70 research outputs found

    Monitoring and Prediction of the Liquid Steel Temperature in the Ladle and Tundish

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    This article is focused on the description of the main features of an online system for the real time monitoring and prediction of the liquid steel temperature in the ladle and tundish. Monitoring and prediction are based on a combination of analytical and statistical methods. Thus e.g., the temperature profiles of the walls are calculated using multi-layer implicit difference scheme taking into account the current temperature of the steel, preheating of the ladle and/or tundish, properties of the refractories, etc. Liquid steel temperatures are calculated from the heat balance of the heat fluxes into the walls and other losses. The influences of all the processes in the secondary metallurgy are taken into account in this system too. The liquid steel temperature prediction is being made continuously during the processing of steel from the LD converter to the continuous casting

    Reputation Management

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    The problem of building a reputation in the traditional brick-and-mortar world has been known for centuries; we know how to build a good reputation, or more precisely how to help in building a good reputation. Even if we are a target of various half-truths and slanders, we are aware that if they are only spoken words, their durability over time is quickly fleeting. However, written text is different from spoken words; its life durability over time is much longer. In our chapter, we bring the overview of what happens if we must suddenly face the problem of building and maintaining a good reputation in the virtual world of the Internet. Thus, the objective of this chapter is to summarize and present the state of the art in the field of reputation; it consists of the definition of basic terminology and then offers the well-arranged theoretical determination of the problem of reputation in both the traditional brick-and-mortar and virtual world

    Development of enlightenment and adult education in Czechoslovakia in 1918-1938

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    Autor se v této rigorózní práci zabývá historickým tématem vývoje československé lidovýchovy v letech 1918 - 1938. Tento segment si autor vybral s ohledem pro své zaujetí historií všeobecně. Předmětem práce je hlavně oblast občanské lidovýchovy, tedy ta část lidovýchovy, která byla podporována a ovlivňována státem za účelem udržení jednoty a celistvosti republiky rozvojem občanského uvědomění. Práce je podepřena množstvím historického empirického materiálu, získaného v rozličných knihovnách a archivech. Mnohé archivní materiály se ovšem nedochovaly, a proto se autor musel opírat hlavně o dobovou literaturu, dobový tisk a dobovou statistiku. Prameny byly vybírány tak, aby odrážely veškeré tehdejší hlavní názorové a politické spektrum. Tím je dána politicko názorová důvěryhodnost této práce. Práce je pojata z několika úhlů, a to z úhlu sociálně-kulturního, ve kterém je předkládán občanský a institucionální vývoj společnosti a jeho vliv na lidovýchovu, dále úhlu hospodářského, ve kterém je předkládáno ovlivňování lidovýchovy ekonomikou, a hlavně z úhlu historického, ve kterém je předkládán celkový vývoj státem podporované lidovýchovy. V rozsahu, daném touto prací, se autor nemohl věnovat lidovýchově postavené např. na bázi spolkové, bázi církevní, politicko stavovské apod. Protože v této práci autor klade...This meticulously written paper involves certain parts of the problems of national education in the period of the first Czechoslovak Republic, Le. in the period from 1918 - 1938. In view of the fact that the complex conception of national education of this period is a highly extensive subject, the author focuses not only on the public (state and common) side of the development of national education in the first republic from the aspect of state civic and political education. He also interprets this area of his interest from a historical, economic and socio-cultural angle. The author presents an outline of successes and problems while creating an integrated, stateguaranteed and financed system of national education work against the background of the historic-political and economic development of the republic. Firstly, the author deals with the general aspects of education and the education of adults placing emphasis on a brief summary of the demographic, national and social status of citizens after the establishment of the independent Czechoslovak Republic in 1918. He also deals with issues associated with the development of education and the education of adults prior to the establishment of the first Czechoslovak Republic. The author also deals in detail with national educational laws ba sed on the sources...Department of Adult Education and Personnel ManagementKatedra andragogiky a personálního řízeníFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Electronic realization of the fractional-order systems

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    This article is devoted to the electronic (analogue) realization of the fractional-order systems – controllers or controlled objects whose we earlier used, identified, and analyzed as a mathematical models only ��� namely a fractional-order differential equation, and solved numerically using a method based on the truncated version of the Grunwald - Letnikov formula for fractional derivative. The electronic realization of the fractional derivative is based on the continued fraction expansion of the rational approximation of the fractional differentiator from which we obtained the values of the resistors and capacitors of the electronic circuit. Along with the mathematical description are presented also simulation and measurement results

    Control quality enhancement by fractional order controllers

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    Príspevok sa zaoberá regulátormi neceločíselného rádu. Uvádza matematický popis neceločíselných regulátorov a metódy ich návrhu. Kvalita a robustnosť regulátorov neceločíselného rádu je porovnaná s klasickými celočíselnými regulátormi. Pre pouitie regulátorov neceločíselného rádu je uvedený prísluný algoritmus

