29 research outputs found


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    Il paesaggio urbano di Oradea, città della Romania nord occidentale, vicina al confine ungherese, è fortemente caratterizzato ancora oggi dalla presenza di una grande fortezza rinascimentale opera di architetti italiani. La fortezza di Oradea è la testimonianza più evidente dello stretto rapporto tra questa città e l'Italia dal XII al XVII secolo: un solido legame nato per motivi religiosi, e rafforzatosi per fronteggiare gli assedi turchi. Fino dal momento della fondazione della fortezza, nucleo più antico della città, i corsi d'acqua sono stati l'elemento qualificante e vincolante del paesaggio urbano di Oradea, condizionando dapprima la scelta del luogo più adatto e, successivamente, orientando lo sviluppo urbanistico; inoltre la possibilità di utilizzare i fiumi per il trasporto delle merci e per azionare mulini ed opifici ha direttamente influenzato lo sviluppo socioeconomico della città. Attraverso il confronto di materiale cartografico e documentario cinque-seicentesco in gran parte inedito (piante e vedute prospettiche della città e della fortezza e cronache dell'epoca) è stato possibile ricostruire e comprendere lo sviluppo del paesaggio urbano della città di Oradea.The urban landscape of Oradea, a city in northwestern Romania, near the Hungarian border, is still strongly characterized by the presence of a great Renaissance fortress designed by Italian architects. The fortress of Oradea is the most evident evidence of the close relationship between this city and Italy from the XII to the XVII century: a strong connection that came on religious grounds, and strengthened to face the Turkish sieges.Starting from the moment of the foundation of the fortress, the most ancient nucleus of the city, rivers have been the defining element of the urban landscape of Oradea, influencing at first the choice of the the most suitable place and then orienting the urban development; also the possibility to use rivers to transport goods and drive mills and factories, has directly influenced the socio-economic development of the city. Through the comparison of cartographic and documentary materials of the XV-XVII century (plants and perspective views of the city and the fortress, and chronicles), largely unpublished, it was possible reconstruct and understand the urban landscapes development of the city of Oradea

    Effects of sepiolite addition to acrylic-latex paint on pull-off adhesion strength in nanosilver-impregnated and thermally-modified beech (Fagus orientalis L.) wood

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    Sepiolite is a silicate mineral that improves the fire properties in solid wood when mixed with a water-based coating. The present study was carried out to investigate and evaluate the effects of sepiolite addition to acrylic-latex paint on the pull-off adhesion strength, as an important characteristic of paints and finishes used in the modern furniture industry and historical furniture as well for preservation and restoration of heritage objects. Sepiolite was added at the rate of 10, and brushed onto plain-sawn beech (Fagus orientalis L.) wood specimens, unimpregnated and impregnated with a 400 ppm silver nano-suspension, which were further thermally modified at 185 °C for 4 h. The results showed that thermal modification had a decreasing effect on the pull-off adhesion strength, primarily as a result of the thermal degradation of cell-wall polymers (mostly hemicelluloses). Still, a decreased wettability as a result of condensation and plasticization of lignin was also partially influential. Based on the obtained results,thermal modification was found to have a significant influence on pull-off adhesion strength. Sepiolite addition had a decreasing effectin all treatments, though the effect was not statistically significant in all treatments. The maximum and minimum decreases due to sepiolite addition were observed in the unimpregnated control (21) and the thermally-modified NS-impregnated (4) specimens. Other aspects of the sepiolite addition, and further studies that cover different types of paints and coatings, should be evaluated before coming to a final firm conclusion in this regard

    Considérations géographiques sur la dégradation et la pollution des forêts de Roumanie

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    Geographical considerations upon forest pollution and degradation in Romania. In Romania, like in other countries of Europe, environment protection and forest ecosystems conservation becomes an important issue. Today, the forest areas covers 28,0 % of Romania's territory which represent 6 381 000 ha. Among this 6,8 % (457 142 ha) are ill forests due to different reasons pollution representing an important cause. The most affected are the falling leaves species (56,9 %) followed by the coniferous. The most affected forests are located in Botoçani (47,0 %), Mehedinji (28,4 %), Alba (27,8 %), Bihor (19,5 %) county's, all with a well developed industry. Beside local pollution the trans-border pollution, acid depositions play a major role in forest's degradation.En Roumanie, comme dans tous les pays européens, la protection des écosystèmes forestiers est devenue une préoccupation majeure. Aujourd'hui, les espaces forestiers couvrent 28 % du territoire roumain ce qui représente 6.381.000 ha de forêt., parmi lesquelles, 457.000 ha (6,8 %) sont touchées par une dégradation due à la pollution. Les plus affectées sont les forêts de feuillus (56,9 %) suivies par celles de conifères. Les forêts les plus touchées sont localisées dans les départements de Botoçani (47 %), Mehedenti (28,4 %), Alba (27,8 %), et Bihor (19,5 %), qui toutes ont des centres industriels. De plus, à cette pollution locale, il faut ajouter une pollution transfrontalière qui vient aggraver ce problème.Linc Ribana, Ilies Alexandru, Ilies Dorina. Considérations géographiques sur la dégradation et la pollution des forêts de Roumanie. In: Travaux de l'Institut Géographique de Reims, vol. 31-32, n°123-124, 2005. Erosion, végétation, aménagement, pollutions. pp. 97-110

