42 research outputs found

    Physical Activity and Natural Anti-VIP Antibodies: Potential Role in Breast and Prostate Cancer Therapy

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    BACKGROUND: There is convincing evidence from numerous clinical and epidemiological studies that physical activity can reduce the risk for breast and prostate cancer. The biological mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain elusive. Herein we suggest a role for naturally produced antibodies reactive with the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in the suppression of breast and prostate cancer, which we believe could offer a possible molecular mechanism underlying control of these cancers by physical exercise. METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS: We found that sera from individuals having breast and prostate cancers have decreased titers of VIP natural antibodies as demonstrated by a lower reactivity against peptide NTM1, having similar informational and structural properties as VIP. In contrast, sera collected from elite athletes, exhibited titers of natural NTM1-reactive antibodies that are significantly increased, suggesting that physical activity boosts production of these antibodies. SIGNIFICANCE: Presented results suggest that physical exercise stimulates production of natural anti-VIP antibodies and likely results in suppression of VIP. This, in turn, may play a protective role against breast and prostate cancers. Physical exercise should be further investigated as a potential tool in the treatment of these diseases

    Normativno-selekcioni kriterijum za procenu bazično motoričkog statusa kandidata za prijem na studije Kriminalističko-policijske akademije u Beogradu

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    System of selection for the Academy for Criminalistic and Police Studies (KPA) in Belgrade is projected as a four-dimension model. On the hindmost level, candidates for the KPA are under the estimation of level of development of Basic Motorical Ability (BMS). The estimation of BMS was performed by test method, in which two variables were used for defining the morphologic space, and seven variables for defining motoric (physical ability) space. The aim of this research was to define normative selection criterion for the estimation BMS status of male and female candidates applying for KPA, using as the methods for calculating the general level of development of BMS. Research has been carried out on the basis of the data analysis of BMS status for previous seven generations of KPA candidates. The sample included 3563 subjects, among whom there were 2961 males and 602 females. The results of this research point out to indispensability of changing the requirements regarding points as the selection criterion of candidates for the first year of studies at KPA in Belgrade, which should be done in the following way: 1) if the curriculum for Special Physical Education (SFO) is projected for the duration of eight terms, point-based selection criterion for the first year students should be positioned on the level of general methodological standard or 33,33 ‰ percentile distribution. In such a case, the selection criterion from the BMS aspect should be 8,77 points for males, and 8,48 points for females; 2) if the educational concept of the subject SFO retains its current two-semester status within the KPA curriculum, it is advisable to harmonize norms with European and worldwide trends for two-term syllabuses. In this case, we suggest that the selection criteria should be defined for specific police purposes, i.e. on the level of 40,0 ‰ percentile distribution. Thus the limit for accepting candidates with respect to BMS should amount to 9,36 points for males, and 9,08 points for females.Sistem selekcije za upis na Kriminalističko-policijsku akademiju (KPA) u Beogradu je projektovan kao četvorodimenzionalni model. Na poslednjem nivou, kandidati za upis prolaze kroz procenu nivoa razvijenosti bazično-motoričkih sposobnosti (BMS). Procena se vrši metodom testiranja, od kojih dve varijable služe za definisanje morfološkog prostora, a sedam varijabli za definisanje motoričkog prostora. Cilj ovog istraživanja je definisanje dijagnostičke osnove normativno-selekcionog kriterija za procenu BMS statusa kandidata i kandidatkinja za upis na KPA, po metodu procene generalnog nivoa razvijenosti BMS-a. Istraživanje je izvršeno na osnovu analize podataka za proveru BMS statusa sa prijemnog ispita za upis sedam generacija. U ukupnom uzorku je bilo 3563 ispitanika i to - 2961 muškaraca i 602 devojke. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na potrebu korigovanja aktuelnog bodovnog kriterija selekcije kandidata za upis na prvu godinu studija KPA u Beogradu i to na sledeći način: 1) u slučaju da se predmet Specijalno fizičko obrazovanje, na generalnom nivou plana i program studija KPA projektuje u trajanju od osam semestra, bodovni selekcioni kriterijum za upis na prvu godinu potrebno je pozicionirati na nivou opšteg metodološkog standarda, odnosno na nivo 33,33 ‰ percentilne distribucije. U tom slučaju predlaže se da selekcioni kriterijum sa aspekta BMS bi trebalo da bude: 8,77 bodova za kandidate, i 8,48 bodova za kandidatkinje; 2) u slučaju da se edukativni koncept predmeta SFO zadrži na postojećem dvogodišnjem planu i programu KPA, poželjno je da se normativi usklade sa evropskim i svetskim projekcijama za dvo semestralni fond na- stave. U tom slučaju predlažemo da selekcioni kriterijumi budu definisani na nivou specifičnih potreba policije, tj. na 40,0 ‰ percentilu distribucije. U tom slučaju kriterijum prihvatanja kandidata sa aspekta BMS, trebalo bi da budu: 9,36 bodova za kandidate, i 9,08 bodova za kandidatkinje