    Analysis of the Parameter of the Electro-discharge Texturing

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    This paper deals with analysis of the electro discharge texturing (EDT) parameter impact to micro-geometry of the cylinder surface. Micro-geometry of the cylinder surface results has significant influence to final quality of rolled metal plate used to different industry. Micro-geometry evaluate is based on measurement of the surface roughness average (Ra) and peak count (Pc). In this paper is evaluated electro discharge texturing parameters and their impact to Ra and Pc. From the measured values follow that value of the texturing current, impulse on-time and impulse off-time most influence to Ra and Pc. In this paper is described design, realization and results of the model for estimation of the texturing current, impulse time and technological pause for Ra or Pc required value

    Kontrola kvalitete elektroerozijske teksture

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    This paper deals with quality control of the electro-discharge texturing. Automobile manufacturers have strict requirements for micro-geometry parameters of rolled metal plates from contractors of body sheet metal. The micro-geometry of the roll surface has significant influence on the final quality of the rolled metal plate. In this paper electro-discharge texturing parameters are analyzed, for example, the texturing current, impulse time, technological pause, and their impact to roughness average and peak counts. Quality control is discussed based on mathematical model for estimating the texturing current, impulse time, and technological pause for roughness average or peak counts required value.Rad opisuje kontrolu kvalitete elektroerozijske teksture. Proizvođači automobila postavljaju prema dobavljačima lima za karoserije stroge zahtjeve za parametre mikrogeometrije valjanih limova. Mikrogeometrija valjane površine ima značajan utjecaj na završnu kvalitetu valjanih limova. U ovom su radu analizirani parametri elektrolizijske teksture, npr., jakost struje, trajanje impulsa, tehnološka pauza i utjecaj na prosječnu hrapavost i broj vrhova. Kontrola kvalitete se razmatra na osnovu matematičkog modela za procjenu jakosti struje, trajanja impulsa i tehnološke pauze za zahtjevanu hrapavost i broj vrhova

    The Proposal for optimization the kinetics of the process the caustification of magnesite

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    The theme of this article is to establish a basis for a physical model of optimization the kinetics of the process caustification (firing).In developing the mathematical model were used available data on the subject. The experimental part was carried out in order to findthe optimal state of firing caustic magnesite at a given temperature and its reactivity to fast speed rotary kiln (FSRK) and the integratedthermal unit (ITA). Both facilities are located in SMZ a.s Jelšava. In this article are only data related to spent magnesite for FSRK

    Učinkovito korištenje Facebooka od strane malih i srednjih poduzeća u Slovačkoj

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    Purpose – The aim of this study was to identify and then interpret the basic preconditions for effective use of the social networking site Facebook as a marketing communication platform for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in a selected Central European market. Design/Methodology/Approach – In order to achieve the objective, as well as partial targets, this contribution can be seen as a summary of two autonomous and extensive analyses. The context necessary for the fulfillment of the main objective was analyzed based on secondary data on hundreds of company profiles (of local SMEs, operating predominantly in the service sector and conducting their business activities in a business-to-consumer (B2C) environment) managed by a specific marketing agency operating on the Slovak market. The collected data were subsequently subjected to a thorough statistical testing based on monitored parameters. Findings and implications – From the perspective of the main findings, basic recommendations for the efficient use of selected marketing communication tools on the social networking site Facebook are described in terms of improving the expected user interactions. Limitations – We consider the mainly local nature of the data sources to be the biggest limitation in the research process. Due to the local nature of this study, however, this limitation has no significant effect on the quality of the research. Originality – The findings and information presented in this contribution can help improve our understanding of issues related to the effective implementation of resources (time and finances) by entities using selected marketing tools, particularly marketing communication in the context of the social networking site Facebook for the purpose of promotion and branding.Svrha – Cilj istraživanja bio je identificirati i interpretirati osnovne preduvjete za učinkovito korištenje društvene mreže Facebook kao marketinške komunikacijske platforme malih i srednjih poduzeća koja posluju na odabranom tržištu Srednje Europe. Metodološki pristup – Kako bi se postigli opći i pojedinačni ciljevi, na ovaj se rad može gledati kao na zbroj dviju odvojenih i ekstenzivne analize. Kontekst potreban za ispunjenje glavnog cilja analiziran je na osnovi sekundarnih podataka o stotinama profila poduzeća (lokalnih malih i srednjih poduzeća koja pretežno posluju u uslužnom sektoru i provode poslovne aktivnosti na tržištu krajnje potrošnje) kojima upravlja marketinška agencija koja posluje na tržištu Slovačke. Prikupljeni su podaci zatim podvrgnuti temeljitom statističkom testiranju promatranih parametara. Rezultati i implikacije – Iz perspektive glavnih nalaza istraživanja, opisane su osnovne preporuke za učinkovito korištenje odabranih marketinških komunikacijskih alata na društvenoj mreži Facebook u pogledu poboljšanja očekivane interakcije s korisnicima. Ograničenja – Najvećim ograničenjem istraživanja mogu se smatrati izvori podataka uglavnom lokalne naravi. Upravo zbog lokalne prirode istraživanja ovo ograničenje nema značajan učinak na kvalitetu samog istraživanja. Doprinos – Rezultati i informacije prikazani u ovom radu mogu doprinijeti poboljšanju razumijevanja pitanja povezanih s učinkovitom implementacijom resursa (vremenskih i financijskih) od strane subjekata koji koriste odabrane marketinške alate, posebice marketinšku komunikaciju u kontekstu društvene mreže Facebook, u svrhu promocije i upravljanja markom