560 research outputs found

    OCTAVIO PAZ NA TELEVISA: Uma análise sobre a inserção do intelectual na mídia

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    O poeta e ensaísta mexicano Octavio Paz (1914-1998), entre as décadas de 1980 e 1990, produziu e apresentou programas culturais televisivos, como Conversaciones con Octavio Paz (1984) e México en la obra de Octavio Paz (1989), para a emissora de telecomunicações Televisa. Seus programas contribuíram para fomentar a cultura mexicana e certificaram, por meio da visibilidade alcançada em seu reconhecimento massivo. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar, em específico, as relações controversas de Paz com a Televisa, bem como refletir sobre as relações de intelectuais latino-americanos com os meios de comunicação de massas


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    As dificuldades relacionadas à integração entre os países latino-americanos sempre foram, ao longo da história, uma constância. Diversos motivos - econômicos, políticos, sociais e históricos - resultaram em atitudes mútuas de indiferenças e discriminações. No entanto, a defesa da integração latino-americana ainda está em voga, principalmente entre os hispano-americanos. Quanto ao Brasil, essa defesa é ainda esporádica. Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir esse tema através das idéias de Silvio Julio de Albuquerque Lima (1895-1984), um precursor dos estudos hispanoamericanos no país. O autor em questão lutou pela aproximação dos países latinoamericanos oferecendo uma enorme resistência ao discurso nacionalista brasileiro.  

    Albumin uptake in human podocytes: a possible role for the cubilin-amnionless (CUBAM) complex

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    Abstract Albumin re-uptake is a receptor-mediated pathway located in renal proximal tubuli. There is increasing evidence of glomerular protein handling by podocytes, but little is known about the mechanism behind this process. In this study, we found that human podocytes in vitro are committed to internalizing albumin through a receptor-mediated mechanism even after exposure to low doses of albumin. We show that these cells express cubilin, megalin, ClC-5, amnionless and Dab2, which are partners in the tubular machinery. Exposing human podocytes to albumin overload prompted an increase in CUBILIN, AMNIONLESS and CLCN5 gene expression. Inhibiting cubilin led to a reduction in albumin uptake, highlighting its importance in this mechanism. We demonstrated that human podocytes are committed to performing endocytosis via a receptor-mediated mechanism even in the presence of low doses of albumin. We also disclosed that protein overload first acts on the expression of the cubilin-amnionless (CUBAM) complex in these cells, then involves the ClC-5 channel, providing the first evidence for a possible role of the CUBAM complex in albumin endocytosis in human podocytes

    Representações dissonantes de um acadêmico brasileiro sobre a América Latina

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    Este artigo apresenta análises das interpretações construídas sobre a América Latina por Silvio Julio de Albuquerque Lima (1895-1984), um precursor dos estudos acadêmicos sobre aAmérica hispânica no Brasil. Seus escritos testemunham uma militância passional e, muitas vezes, agressiva em prol do mútuo conhecimento entre os países latino-americanos. Esse aspecto contribuiu para fazer dele um intelectual dissonante entre seus contemporâneos, tanto do ponto de vista da sociabilidade e das posições ideológicas defendidas, quanto das temáticas trabalhadas.This article presents a partial analysis of the interpretations built about Latin American by Silvio Julio de Albuquerque Lima, an academic pioneer of Spanish American studies in Brazil. His written work testifies a passionate and, at times, agressive militancy towards mutual knowledge between Latin American countries. This aspect has contributed to making him an outstanding intellectual amongst his contemporaries, from the perspective of sociality and his defended ideological positions, as well as the themes involved

    Susan Sontag: Uma intelectual libertária/conservadora/radical nas Américas

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    Susan Sontag (1933-2004) was one of the most important North American public intellectuals of the twentieth century. Writer of novels and essays with dozens of translations, she has lived with expressive intellectuals and artists, including Latin Americans such as Carlos Fuentes, Octavio Paz and Julio Cortázar. In this way he sought to arouse the interest of many readers for the literary innovations produced in Latin America during the Cold War and how they were moved by the importance of thinking about political and social events resulting in an extremely instigating and difficult production to be found at the same time in the United States. This article aims to show how her relationship with some Latin American intellectuals has been established as well as to discuss the unfolding of its controversial political positions in relation with the U.S. foreign policy and the revolutionary experiences in Latin America.  Susan Sontag (1933-2004) foi uma das intelectuais públicas norte-americanas mais importantes do século XX. Escritora de romances e ensaios com dezenas de traduções, ela conviveu com expressivos intelectuais e artistas, inclusive latino-americanos, tais como Carlos Fuentes, Octavio Paz e Júlio Cortázar. Com isso buscou despertar o interesse de muitos leitores para as inovações literárias produzidas na América Latina, durante a Guerra Fria, e de que modo elas foram movidas pela urgência em pensar os acontecimentos políticos e sociais resultando em uma produção extremamente instigante e difícil de ser encontrada nessa mesma época nos Estados Unidos. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar como foram sendo estabelecidas as suas relações com alguns intelectuais latino-americanos, bem como discutir os desdobramentos de seus controversos posicionamentos políticos em relação à política externa norte-americana e as experiências revolucionárias na América Latina

