1,407 research outputs found

    Lindstedt Series Solutions of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Lattice

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    We apply the Lindstedt method to the one dimensional Fermi-Pasta-Ulam ÎČ\beta lattice to find fully general solutions to the complete set of equations of motion. The pertubative scheme employed uses Ï”\epsilon as the expansion parameter, where Ï”\epsilon is the coefficient of the quartic coupling between nearest neighbors. We compare our non-secular perturbative solutions to numerical solutions and find striking agreement.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. To appear in the Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Rigorous theory of nuclear fusion rates in a plasma

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    Real-time thermal field theory is used to reveal the structure of plasma corrections to nuclear reactions. Previous results are recovered in a fashion that clarifies their nature, and new extensions are made. Brown and Yaffe have introduced the methods of effective quantum field theory into plasma physics. They are used here to treat the interesting limiting case of dilute but very highly charged particles reacting in a dilute, one-component plasma. The highly charged particles are very strongly coupled to this background plasma. The effective field theory proves that this mean field solution plus the one-loop term dominate; higher loop corrections are negligible even though the problem involves strong coupling. Such analytic results for very strong coupling are rarely available, and they can serve as benchmarks for testing computer models.Comment: 4 pages and 2 figures, presented at SCCS 2005, June 20-25, Moscow, Russi

    Bespoke Regulatory Review

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    A Real-Time Energy Monitor System for the Ipns Linac

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    Injected beam energy and energy spread are critical parameters affecting the performance of our rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS). A real-time energy monitoring system is being installed to examine the H- beam out of the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS) 50 MeV linac. The 200 MHz Alvarez linac serves as the injector for the 450 MeV IPNS RCS. The linac provides an 80 ms macropulse of approximately 3x1012 H- ions 30 times per second for coasting-beam injection into the RCS. The RCS delivers protons to a heavy-metal spallation neutron target for material science studies. Using a number of strip-line beam position monitors (BPMs) distributed along the 50 MeV transport line from the linac to the RCS, fast signals from the strip lines are digitized and transferred to a computer which performs an FFT. Corrections for cable attenuation and oscilloscope bandwidth are made in the frequency domain. Rectangular pulse train phasing (RPTP) is imposed on the spectra prior to obtaining the inverse transform (IFFT). After the IFFT, the reconstructed time-domain signal is analyzed for pulse width as it progresses along the transport line. Time-of-flight measurements of the BPM signals provide beam energy. Finally, using the 3-size measurement technique, the longitudinal emittance and energy spread of the beam are determined

    A model of CP Violation from Extra Dimension

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    We construct a realistic model of CP violation in which CP is broken in the process of dimensional reduction and orbifold compactification from a five dimensional theories with SU(3)×SU(3)×SU(3)SU(3)\times SU(3) \times SU(3) gauge symmetry. CP violation is a result of the Hosotani type gauge configuration in the higher dimension.Comment: 5 page

    Modelling time-integrated fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in peatlands: A review

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    There is widespread interest in estimating annual carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) budgets for peatlands using data collected from flux chambers. Flux-chamber measurements are a snapshot of the conditions on a particular site and may not adequately represent fluxes between measurements. However, these measurements can be used in simple models to estimate time-integrated fluxes of CO2 and CH4. This paper reviews modelling approaches used for estimating such time-integrated fluxes and provides what we hope is a ‘one-stop-shop’ for new researchers, such as PhD students, considering using such models. The review is written for those with a non-mathematical background

    Nutritional Status of Under-five Children Living in an Informal Urban Settlement in Nairobi, Kenya

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    Malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa contributes to high rates of childhood morbidity and mortality. However, little information on the nutritional status of children is available from informal settlements. During the period of post-election violence in Kenya during December 2007–March 2008, food shortages were widespread within informal settlements in Nairobi. To investigate whether food insecurity due to post-election violence resulted in high prevalence of acute and chronic malnutrition in children, a nutritional survey was undertaken among children aged 6-59 months within two villages in Kibera, where the Kenya Medical Research Institute/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducts population-based surveillance for infectious disease syndromes. During 25 March–4 April 2008, a structured questionnaire was administered to caregivers of 1,310 children identified through surveillance system databases to obtain information on household demographics, food availability, and child-feeding practices. Anthropometric measurements were recorded on all participating children. Indices were reported in z-scores and compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) 2005 reference population to determine the nutritional status of children. Data were analyzed using the Anthro software of WHO and the SAS. Stunting was found in 47.0% of the children; 11.8% were underweight, and 2.6% were wasted. Severe stunting was found in 23.4% of the children; severe underweight in 3.1%, and severe wasting in 0.6%. Children aged 36-47 months had the highest prevalence (58.0%) of stunting while the highest prevalence (4.1%) of wasting was in children aged 6-11 months. Boys were more stunted than girls (p<0.01), and older children were significantly (p<0.0001) stunted compared to younger children. In the third year of life, girls were more likely than boys to be wasted (p<0.01). The high prevalence of chronic malnutrition suggests that stunting is a sustained problem within this urban informal settlement, not specifically resulting from the relatively brief political crisis. The predominance of stunting in older children indicates failure in growth and development during the first two years of life. Food programmes in Kenya have traditionally focused on rural areas and refugee camps. The findings of the study suggest that tackling childhood stunting is a high priority, and there should be fostered efforts to ensure that malnutrition-prevention strategies include the urban poor

    Bunch stabilization using rf phase modulation in the intense pulse neutron source (IPNS) rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS)

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    Phase modulation (PM) is used to increase the current limit in the IPNS RCS. A device referred to as a scrambler introduces a small oscillating phase between the two RCS rf cavities at approximately twice the synchrotrons frequency, f{sub s}. The modulation introduced by the scrambler generates longitudinal oscillations in the bunch at 2f{sub s}. Modulations in the bunch are also observed transversely indicating a coupling between longitudinal and transverse motion. Comparing PM with amplitude modulation (AM), coupling to the beam is roughly equivalent at 2f{sub s}