    Study the Caribbean City

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    The Caribbean City is a singular object; it covers contrasting realities through composite, dense and complex territories. These urban dynamics are imposed in the disorganized spaces inserted marked by extroverted economic logics that are part of the secular history of plantation economies. Urban territories, disjointed, fragmented, juxtapose islands of wealth and pockets of poverty and exclusion.Highlighting the richness and the complexity of this field of investigation which is little studied, it is also aimed to provide a functional guide for studying the Caribbean’s city.La ville caribéenne constitue un objet singulier ; elle recouvre des réalités contrastées à travers des territoires composites, denses et complexes. Ces dynamiques urbaines s’imposent dans des espaces insulaires désorganisés marqués par des logiques économiques extraverties qui s’inscrivent dans l’histoire séculaire des économies de plantation. Les territoires urbains, désarticulés, fragmentés, juxtaposent des îlots de richesse et de vastes poches de pauvreté et d’exclusion.Soulignant la richesse et la complexité de ce champ d’investigation qui demeure méconnu, l’objectif de la présente réflexion est de poser des éléments d’une grille de lecture et des pistes d’études pour investir la ville caribéenne.La ciudad del Caribe es un objeto singular; Abarca realidades contrastantes a través de territorios compuestos, densos y complejos. Estas dinámicas urbanas se imponen en los espacios desorganizados insertos marcados por lógicas económicas extrovertidas que son parte de la historia secular de las economías de plantación. Territorios urbanos, inconexos, fragmentados, yuxtaponen los bolsillos de la riqueza y los bolsillos de la pobreza y la exclusión.Destacando la riqueza y la complejidad de este campo de investigador que sigue siendo el desconocido, el objetivo de la reflexión es plantear elementos de una grilla de lectura y pistas de estudios para invertir la ciudad caribeña

    Heritage Tourism in Island of Martinique (West Indies). A case of study of Le Tour des Yoles and the Festive Nautical Heritage

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    Tourism in the Caribbean islands is approached mainly under the prism of the beach, the sun, with a whole series of clichés that forget the indigenous populations, their daily life, their culture and their tradition which make their identity. The tourist industry imposes itself, denying everyday life. Our study is devoted to understanding a nautical festival in Martinique (West Indies). This festival, which is part of the history of the island, endures in culture and identity. It becomes a major festive event for the destination, without being planned as a "tourist attraction". It is a tourist event that is part of a cultural continuity between the Martinicans of Martinique and the diaspora returning to the country for the holidays

    Heritage Tourism in Island of Martinique (West Indies). A case of study of Le Tour des Yoles and the Festive Nautical Heritage

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    Tourism in the Caribbean islands is approached mainly under the prism of the beach, the sun, with a whole series of clichés that forget the indigenous populations, their daily life, their culture and their tradition which make their identity. The tourist industry imposes itself, denying everyday life. Our study is devoted to understanding a nautical festival in Martinique (West Indies). This festival, which is part of the history of the island, endures in culture and identity. It becomes a major festive event for the destination, without being planned as a "tourist attraction". It is a tourist event that is part of a cultural continuity between the Martinicans of Martinique and the diaspora returning to the country for the holidays.Le tourisme dans les îles des Caraïbes est abordé principalement sous le prisme de la plage, du soleil, avec toute une série de clichés qui oublient les populations indigènes, leur quotidien, leur culture et leur tradition qui font leur identité. L'industrie touristique s'impose en niant le quotidien. Notre étude est consacrée à la compréhension d'une fête nautique en Martinique (Antilles). Cette fête, qui fait partie de l'histoire de l'île, perdure dans la culture et l'identité. Elle devient un événement festif majeur pour la destination, sans être envisagée comme une « attraction touristique ». C'est un événement touristique qui s'inscrit dans une continuité culturelle entre les Martiniquais de la Martinique et la diaspora de retour au pays pour les vacances

    Étudier la ville caribéenne

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    The Caribbean City is a singular object; it covers contrasting realities through composite, dense and complex territories. These urban dynamics are imposed in the disorganized spaces inserted marked by extroverted economic logics that are part of the secular history of plantation economies. Urban territories, disjointed, fragmented, juxtapose islands of wealth and pockets of poverty and exclusion.Highlighting the richness and the complexity of this field of investigation which is little studied, it is also aimed to provide a functional guide for studying the Caribbean’s city

    Study the Caribbean City

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    The Caribbean City is a singular object; it covers contrasting realities through composite, dense and complex territories. These urban dynamics are imposed in the disorganized spaces inserted marked by extroverted economic logics that are part of the secular history of plantation economies. Urban territories, disjointed, fragmented, juxtapose islands of wealth and pockets of poverty and exclusion.Highlighting the richness and the complexity of this field of investigation which is little studied, it is also aimed to provide a functional guide for studying the Caribbean’s city