8 research outputs found

    Escape rooms con perspectiva interdisciplinaria y de colaboración

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    Foreign language teaching should always be interwoven with new technologies and new advances that are proposed in the education world and they should include some of the current challenges that are not always obvious in classes. The three challenges that this paper aims to explore are the emotional aspect, the limited connexion among foreign language teaching and the rest of subjects and competitiveness among students. As a proposal to aim these objectives, we will propose for high school students “escape rooms” as they have been considered a powerful tool in education. However, the new element that we would like to incorporate in this educational experience is the creation of an “escape room” along with teachers from other subjects. The results showed students eager to participate and really focused on the fulfilment of each activity. They were able to revise different subjects while using English as the main language.La enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras debería estar siempre unida a las nuevas tecnologías y nuevos avances que se proponen en el mundo de la educación y deberían incluir algunos retos actuales que no siempre están presentes en las clases. Los tres retos que este artículo explora son el aspecto emocional, la escasa conexión de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras con otras asignaturas y la competitividad entre alumnos. Como propuesta para conseguir estos objetivos, proponemos para alumnos de instituto las “escape rooms” consideradas como herramienta poderosa en educación, incorporando como nuevo elemento su elaboración junto con los profesores que imparten otras materias. Los resultados mostraron estudiantes deseosos de participar y muy concentrados en cada actividad. Pudieron revisar distintas asignaturas al mismo tiempo que utilizaban como lengua principal el inglés

    Resistencia ante las políticas de igualdad de género en el sector español de la ingeniería de edificación

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    Among all the industrial activities being developed around the world, the construction sector is certainly the most male-dominated sector. For this reason, this project analyzes the opinion regarding gender equality held by workers in this sector in Spain. In order to accomplish this goal, a web survey of 1353 building engineers across the country has been conducted (48.7% men, 51.3% women), which makes it the biggest sample analyzed to date. The results show men, older workers, self-employed, and workers having higher levels of revenues in the construction sector as those with the most unfavorable attitude towards gender equality in the profession. These results also reveal the groups where it is most needed to implement awareness-raising actions in order for the gender equality policies to be successful in the Building Engineering sector in Spain.Entre todas las actividades industriales que se desarrollan en todo el mundo, el sector de la construcción es sin duda el sector más masculinizado. Por ello, en esta investigación se analiza la opinión relativa a la igualdad de género que poseen trabajadores/as de este sector en España. Para lograr este objetivo, se realizó una encuesta web a 1353 ingenieros/as de la construcción en todo el país (48,7% hombres, 51,3% mujeres). Los resultados muestran que los varones, los trabajadores de mayor edad, los autónomos y los trabajadores con mayores niveles de ingresos en el sector son los que tienen la actitud más desfavorable hacia la igualdad de género en la profesión. Estos resultados también permite vislumbrar en qué colectivos se necesita, con mayor urgencia, implementar acciones de sensibilización para que las políticas de igualdad de género tengan éxito en el sector de la ingeniería de la edificación en España

    Language behavior, cultures and identities in migrants living in Madrid

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    Bilingualism is considered to be a key to success and the fact of speaking more than one language seems an advantage for those who are able to use several languages. However, in the migration context, a new language gains ground whereas another one, the immigrants’ mother tongue, is sidelined. Individuals face at a gradual loss of language, or in other words, attrition. Hence, this paper tries to characterize the immigrants’ language performance and their opinion about this possible ‘loss’ of their mother tongue after having been living abroad for several years. Considering language as a marker of culture and identity, these two aspects could not be separated from language. It is through language that individuals communicate and culture is transmitted so this relationship seems obvious to us. Regarding identity, it is through identification marks that identity is more visible and language is one of the most visible aspects of identification. Therefore, this study examines and compares the language behavior, culture and identity of immigrants living in Madrid. Spain has recently moved from being a country of emigration to being a country of immigration and its situation with reference to migration has drastically changed. The population referred to in this article is the city of Madrid. This city proved relevant not only for being the capital of Spain but, most importantly, for being among the cities with the largest rates of immigration in the country. Faced with the impossibility of reaching all minorities, this study zoomed in the nationalities with a higher percentage of migrants, that is, Romania and Morocco. Focusing on these two nationalities (although some other African nationalities will also appear because of linguistic problems in Africa), we could recruit a number of 100 people who were personally interviewed by the author of the present paper. In-depth personal interviews conducted between June 2015 and March 2016 have provided with the history of language acquisition, language use as well as individuals attitudes towards culture and identity. As an indicator of overall language proficiency, formal material such as a C-test and a verbal fluency task were gathered. A retelling task was also performed as informal material. The broad picture seems to indicate an own culture and own language oriented in Africans, what it means that maintaining the mother tongue and culture for them is noticeably more important as a symbol of identity than for other nationalities. Nonetheless, Romanian population trends towards a more visible mix of cultures due to the fact that their culture is quite similar to the Spanish one

    Atrición lingüística, ¿término correcto para este “nuevo” fenómeno lingüístico?