    Kvalitet života i depresija starih osoba koje se bave fizičkom aktivnošću

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    Backgroung/Aim. Since the number of elderly persons is gradually increasing worldwide, there is a need to identify the factors that affect the quality of healthy ageing. On the other hand, depression is the most common psychiatric disorder in the elderly and one of the most serious health problems that modern society is facing. Considering the importance of physical activity for healthy ageing, the question is whether there are differences in quality of life and depression in the elderly in relation to the certain characteristics of physical activities practicing. Methods. Differences in the quality of life and occurrence of depression in elderly were examined in relation to duration of a single training session and frequency of physical activities per week. This non-experimental, descriptive and comparative cross-sectional study involved a total of 188 persons aged 65-84 years, where 90 persons are engaged in a physical activity while 98 persons are not. The Older People's Quality of Life Questionnaire and the Geriatric Depression Scale were used. Results. Statistically significant difference was found in the following domains of quality of life: health, social relationships and psychological and emotional well-being as well as in the total score of quality of life and in the occurrence of depression. The highest values of quality of life and the lowest level of depression manifestation were observed in the group of persons whose single training session lasted for 60 minutes, and in the group of persons engaged in a physical activity twice a week. Conclusion. The main finding indicates that the differences in the duration of a single training session and the frequency of physical activities per week reflect on the overall quality of life, individual domains of quality of life and the occurrence of depression in the elderly persons.Uvod/Cilj. S obzirom na to da se poslednjih decenija broj starih osoba u svetu postepeno povećava, postoji potreba za pronalaženjem faktora koji utiču na kvalitet zdravog starenja. S druge strane, depresija je najčešći psihijatrijski poremećaj kod starih osoba i jedan od najozbiljnijih zdravstvenih problema sa kojima se savremeno društvo suočava. Razmatrajući značaj fizičke aktivnosti za zdravo starenje, postavlja se pitanje da li postoje razlike u kvalitetu života i pojavi depresije kod starih osoba u odnosu na određene karakteristike bavljenja fizičkim aktivnostima. Metode. Razlike u kvalitetu života i pojavi depresije kod starih osoba su ispitane u odnosu na trajanje pojedinačnog treninga i učestalost bavljenja fizičkim aktivnostima na nedeljnom nivou. U ovoj neeksperimentalnoj, deskriptivnoj i komparativnoj studiji poprečnog preseka učestvovalo je 188 osoba starosti od 65 do 84 godina života, i to 90 osoba koje se bave i 98 osoba koje se ne bave fizičkom aktivnošću. Primenjene su Skala kvaliteta života starih ljudi i Gerijatrijska skala depresije. Rezultati. Statistički značajna razlika uočena je u sledeć im domenima kvaliteta života: zdravlje, socijalni odnosi i psihičko i emocionalno blagostanje, kao i u ukupnom skoru kvaliteta života i pojavi depresije. Najviše vrednosti kvaliteta života i najniži stepen ispoljavanja depresije zabeleženi su u grupi osoba čiji pojedinačni trening trajao je 60 minuta ili koji su vežbali dva puta nedeljno. Zaključak. Glavni nalaz ove studije pokazuje da se razlike u trajanju pojedinačnog treninga i u učestalosti bavljenja fizičkim aktivnostima na nedeljnom nivou odražavaju na ukupan kvalitet života, na pojedine domene kvaliteta života i na pojavu depresije kod starijh osoba

    Prediction of 100 m front crawl performance through anthropometrical characteristics in youth Greek swimmers according to gender

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    Aim. Investigate the predictive relationship between 100 m front crawl swimming performance of youth swimmers and anthropometric characteristics. Materials and methods. Fifty-one active athletes (n = 30 male and n = 21 female) participated in the research and for the purposes of the analysis were divided into two categories (13-15 years n = 32, and 16-18 years old, n = 19). The following anthropometric data were used as set of predictive variables (7 longitudinal, 7 skinfolds, 3 circumference and 1 voluminosity variables). Results. One prediction model for each gender and age group emerged. The percentage of the explained variance of the dependent variable (100 m front crawl performance time) is 84.6 %, 54.4 %, 71.1 % and 72.7 % respectively for male, female, youth and cadet swimmers. The significant variables for each model were: arm span, biceps skinfold, biceps bracchi circumference in contraction for male swimmers, sitting height for female swimmers, biceps bracchi circumference in contraction and body weight for youth swimmers, triceps skinfold and biceps bracchi circumference in contraction for cadet swimmers. Conclusion. Youth swimmers' performance can be predicted by important anthropometric parameters. © 2019 Human Sport Medicine.All rights reserved