58 research outputs found

    Unobscured Type 2 Active Galactic Nuclei

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    Type 2 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with intrinsically weak broad emission lines (BELs) would be exceptions to the unified model. After examining a number of proposed candidates critically, we find that the sample is contaminated significantly by objects with BELs of strengths indicating that they actually contain intermediate-type AGNs, plus a few Compton-thick sources as revealed by extremely low ratios of X-ray to nuclear IR luminosities. We develop quantitative metrics that show two (NGC 3147 and NGC 4594) of the remaining candidates to have BELs 2-3 orders of magnitude weaker than those of typical type 1 AGNs. Several more galaxies remain as candidates to have anomalously weak BELs, but this status cannot be confirmed with the existing information. Although the parent sample is poorly defined, the two confirmed objects are well under 1% of its total number of members, showing that the absence of a BEL is possible, but very uncommon in AGN. We evaluate these two objects in detail using multi-wavelength measurements including new IR data obtained with Spitzer and ground-based optical spectropolarimeteric observations. They have little X-ray extinction with N_H < ~10^(21) cm^(–2). Their IR spectra show strong silicate emission (NGC 4594) or weak aromatic features on a generally power-law continuum with a suggestion of silicates in emission (NGC 3147). No polarized BEL is detected in NGC 3147. These results indicate that the two unobscured type 2 objects have circumnuclear tori that are approximately face-on. Combined with their X-ray and optical/UV properties, this behavior implies that we have an unobscured view of the nuclei and thus that they have intrinsically weak BELs. We compare their properties with those of the other less-extreme candidates. We then compare the distributions of bolometric luminosities and accretion rates of these objects with theoretical models that predict weak BELs

    Spitzer's Contribution to the AGN Population

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    (abridged) Infrared selection is a potentially powerful way to identify heavily obscured AGN missed in even the deepest X-ray surveys. Using a 24 micron-selected sample in GOODS-S, we test the reliability and completeness of three infrared AGN selection methods: (1) IRAC color-color selection, (2) IRAC power-law selection, and (3) IR-excess selection; we also evaluate a number of infrared excess approaches. We find that the vast majority of non-power-law IRAC color-selected AGN candidates in GOODS-S have colors consistent with those of star-forming galaxies. Contamination by star-forming galaxies is most prevalent at low 24 micron flux densities (~100 uJy) and high redshifts (z~2), but the fraction of potential contaminants is still high (~50%) at 500 uJy, the highest flux density probed reliably by our survey. AGN candidates selected via a simple, physically-motivated power-law criterion (PLGs), however, appear to be reliable. We confirm that the infrared excess methods successfully identify a number of AGN, but we also find that such samples may be significantly contaminated by star-forming galaxies. Adding only the secure Spitzer-selected PLG, color-selected, IR-excess, and radio/IR-selected AGN candidates to the deepest X-ray-selected AGN samples directly increases the number of known X-ray AGN (84) by 54-77%, and implies an increase to the number of 24 micron-detected AGN of 71-94%. Finally, we show that the fraction of MIR sources dominated by an AGN decreases with decreasing MIR flux density, but only down to f_24 = 300 uJy. Below this limit, the AGN fraction levels out, indicating that a non-negligible fraction (~10%) of faint 24 micron sources (the majority of which are missed in the X-ray) are powered not by star formation, but by the central engine.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 26 pages, 14 figures, 6 table

    BH Accretion in Low-Mass Galaxies Since z~1

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    We have selected a sample of X-ray emitting active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in low-mass host galaxies (5e9-2e10 Msun) out to z~1. By comparing to AGNs in more massive hosts, we have found that the AGN spatial number density and the fraction of galaxies hosting AGNs depends strongly on the host mass, with the AGN host mass function peaking at intermediate mass and with the AGN fraction increasing with host mass. AGNs in low-mass hosts show strong cosmic evolution in comoving number density, the fraction of such galaxies hosting active nuclei and the comoving X-ray energy density. The integrated X-ray luminosity function is used to estimate the amount of the accreted black hole mass in these AGNs and places a strong lower limit of 12% to the fraction of local low-mass galaxies hosting black holes, though a more likely value is probably much higher (> 50%) once the heavily-obscured objects missed in current X-ray surveys are accounted for.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 14 pages, 9 figure

    Spitzer view on the downsizing scenario of galaxy formation and the role of AGN

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    We present the latest results of the Spitzer Cosmological Surveys concerning the characterization of the evolution of galaxies in the last 12 Gyr (from z=4). We have analyzed the stellar mass function up to z=4 using a sample of more the 28,000 galaxies selected in the rest-frame near-infrared with Spitzer/IRAC. Our results confirm and quantify the “downsizing” scenario of galaxy formation. Based on the study of the specific SFRs of X-ray emitters, we discuss the role of AGN in the evolution of galaxies, arguing against the link between nuclear activity and the quenching of the star formation in massive galaxies at z<1.4