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    Linguistics covers a wide range of phenomena that evolve at the same speed that languages do. Some linguistic phenomena such as the attrition have been confused with other phenomena and have received different names due to the contact with other languages. For this reason, a thorough study about this phenomenon deems suitable. This encompasses: the choice of the word atrición as the translation of attrition, its definition, the circumstances needed for attrition to happen, the different types of attrition and a comparison of attrition with other linguistic phenomena. This exploration concludes with the fact that attrition is the correct term as it perfectly defines this linguistic phenomenon that, not being a new phenomenon, it is increasingly topical due to migration and globalization

    New approaches to learning and assessing through escape rooms in English and Sciences areas = Nuevos enfoques para aprender y evaluar con "escape rooms" en las áreas de inglés y ciencias

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    AbstractSome of the current and ongoing challenges ahead in the teaching of English in science areas include the competitiveness among students and the traditional ways to assess their progress. As a proposal in order to meet these goals, we advocate escape rooms that have been considered as a powerful tool in education. However, we want to incorporate a new element in this educational experience. Students do not have to “play” an escape room but to “create” an escape room. Throughout the creation of the escape room, students had to rely on their group members as there were some tasks that not everybody in the group knew how to solve. That emphasized the teamwork and cooperation rather than competitiveness. Students were revising all the knowledge learnt in different subjects to be able to create the tasks for the escape room and this helped us to assess the understanding of the content. Results showed creativity, collaboration, problem solving and critical thinking at the same time that the challenges and objectives established were completely met.ResumenAlgunos de los retos actuales en la enseñanza del inglés en las materias de ciencias incluyen la competitividad entre los estudiantes y la manera tradicional de evaluar su progreso. Como propuesta para conseguir estos objetivos, proponemos las “escape rooms” consideradas como herramienta poderosa en educación. Sin embargo, el nuevo elemento que nosotros incorporamos a esta experiencia educativa no es que los alumnos “jueguen” sino que “creen” una “escape room”. A lo largo de la creación de la “escape room”, los estudiantes tuvieron que confiar en los miembros de su grupo ya que había tareas que no todos los componentes del grupo sabían cómo resolver. Esto manifestó el trabajo en equipo y la cooperación más que la competitividad. Los estudiantes revisaron todo el conocimiento aprendido en diferentes asignaturas para poder crear las tareas de la “escape room” y esto nos ayudó a evaluar el entendimiento del contenido. Los resultados mostraron creatividad, colaboración, resolución de problemas y pensamiento crítico al mismo tiempo que los retos y objetivos establecidos para esta experiencia educativa se cumplieron en su totalidad

    Inductive method for the orientation of steel fibers in recycled mortars

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    Mortars elaborated with recycled aggregates raise two main difficulties: lower mechanical strengths and higher shrinkage compared to traditional mortars. For this reason, fibers were used to improve the properties. Steel fibers are the most employed for their ferromagnetic qualities, what helps to orient them influenced by magnetic field. This paper argues how recycled mortars with steel fiber oriented under the influence of 500 mT field reach flexural strengths 10% higher than those with non-oriented fibers. Thus, mechanical strengths are closer to traditional mortars. Inclusion of fibers in mortar is suitable for obtaining shrinkage values similar to those obtained in traditional mortars

    Verbeia: Journal of english and spanish studies Nº2

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    Verbeia nace con la finalidad de contagiarnos con la pasión de la Filología. Durante este año hemos crecido, nuestro Comité Científico aumenta y con él las esperanzas de estabilidad. Todos sabemos lo que cuesta llegar hasta aquí, y hoy llegamos con artículos escritos por profesores e investigadores de distintas universidades del planeta

    Propuesta de innovación docente para Filología: programa de inclusión del alumnado en la investigación universitaria y la adquisición de experiencias científicas y formativas

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    El presente proyecto busca satisfacer la creciente voluntad de participación del alumnado en los procesos y ámbitos académicos profesionales, dinamizando su interacción con el cuerpo docente, así como la apertura de horizontes laborales a nivel universitario. Se incentivará el aprendizaje y la producción personal del alumno mediante la adición de vías participativas más allá de las curriculares, y se reforzará el funcionamiento de aquéllas merced al desarrollo de metodologías donde sus actividades investigadoras y creativas encuentren una respuesta y supervisión más inmediata del profesorado. Estas iniciativas pavimentarán las futuras incursiones académicas del alumno que desee realizarlas y supondrán una mejora en los planteamientos teóricos y prácticos del que participan el resto y constituyen una preparación para un desempeño docente de calidad en el futuro. Es un proyecto que emana de iniciativas ya existentes tanto entre el alumnado como entre el cuadro docente; sus repercusiones, aunque académicas, son eminentemente prácticas, en tanto que revitalizan la utilidad intelectual, personal y académica del grado y conectan los conocimientos de éste con las ramificaciones que un personal docente transversal es capaz de ofrecer.Depto. de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y LiteraturaDepto. de Estudios Románicos, Franceses, Italianos y TraducciónFac. de FilologíaFALSEsubmitte