    Nephrolithiasis, kidney failure and bone disorders in Dent disease patients with and without CLCN5 mutations

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    open9noDent disease (DD) is a rare X-linked recessive renal tubulopathy characterised by low-molecular-weight proteinuria (LMWP), hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis and/or nephrolithiasis. DD is caused by mutations in both the CLCN5 and OCRL genes. CLCN5 encodes the electrogenic chloride/proton exchanger ClC-5 which is involved in the tubular reabsorption of albumin and LMW proteins, OCRL encodes the inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase, and was initially associated with Lowe syndrome. In approximately 25 % of patients, no CLCN5 and OCRL mutations were detected. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether calcium phosphate metabolism disorders and their clinical complications are differently distributed among DD patients with and without CLCN5 mutations. Sixty-four male subjects were studied and classified into three groups: Group I (with CLCN5 mutations), Group II (without CLCN5 mutations) and Group III (family members with the same CLCN5 mutation). LMWP, hypercalciuria and phosphaturic tubulopathy and the consequent clinical complications nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, bone disorders, and chronic kidney disease (CKD) were considered present or absent in each patient. We found that the distribution of nephrolithiasis, bone disorders and CKD differs among patients with and without CLCN5 mutations. Only in patients harbouring CLCN5 mutations was age-independent nephrolithiasis associated with hypercalciuria, suggesting that nephrolithiasis is linked to altered proximal tubular function caused by a loss of ClC-5 function, in agreement with ClC-5 KO animal models. Similarly, only in patients harbouring CLCN5 mutations was age-independent kidney failure associated with nephrocalcinosis, suggesting that kidney failure is the consequence of a ClC-5 dysfunction, as in ClC-5 KO animal models. Bone disorders are a relevant feature of DD phenotype, as patients were mainly young males and this complication occurred independently of age. The triad of symptoms, LMWP, hypercalciuria, and nephrocalcinosis, was present in almost all patients with CLCN5 mutations but not in those without CLCN5 mutations. This lack of homogeneity of clinical manifestations suggests that the difference in phenotypes between the two groups might reflect different pathophysiological mechanisms, probably depending on the diverse genes involved. Overall, our results might suggest that in patients without CLCN5 mutations several genes instead of the prospected third DD underpin patients' phenotypes.openAnglani, Franca; D’Angelo, Angela; Bertizzolo, Luisa Maria; Tosetto, Enrica; Ceol, Monica; Cremasco, Daniela; Bonfante, Luciana; Addis, Maria Antonietta; Del Prete, DorellaAnglani, Franca; D'Angelo, Angela; Bertizzolo, Luisa Maria; Tosetto, Enrica; Ceol, Monica; Cremasco, Daniela; Bonfante, Luciana; Addis, Maria Antonietta; DEL PRETE, Dorell

    Vasos comunicantes do moderno: Octavio Paz e o surrealismo

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    O poeta e ensaísta mexicano Octavio Paz (1914-1998) teve, como se sabe, diversas influencias intelectuais, artísticas e políticas. Certamente, o surrealismo é uma das mais importantes, embora seja uma de suas “afinidades eletivas” menos estudadas. As relações entre Paz e os surrealistas, como André Breton e Luis Buñuel, se estabeleceram a partir das manifestações artísticas, mas foram aprofundadas no compartilhar de uma percepção ética e moral da sociedade. Por meio de uma análise do seu envolvimento com o surrealismo, este artigo busca discutir, em certa medida, como este movimento subversivo está presente na obra e na vida do poeta em questão

    Genetics and phenotypic heterogeneity of Dent disease: the dark side of the moon

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    Dent disease is a rare genetic proximal tubulopathy which is under-recognized. Its phenotypic heterogeneity has led to several different classifications of the same disorder, but it is now widely accepted that the triad of symptoms low-molecular-weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis/nephrolithiasis are pathognomonic of Dent disease. Although mutations on the CLCN5 and OCRL genes are known to cause Dent disease, no such mutations are found in about 25-35% of cases, making diagnosis more challenging. This review outlines current knowledge regarding Dent disease from another perspective. Starting from the history of Dent disease, and reviewing the clinical details of patients with and without a genetic characterization, we discuss the phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity that typifies this disease. We focus particularly on all those confounding clinical signs and symptoms that can lead to a misdiagnosis. We also try to shed light on a concealed aspect of Dent disease. Although it is a proximal tubulopathy, its misdiagnosis may lead to patients undergoing kidney biopsy. In fact, some individuals with Dent disease have high-grade proteinuria, with or without hematuria, as in the clinical setting of glomerulopathy, or chronic kidney disease of uncertain origin. Although glomerular damage is frequently documented in Dent disease patients' biopsies, there is currently no reliable evidence of renal biopsy being of either diagnostic or prognostic value. We review published histopathology reports of tubular and glomerular damage in these patients, and discuss current knowledge regarding the role of CLCN5 and OCRL genes in glomerular function