    The host galaxies and black holes of typical z~0.5-1.4 AGNs

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    We study the stellar and star formation properties of the host galaxies of 58 X-ray-selected AGNs in the GOODS portion of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S) region at z ~ 0.5-1.4. The AGNs are selected such that their rest-frame UV to near-infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are dominated by stellar emission; i.e., they show a prominent 1.6 ÎŒm bump, thus minimizing the AGN emission "contamination." This AGN population comprises approximately 50% of the X-ray-selected AGNs at these redshifts. We find that AGNs reside in the most massive galaxies at the redshifts probed here. Their characteristic stellar masses (M_* ~ 7.8 × 10^10 and M_* ~ 1.2 × 10^11 M_☉ at median redshifts of 0.67 and 1.07, respectively) appear to be representative of the X-ray-selected AGN population at these redshifts and are intermediate between those of local type 2 AGNs and high-redshift (z ~ 2) AGNs. The inferred black hole masses (M_BH ~ 2 × 10^8 M_☉) of typical AGNs are similar to those of optically identified quasars at similar redshifts. Since the AGNs in our sample are much less luminous (L_2–10 keV < 10^44 erg s^−1) than quasars, typical AGNs have low Eddington ratios (η ~ 0.01-0.001). This suggests that, at least at intermediate redshifts, the cosmic AGN "downsizing" is due to both a decrease in the characteristic stellar mass of typical host galaxies and less efficient accretion. Finally, there is no strong evidence in AGN host galaxies for either highly suppressed star formation (expected if AGNs played a role in quenching star formation) or elevated star formation when compared to mass-selected (i.e., IRAC-selected) galaxies of similar stellar masses and redshifts

    The stellar mass assembly of galaxies from z=0 to z=4. Analysis of a sample selected in the rest-frame near-infrared with Spitzer

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    Using a sample of ~28,000 sources selected at 3.6-4.5 microns with Spitzer observations of the HDF-N, the CDF-S, and the Lockman Hole (surveyed area: ~664 arcmin^2), we study the evolution of the stellar mass content of the Universe at 0<z<4. We calculate stellar masses and photometric redshifts, based on ~2,000 templates built with stellar and dust emission models fitting the UV-to-MIR SEDs of galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts. We estimate stellar mass functions for different redshift intervals. We find that 50% of the local stellar mass density was assembled at 0<z<1 (average SFR:0.048 M_sun/yr/Mpc^3), and at least another 40% at 1<z<4 (average SFR: 0.074 M_sun/yr/Mpc^3). Our results confirm and quantify the ``downsizing'' scenario of galaxy formation. The most massive galaxies (M>10^12.0 M_sun) assembled the bulk of their stellar content rapidly (in 1-2 Gyr) beyond z~3 in very intense star formation events (producing high specific SFRs). Galaxies with 10^11.5<M/M_sun<10^12.0 assembled half of their stellar mass before z~1.5, and more than 90% of their mass was already in place at z~0.6. Galaxies with M<10^11.5 M_sun evolved more slowly (presenting smaller specific SFRs), assembling half of their stellar mass below z~1. About 40% of the local stellar mass density of 10^9.0<M/M_sun<10^11.0 galaxies was assembled below z~0.4, most probably through accretion of small satellites producing little star formation. The cosmic stellar mass density at z>2.5 is dominated by optically faint (R>25) red galaxies (Distant Red Galaxies or BzK sources) which account for ~30% of the global population of galaxies, but contribute at least 60% to the cosmic stellar mass density. Bluer galaxies (e.g., Lyman Break Galaxies) are more numerous but less massive, contributing less than 50% to the global stellar mass density at high redshift.Comment: Published in ApJ. 38 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables, 2 appendices. Some changes to match the final published versio

