99 research outputs found

    Sanacija i revitalizacija drvoreda bijelog duda (Morus alba L.) na prostoru luka Vrnaža – Istočni (središnji) dio luke u Šibeniku

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    Uzgoj i primjena duda na javnim krajobraznim površinama Šibenika i okolice ima dugu tradiciju. Na više lokaliteta u županiji postoje vrijedni drvoredi ili zelenilo s dudom u sklopu javnog gradskog zelenila. Jedan vrijedni sklop zelenila i drvored s dudom se nalazi i na prostoru luke Vrnaža – Istočni (središnji) dio luke u Šibeniku, tj. ex. Palacin u Mandalini. Svi poslovi vezano za valorizaciju i inventarizaciju drvoreda bijelog duda (Morus alba L.) obavljeni su tijekom lipnja 2018. godine. U okviru rada/studije popisane su vrste duda, evidentirano je njihovo sadašnje stanje, estetske i funkcionalne vrijednosti kao i povijesni dio vezan za nastanak navedenog drvoreda. Cilj ove studije je dati prikaz stanja u cilju buduće sanacije i revitalizacije prostora. Rezultati su pokazali da su analizirana stabla duda na istočnom parkingu Vrnaža osrednjeg vitaliteta s vidljivim pojavama bolesti na deblu, granama i lišću, osim drvoreda s lijeve strane ulaza. Stabla su uglavnom slične životne dobi (70 – 75 godina) s visinom od 15 do 20 m. Ovaj "stari" drvored murvi je potrebno sačuvati i zaštiti zbog autentičnosti, a stabla su vrijedna i kao spomenici parkovne arhitekture

    Colutea arborescens (L.) – A species for burned areas and Mediterranean pastures

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    Stočarska proizvodnja na našim krškim pašnjacima orijentirana je na ovčarsto, a u novije vrijeme i na pčelarsku proizvodnju. Porodica Fabaceae igra značajnu ulogu za navedene gospodarske grane. Kod gospodarenja mediteranskih pašnjaka najbolji rezultati su dobiveni ako se pravilna ispaša kombinira s gnojidbom. Na Mediteranu može biti vrlo vrijedna i pčelinja paša. Colutea arborescens - pucavac je samonikla trajnica porijeklom s Mediterana. To je listopadni grm visok od 2 do 4 metra s vitkim i uspravnim izbojcima. Ova leguminoza pokazuje učinkovitost u rastu novih izboja nakon rezidbe te ima veliku važnost u zaštiti tla od erozije vodom, a dobra je i za pošumljavanja područja nakon požara. Sjeme joj klija u roku od 1 do 2 tjedna i klijanci brzo rastu. Pucavac se može razmnožavati i reznicama. U radu su prikazane biološke, ekološke i gospodarske vrijednosti navedene vrste.Animal husbandry on Croatian karst pastures primarily focuses on sheep husbandry and more recently on beekeeping. The Fabaceae family plays an important role in the above mentioned economic branches. This is the third highest ranked family according to species abundance (18,000 described species). The stems of specific species from this family can be ligneous (woody), herbaceous, or twining. Various interventions are required in order to increase their amounts on pastures, including the use of fertilisers, primarily through the use of phosphate fertilisers, sowing, planting (particularly the ligneous species), and field burning. In most cases, the best results are achieved when proper grazing is combined with fertilisers. The Colutea genus consists of around 26 species of deciduous shrubs or small trees, with a distribution range from the Mediterranean region and Southeast Europe to Northwest Africa and the Western Himalayas. C. Arborescens – Bladder Senna is a wild perennial plant that originates from the Mediterranean. Its closest kin is the Greek Bladder Senna (Colutea cilica). The Colutea genus contains various shrubs, and they were given their common name because of their large puffy fruits. The largest quantities of this plant can be found in Southern and Central Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa. Bladder Senna (Colutea arborescens L.) is a deciduous shrub between 2 and 4 metres high with slender and straight shoots. Its few flowers (butterfly-shaped) are yellow and are located in the axils of the leaves grouped into clusters. It blooms during the period from May to August. The fruit includes up to 30 bladder-like hard greyish-black seeds. It grows on degraded stony soils, pastures, coppices, and on forest edges. For the nursery production of plants, the Bladder Senna seeds are stratified and sown in spring. They germinate within 1 to 2 weeks and the seedlings grow fast. Bladder Senna may also be propagated by cuttings. Summer (green) cuttings need to treated with IBA. This leguminous plant shows great effectiveness in the growth of new sprouts after cutting, its importance is immense in the protection of soil against erosion by water, and it is also useful for afforestation after a forest fire. In ecological animal husbandry, Bladder Senna can be used as an alternative fodder and hence wild plants can be protected, primarily in locations where the natural vegetation is quickly destroyed. It is a melliferous species. Scarcely any research has been completed concerning the use of Bladder Senna in forest melioration, both in Croatia and at the global level. Various technologies can be used and modified in accordance with related herbaceous and woody species from the family of leguminous plants. This survey presents the biological, ecological, and economic values of the species in question


