140 research outputs found

    Inequality in the global prevalence of HIV based on the human development index

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    Introduction: Burden of HIV and AIDS is considerably different among regions and countries of the world. The aim of this study was to assess of inequality in the prevalence of HIV, according to human development index among countries of the world. Methods: In this study the desired outcome was prevalence of HIV, which estimated in 100 countries in 2012. The annual report of UNAIDS was used for prevalence of HIV in countries. Also, we used data for the human development index of the countries from UNDP. We defined inequality of human development index in the prevalence of HIV by using the concentration index. Results: Concentration index for prevalence of HIV among 25-49 years adults was -0.217574 (95 CI: -0.07422, -0.361125). This index indicated the inequality in the prevalence of HIV base on the human development index and concentrating more HIV subjects in poor countries. Also concentration indexes in the prevalence of HIV among young males and females were 0.229920 and -0.200014 respectively. Conclusion: Results of this study emphasized on inequality in the prevalence of HIV and concentration HIV in countries with lower human development index, so the international organization must perform fundamental actions to help these countries, such as prevention, care and treatment programs

    A trial on subcutaneous pedicle island flap for eyebrow reconstruction.

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    INTRODUCTION: Severe burn is a common problem affecting victim's eyebrows. This study aims to assess the effectiveness, complications and patients' satisfaction in two eyebrow reconstruction surgical methods. Up to now, many reconstruction methods, their specific advantages and complications have been introduced. This study compares a new method (subcutaneous pedicle island flap), which is scarcely discussed, with a standard method (superficial temporal artery island flap). METHOD: This is a clinical trial conducted during 2003-2005 at the Al' Zahra' Hospital. Forty patients with eyebrow defect due to burn injuries were selected by convenience sampling. They were allocated to two groups randomly. The control group underwent a surgery for 'superficial temporal artery island flap' and the case group for 'subcutaneous pedicle island flap'. Data were gathered using two questionnaires. The first one included demographic data, patient history and condition of the eyebrows prior to surgery, effectiveness of surgery and complications. The second was a smiley face visual scale for patient's satisfaction. Data analysis was done using SPSS software (version 12; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). RESULT: Findings showed that in the control group, 80% were female of a mean age of 22 years (SD=6/30) and in the case group 75% were female, of a mean age of 21/80 years (SD=8/28). Fisher's exact test showed a significant difference between the type of surgery and hair-growth direction (p=0.003). In addition, Mann-Whitney U test showed a significant difference between the type of surgery and patient satisfaction (p=0.002). Analysis showed that there is no significant difference between the type of surgery and bleeding, congestion, flap necrosis, temporary hair loss in flap and donor-site alopecia (p>0.05). Surgeon's experience shows that surgery time and learning curve in the case group is lower than that in the control group. DISCUSSION: Subcutaneous pedicle island flap is an appropriate and easy method with good efficacy, lower complication and more reasonable and acceptable patient's satisfaction. Therefore, this method is recommended for burn patients with eyebrow defects

    Development of a curriculum for endoscopy nurse education in Iran

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    Abstract Introduction: Nursing as a discipline and a profession is following to meet the needs of clients in clinical settings. The nurse participation and cooperation in the programs of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy has not been recorded in Iran. On the other hand, health care system needs to provide specialized care for patients under endoscopy. The aim of this study was to develop a professional curriculum for endoscopy nurse education in Iran. Method: This was a study to approve the content and curriculum for endoscopy nurse education in Iran using the Delphi method. This study carried out in three phases; a review of the literature on endoscopy nursing courses and training program in the world; assessment of expert groups and individuals associated with gastrointestinal endoscopy; and finally, a consensus on the curriculum of nursing endoscopy and its implementation. Results: Based on the endoscopy nurse training needs, eight priorities for education endoscopy nurse including theory, practical, and clinical professional was determined. Total hours of training were 210 hours, including 140 hours for theoretical and practical courses and 70 hours of clinical training. Different strategies were used to teach the theoretical and practical subjects. For theoretical teaching, lectures, group work, and self-learning were applied. Role Playing and simulation were used for practical training; and for clinical training, endoscopy clinical practice settings were determined. Conclusion: This training program was based on a participant survey on the digestive endoscopy and educational needs. This educational curriculum involved learning different areas of knowledge, attitudes, and skills for nurses to train caring of patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy through an inter-professional education program. These special nursing educational programs can be contributed to the professional development of Iranian nurses