    Structural Evolution of Early-type Galaxies to z=2.5 in CANDELS

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    Projected axis ratio measurements of 880 early-type galaxies at redshifts 1<z<2.5 selected from CANDELS are used to reconstruct and model their intrinsic shapes. The sample is selected on the basis of multiple rest-frame colors to reflect low star-formation activity. We demonstrate that these galaxies as an ensemble are dust-poor and transparent and therefore likely have smooth light profiles, similar to visually classified early-type galaxies. Similar to their present-day counterparts, the z>1 early-type galaxies show a variety of intrinsic shapes; even at a fixed mass, the projected axis ratio distributions cannot be explained by the random projection of a set of galaxies with very similar intrinsic shapes. However, a two-population model for the intrinsic shapes, consisting of a triaxial, fairly round population, combined with a flat (c/a~0.3) oblate population, adequately describes the projected axis ratio distributions of both present-day and z>1 early-type galaxies. We find that the proportion of oblate versus triaxial galaxies depends both on the galaxies' stellar mass, and - at a given mass - on redshift. For present-day and z<1 early-type galaxies the oblate fraction strongly depends on galaxy mass. At z>1 this trend is much weaker over the mass range explored here (10^10<M*/M_sun<10^11), because the oblate fraction among massive (M*~10^11 M_sun) was much higher in the past: 0.59+-0.10 at z>1, compared to 0.20+-0.02 at z~0.1. In contrast, the oblate fraction among low-mass early-type galaxies (log(M*/M_sun)1 to 0.72+-0.06 at z=0. [Abridged]Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ; 14 pages; 10 figures; 4 table

    Inter-comparison of Radio-Loudness Criteria for Type 1 AGNs in the XMM-COSMOS Survey

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    Limited studies have been performed on the radio-loud fraction in X-ray selected type 1 AGN samples. The consistency between various radio-loudness definitions also needs to be checked. We measure the radio-loudness of the 407 type 1 AGNs in the XMM-COSMOS quasar sample using nine criteria from the literature (six defined in the rest-frame and three defined in the observed frame): RL=log⁥(L5GHz/LB)R_L=\log(L_{5GHz}/L_B), q24=log⁥(L24ÎŒm/L1.4GHz)q_{24}=\log(L_{24\mu m}/L_{1.4GHz}), Ruv=log⁥(L5GHz/L2500A˚)R_{uv}=\log(L_{5GHz}/L_{2500\AA}), Ri=log⁥(L1.4GHz/Li)R_{i}=\log(L_{1.4GHz}/L_i), RX=log⁥(ÎœLÎœ(5GHz)/LX)R_X=\log(\nu L_{\nu}(5GHz)/L_X), P5GHz=log⁥(P5GHz(W/Hz/Sr))P_{5GHz}=\log(P_{5GHz}(W/Hz/Sr)), RL,obs=log⁥(f1.4GHz/fB)R_{L,obs}=\log(f_{1.4GHz}/f_B) (observed frame), Ri,obs=log⁥(f1.4GHz/fi)R_{i,obs}=\log(f_{1.4GHz}/f_i) (observed frame), and q24,obs=log⁥(f24ÎŒm/f1.4GHz)q_{24, obs}=\log(f_{24\mu m}/f_{1.4GHz}) (observed frame). Using any single criterion defined in the rest-frame, we find a low radio-loud fraction of â‰Č5%\lesssim 5\% in the XMM-COSMOS type 1 AGN sample, except for RuvR_{uv}. Requiring that any two criteria agree reduces the radio-loud fraction to â‰Č2%\lesssim 2\% for about 3/4 of the cases. The low radio-loud fraction cannot be simply explained by the contribution of the host galaxy luminosity and reddening. The P5GHz=log⁥(P5GHz(W/Hz/Sr))P_{5GHz}=\log(P_{5GHz}(W/Hz/Sr)) gives the smallest radio-loud fraction. Two of the three radio-loud fractions from the criteria defined in the observed frame without k-correction (RL,obsR_{L,obs} and Ri,obsR_{i,obs}) are much larger than the radio-loud fractions from other criteria.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS submitte

    CANDELS/GOODS-S, CDFS, ECDFS: Photometric Redshifts For Normal and for X-Ray-Detected Galaxies

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    We present photometric redshifts and associated probability distributions for all detected sources in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS). The work makes use of the most up-to-date data from the Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Legacy Survey (CANDELS) and the Taiwan ECDFS Near-Infrared Survey (TENIS) in addition to other data. We also revisit multi-wavelength counterparts for published X-ray sources from the 4Ms-CDFS and 250ks-ECDFS surveys, finding reliable counterparts for 1207 out of 1259 sources (∌96%\sim 96\%). Data used for photometric redshifts include intermediate-band photometry deblended using the TFIT method, which is used for the first time in this work. Photometric redshifts for X-ray source counterparts are based on a new library of AGN/galaxy hybrid templates appropriate for the faint X-ray population in the CDFS. Photometric redshift accuracy for normal galaxies is 0.010 and for X-ray sources is 0.014, and outlier fractions are 4%4\% and 5.4%5.4\% respectively. The results within the CANDELS coverage area are even better as demonstrated both by spectroscopic comparison and by galaxy-pair statistics. Intermediate-band photometry, even if shallow, is valuable when combined with deep broad-band photometry. For best accuracy, templates must include emission lines.Comment: The paper has been accepted by ApJ. The materials we provide are available under [Surveys] > [CDFS] through the portal http://www.mpe.mpg.de/XraySurvey