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    Ocimum basilicum L. (basil) is an herbaceous annual species. For sale, basil is grown as fresh, dried, frozen or in the form of essential oils. In addition to the above-mentioned, basil is also an ornamental species that is mostly used as a potted plant or aromatic species cultivated in private gardens. The stem is herbaceous, erect and 40-60 cm in height. Flowering begins in the middle of the sixth month and lasts about two months. Mentha x piperita L. (peppermint) is an ornamental, perennial, medicinal, aromatic and honey-bearing species with a branched stem of 40 to 100 cm in height. It is used fresh, dried, or in the form of essential oils. The peppermint leaves are of dark green in colour, serrated, pointed, opposite positioned and oval in shape. The plant blooms from June to October. The paper also contains results of a survey whose goal was to investigate the perception and attitudes of respondents about the ornamental characteristics, and also the applications of different cultivars and varieties of basil and peppermint. The survey was conducted during the first half of 2022. When it comes to ornamental characteristics, respondents do prefer cultivars with a "more special" appearance of leaves and flowers. The decorative characteristics and application of basil and peppermint plants were regarded with very good marks. Maintaining the species in private gardens is mostly perceived as easy

    Mr. sc. Milivoj Blažević, hrvatski arhivist i povjesničar - povodom 65. godine života

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    Prikaz znanstvenog opusa Milivoja Glavaša


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    Parkovni i slični prostori oduvijek su građanima pružali neposredan kontakt s prirodom i održavanje društvenih odnosa u većoj ili manjoj mjeri ovisno o funkciji ili namjeni. Odabir biljnih vrsta i prikladno parkovno uređenje zasigurno ima utjecaj na boravak korisnika u njima. Primjer toga je i centralni šibenski perivoj, koji je zbog svoje krajobrazne atraktivnosti imao značajnu društvenu ulogu među stanovništvom Šibenika u razdoblju 1900.-1970. Terenskim istraživanjem i istraživanjem literaturnih izvora vezanih uz povijesne podatke o gradovima Šibeniku i Kninu u radu su prezentirana društvena ponašanja posjetitelja javnih zelenih površina. Suvremeno oblikovane zelene površine novih blokovskih naselja pružaju velike mogućnosti za društveno povezivanje, naročito su korisne za mlađu i stariju populaciju. Anketnim istraživanjem je utvrđen pozitivan utjecaj dendroloških vrsta i krajobraznog uređenja na boravak. Zelene površine je potrebno bolje održavati i promovirati u cilju privlačenja većeg broja korisnika.Parks and similar areas have always offered the cizizens immediate contact with nature stimulating their social activities to a greater or lesser extent depending on the function or purpose. The choice of plant species and suitable park planning surely influence the users staying in them. An example is the central Šibenik park, which due to its attractiveness in the landscape held a . significant social role for the citizens of Šibenik in the period between the years 1900 and 1970. Field research and the research on literary sources connected to historical data on the cities of Šibenik and Knin present in this paper social behaviour of the visitors to public green areas. Contemporary green areas in new urban blocks offer great opportunities for social connections, especially useful for the younger generations as well as the elderly. Survey research has determined a positive influence of dendrological species and landscaping on the visitors\u27 stay. Green areas should be better maintained and promoted in order to attract a larger number of users

    Internacionalizacija poslovanja poduzeća

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    Domaća tržišta u većini su slučajeva premalena za ekspanziju, odnosno za rast profitabilnosti te se poduzeća okreću stranim tržištima. Proces internacionalizacije nije jednostavan i često je otežan zbog mnogobrojnih različitosti. Proces internacionalizacije poslovanja poduzeća iznimno je bitan korak u razvoju istog te je u tom slučaju potrebno napraviti detaljnu analizu potencijalnih zemalja. Cilj ovog rada je objasniti proces internacionalizacije poduzeća, odnosno ulazak na strana tržišta