    Application of Learning Theories in Clinical Education

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    Introduction: The purpose of education is learning. Several theories have been raised about learning, which have tried to explain how learning occurs. They help teachers to choose teaching methods, prepare learning environment and determine students' activities. Given the importance of learning theories in education, this study aimed to review application of learning theories in nursing education. Methods: In this study, some related published literatures during 2000-2010 were selected using key words including learning, theory and nursing education. Then the selected materials were reviewed for extracting application of learning theories in nursing education. Application of behavioral learning theories, cognitive theories (including Gestalt theory, information processing, Ausubel meaningful learning, constructivism, Bandura's social learning) and adult learning theory in nursing education were discussed in this article. Results: Some applications of behavioral theories are teaching in a sequential, simple to complex pattern teaching the skills using behavioral objectives for determining learning outcomes and assessment and providing teaching plan using the nursing process and nursing care plans and positive reinforcement. Principles of Gestalt theory have been used in mental organization towards simplicity, directed balance and equilibrium, and selective stimulus perception. Writing narratives and portfolio are samples of the application of constructive theory. Role models have been used in social cognitive theory. Based on adult learning theory, learners should be active and taught material should be applicable for them. Conclusion: Each learning theory has the particular application. Nursing educators must apply proper learning theories regarding students' experience and target material

    Comparing Strengths and Weaknesses of Learning Theories

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    چكيده مقدمه: آموزش در علوم پزشكي در حال تغيير است. بنابراين نياز است كه مدرسان عملكردهاي خود را ارزيابي و براي به حداكثر رساندن يادگيري تلاش كنند. تئوريهاي يادگيري ميتواند ديدگاه هايي در مورد يادگيري فراهم كنند. هدف از اين مطالعه بررسي نقاط قوت و ضعف هر يك از تئوريهاي يادگيري شامل تئوريهاي رفتاري، شناختي و انسانگرايانه با مرور متون مرتبط است. روشها: در اين مطالعه برخي از متون مرتبط با تئوريهاي يادگيري شامل كتب و مقالات انتخاب شدند. سپس متون انتخاب شده از نظر نقاط قوت و ضعف تئوريهاي يادگيري مورد بررسي قرار گرفتند. يافتهها: نتايج نشان داد كه تئوريهاي رفتاري ساده هستند، كاربرد آنها آسان است و فراگير بر يك هدف واضح و مشخص متمركز ميشود. تئوريهاي يادگيري شناختي نظير خبرپردازي، گشتالت و سازندهگرايي موجب ارتقاي تفكر انتقادي و حل مسأله در فراگير ميشوند و فراگير ميتواند بهتر با موقعيتهاي واقعي زندگي روبرو شود. در تئوري انسانگرايانه تمركز يادگيري مربوط به نيازهاي فرد است كه نياز غايي آن خود شكوفايي و خوديابي است. يادگيري خود-راهبر يكي از مهمترين و مشهورترين اصول آموزشي اين رويكرد است كه نهايتاً منجر به خود هدايتي در فراگير ميشود. نتيجهگيري: هر تئوري به يك جنبه از يادگيري ميپردازد و بنابراين هر كدام داراي نقاط قوت و ضعف خاصي هستند. لازم است مدرسان و طراحان آموزشي به اين موارد جهت استفاده بهتر از تئوريها توجه كنند

    Occupational risk factors among Iranian farmworkers: a review of the available evidence.

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    Farming is one of the most important components of most economies. No comprehensive picture exists of the health status of Iranian farmers and the work-related hazards that affect them. We aimed to determine the gaps in the current knowledge regarding the occupational health of Iranian farmworkers. Electronic databases including Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, and Embase, as well as national databases including the Scientific Information Database, MagIran, and Barakat Knowledge System, were searched for articles published through March 2017. All epidemiologic studies regarding the occupational health of farmworkers in Iran were reviewed, regardless of their design, language, time of publication, and location. Of the 86 retrieved articles, 39 studies were ultimately analyzed. Most studies were conducted in Fars, Kerman, and Mazandaran provinces. According to the results of this review, chemical, physical, and biological hazards, along with work-related injuries, may be the main factors threatening the health of farmworkers. The unsafe use of pesticides was related to male infertility, eye and digestive complications, pesticide poisoning, pesticide absorption, hematological changes, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. Chemical hazards (e.g., the unsafe use of pesticides), physical hazards, injuries, and biological hazards (e.g., work-related infectious diseases) threaten the health of Iranian farmworkers. Moreover, farmworkers lack adequate knowledge about the occupational hazards they face and the relevant risk factors

    Socioeconomic status and health literacy as the important predictors of general health in Iran: a structural equation modeling approach

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    Background: We aimed to determine the level of health literacy (HL), and its association with general health. In addition, we investigated the direct and indirect association of socioeconomic status (SES) and general health among the adult population in Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 750 literate adults' people. The SES was assessed based on the owning of assets. HL was evaluated using a validated questionnaire in Iran. General health was assessed using the WHO general health questionnaire. The simple and adjusted linear regression models, and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used for data analysis. Results: In adjusted model, female gender, higher level of education, use of books, pamphlets, or brochures as a source of health information, the higher level of SES were positively associated with higher HL. In addition, the HL was significantly associated with higher scores of general health. Results of SEM showed that the direct effect of SES on general health was not significant, but the indirect effect via HL was significant (path coefficient: 0.24; p<0.001). Conclusion: Results of our study indicated HL is strongly associated with general health among the adult population. SES had a significant indirect association with general health via the effect on health literacy

    Prevalence of the Skipping Breakfast among the Iranian Students: A Review Article

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    Background: Adolescence is an important period since the establishment of dietary pattern can also affect the adulthood. This study aimed to estimate the overall prevalence of skipping breakfast among Iranian students. Methods: The international and national databases, including Medline, Scopus, Science Direct, Embase, Web of sciences, Google Scholar, MagIran, and SID were searched 1945-2016 as per case. All studies addressing the prevalence of skipping breakfast among Iranian students were extracted. Results: Out of 322 records, 24 articles remained for meta-analysis. The total pooled prevalence of skipping the breakfast was 0.216 (95% CI: 0.213-0.22), the girls had a higher percentage for skipping breakfast compared with boys (26% vs. 18%). Conclusion: Skipping breakfast is more prevalent in girls. Interventions are required to promote breakfast consumption in the targeted Iranian students, especially the girls


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    Background: Diabetes is a chronic disease affects many aspects of daily life. We need a bio-psychosocial approach to patients and their problems in diabetes management. Since patient’s beliefs about health and disease will guide self management measures, a holistic understanding toward subject is necessary. The aim of this study was to identify and describe the lived experiences of patients with diabetes in a qualitative study. Methods: A descriptive phenomenological framework used to guide the project of inquiry. Eleven volunteered patients (6 men, 5 women) were recruited by purposed sampling from “Glands and Metabolism Research Center” and “Al-Zahra Hospital” of Isfahan in 2006. In-depth unstructured one to one interviews conducted and interview data were transcribed and analyzed for themes using collizi method. Results: Five themes were identified including; "Why I get", "Disease requirements", "Can I do", "Limitations", "Silent motion towards death". 3 first items belongs to participants' perception about diseases etiology, treatment, and their feeling about their situation, respectively. “Silent movement towards death” and “limitation” pointed to the patients' belief about limitation in nutrition and having a healthy child and nature of disease. Conclusion: Based on findings, patients’ beliefs about their disease and health situation can affect health behaviors and self-management, and act as barriers and facilitators in patient behaviors. Findings suggest considering this factor in self management preparing program