen, Modulhandbuch und Prüfungsordnung etc. auch verschiedene informelle Bereiche wie z.B. eine Fotostrecke, persönliche Einschätzungen und Erfahrungsberichte von Studierenden und Absolventen sowie Bewertungen des MALIS-Studiengangs aus der Sicht einiger leitender Bibliotheksdirektoren.A new website has been implemented for the degree program Master in Library and Information Science (MALIS) which was newly established at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences in 2009. The independent website, based on the Typo3 content management system, features a variety of target-group-specific information on the degree program including study-related information on admission requirements, modules and examination regulations, etc. Additionally, various informal content such as a photo gallery and personal evaluations and opinions of graduates, students and library directors is available

    Fomento de cultura exportadora en los productores de mango de Motupe - Lambayeque para la exportación de pulpa de mango al sector de los helados artesanales al mercado español, 2017

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    RESUMEN En la presente tesis se ha analizado a las asociaciones de productores de mango de Motupe - Lambayeque, en las cuales se analiza las características que debe tener una asociación para poder lograr el éxito en la exportación de pulpa de mango, de manera que se pueda cumplir con las exigencias y requisitos del mercado al cual se dirigirá el producto. El objetivo general de la investigación es determinar las estrategias y accionespara el fomento de la cultura exportadora que ayudan en la producción de mango para elaborar pulpa de mango; la Asociación SOMFRUTA agrupa a 250 productores organizados en 7 asociaciones, todas ubicadas en Motupe que abastecerán de la materia prima la cual se usará para transformarlo en pulpa de mango envasada asépticamente en empaques de 5 kilos y exportarlo al mercado de Valencia – España. Se busca determinar los volúmenes de producción por parte de cada asociación, los niveles de producción por parte de la empresa productora de pulpa de mango por medio de estrategias, mejorando así la competitividad de la misma. Además de eso se realizó un análisis sobre los requisitos para el comercio con el mercado Español. Se realizó un plan estratégico proponiendo un modelo de negocio para la comercialización de pulpa de mango al mercado de Valencia – España, se analizó algunos competidores del producto, se analizó además cuales serían los proveedores de insumos y los probables clientes y el uso que le darían los consumidores; es decir la trasformación de helado artesanal. La metodología utilizada para la presente tesis es descriptiva, de Diseño No Experimental transaccional, ya que se indagará la incidencia y los valores en que se desarrollan las variables. Finalmente se desarrolló un plan de negocio, en el cual se implementó un plan de marketing, plan de operaciones, plan organizacional, plan de recursos humanos y de responsabilidad social; además de un plan financiero en el cual se detallan la inversión requerida, el modo de financiamiento, los parámetros del estudio, como los costos de maquinarias, infraestructura, etc. para la elaboración del producto final. PALABRAS CLACES: Cultura exportadora, competitividad, estrategias, mercado.ABSTRACT In this thesis we have analyzed the associations of mango producers of Motupe - Lambayeque, in which it analyzes the characteristics that must have an association to be able to achieve the success in the export of mango pulp, so that it can be fulfilled With the requirements and requirements of the market to which the product will be directed. The general objective of the research is to determine the strategies and actions for the promotion of the export culture that help in the production of mango to make mango pulp; The SOMFRUTA Association groups 250 producers organized in 7 associations all located in Motupe that will supply the raw material which will be used to transform it into mango pulp aseptically packaged in 5 kilo packings and export it to the market in Valencia - Spain. It seeks to determine the production volumes by each association, the production levels by the company producing mango pulp by means of strategies, thus improving the competitiveness of the same. In addition, an analysis was made of the requirements for trade with the Spanish market, both tariff and non-tariff measures and a logistical analysis for trade in Spain. A strategic plan was proposed proposing a business model for the marketing of mango pulp to the market of Valencia - Spain, it analyzed some competitors of the product, as well as the possible substitute products that compete with the product; It was also analyzed what would be the suppliers of inputs and the likely customers and the use that would give the consumers; Ie the transformation of artisanal ice cream. The methodology used for this thesis is descriptive, of Non-Experimental Transactional Design, since it will investigate the incidence and the values in which the variables are developed. Finally, a business plan was developed, in which a marketing plan, operational plan, organizational plan, human resources plan and social responsibility were implemented; In addition to a financial plan detailing the investment required, the mode of financing, the parameters of the study, such as the costs of machinery, infrastructure, etc. For the production of the final product. KEYWORDS: Exporting culture, competitiveness, strategies, market

    An interdisciplinary approach to data management

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    Many scientific issues involve interdisciplinary approaches that demand scientists with diverse skills and research fields. For the design and fabrication of new materials, this is especially true since new materials with macroscopically observable properties must be proposed based on changes at the molecular level. Research projects of this kind pose particular challenges for efficient execution and documentation, as research data management (RDM) tools usually fit very well to a specific research area, but cannot provide solutions for interdisciplinary topics. In order to guarantee consistent research and its documentation across disciplines, different tools, which may be used in several groups, must be used cooperatively. In the context of the Science Data Center MoMaF, among other things, strategies are being developed to enable research data management across scales. The RDM tools used for this are Chemotion and Kadi4Mat. The systems cover research at the molecular level (chemotion ELN) as well as simulation activities on the meso- and macroscopic scale (Kadi4Mat), and will be extended within the Science Data Center to enable cooperative use of the systems for work across scales. A first use case shows how Chemotion ELN can be used to document necessary parameters at the molecular level, in order to then be able to manage simulations of phase separation processes on their basis in a further step with the help of Kadi4Mat. For this purpose, the procedure and documentation method of already completed projects were first analysed in order to be able to propose a concept for future processes. Chemotion ELN is used in the presented procedure to document molecular descriptions, the performance of polymerization reactions and their outcome, as well as the properties obtained experimentally and from the literature. Kadi4Mat manages and transfers the parameters from the molecular description as input for mesoscopic simulations that describe the phase separation process in a time-dependent manner. Finally, by applying analysis tools on the time-dependent data via Kadi4Mat, macroscopic properties can be derived across scales as a function of the molecular composition

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead