128 research outputs found

    Annual report on surveillance of respiratory infectious diseases 2013, the Netherlands

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    Het griepseizoen (influenza) 2013/2014 was erg mild, na de uitzonderlijk langdurende epidemie in het seizoen 2012/2013. Ook was het een mild seizoen wat betreft het aantal mensen dat een longontsteking (pneumonie) opliep. In 2013 waren er geen grote uitbraken van de meldingsplichtige luchtweginfectieziekten legionellose (308 meldingen), papegaaienziekte (psittacose; 51 meldingen), Q-koorts (19 meldingen) en tuberculose (848 meldingen). Deze aantallen waren in het verslagjaar vergelijkbaar of lager dan het aantal meldingen in voorgaande jaren. Dit blijkt uit de jaarlijkse surveillance luchtweginfectieziekten 2013 van het RIVM. Griep en longontsteking leiden tot veel ziekenhuisopnames en sterfte in Nederland, waardoor het RIVM ze actief volgt. In vergelijking met griep komen de meldingsplichtige luchtweginfecties in Nederlands maar weinig voor. Ze zijn meldingsplichtig, omdat tijdige maatregelen, zoals de besmettingsbron opsporen, belangrijk kunnen zijn om uitbraken of verdere verspreiding van de ziekte te voorkomen. Het RIVM volgt ook potentieel gevaarlijke nieuwe luchtweginfecties die elders in de wereld voorkomen. In mei 2014 werden voor het eerst in Nederland twee patiënten gediagnostiseerd met het MERS coronavirus. In het seizoen 2013/2014 lag het aantal mensen dat met griepachtige klachten bij de huisarts kwam begin 2014 gedurende vier weken boven de grens waarmee een griepepidemie wordt geduid. Bij de patiënten met griepachtige klachten kwam naast influenzavirus vaak RSV (respiratoir syncytieel virus) en neusverkoudheid (rhinovirus) voor. Er kwamen minder mensen met een longontsteking bij de huisarts dan voorgaande seizoenen, maar het aantal longontstekingpatiënten in verpleeghuizen bleef gelijk.The 2013/2014 influenza season was extremely mild in the Netherlands, compared to the exceptionally long-lasting epidemic in 2012/2013. In addition, the number of pneumonia patients and overall mortality, possible complications of influenza, were low. In 2013, no major outbreaks of the notifiable respiratory infectious diseases legionellosis (308 notifications), psittacosis (51 notifications), Q-fever (19 notifications) and tuberculosis (848 notifications) occurred. These incidences are either comparable to or lower than preceding years. These are the outcomes of the annual report: 'Surveillance of respiratory infectious diseases 2013, the Netherlands', published by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). Influenza and pneumonia are an important cause of hospital admissions and death in the Netherlands, a reason for the RIVM to actively monitor these diseases. In comparison to influenza, notifiable respiratory infectious diseases only rarely occur. These diseases are notifiable, as timely measures like source finding, are important for preventing outbreaks and/ or ongoing transmission of the disease. The RIVM also monitors potential threats to public health from new (worldwide) respiratory infections. In May 2014, the first two cases of MERS coronavirus were diagnosed in the Netherlands. During the 2013/2014 influenza-season, the number of patients with influenza-like illness (ILI) consulting a general practitioner, was above the threshold set for an influenza epidemic for four weeks at the beginning of 2014. In nose and throat samples of ILI-patients, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and rhinovirus were found in addition to the influenza virus. During the 2013/2014 influenza-season, fewer patients consulted the general practitioner for pneumonia than in previous years, however the number of pneumonia patients in nursing homes was similar.Ministerie van VW

    Methicillin-Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus as a Predominantly Healthcare-Associated Pathogen: A Possible Reversal of Roles?

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    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains have become common causes of skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) among previously healthy people, a role of methicillin-susceptible (MSSA) isolates before the mid-1990s. We hypothesized that, as MRSA infections became more common among S. aureus infections in the community, perhaps MSSA infections had become more important as a cause of healthcare-associated infection.We compared patients, including children and adults, with MRSA and MSSA infections at the University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC) from all clinical units from July 1, 2004-June 30, 2005; we also compared the genotypes of the MRSA and MSSA infecting bacterial strains.Compared with MRSA patients, MSSA patients were more likely on bivariate analysis to have bacteremia, endocarditis, or sepsis (p = 0.03), to be an adult (p = 0.005), to be in the intensive care unit (21.9% vs. 15.6%) or another inpatient unit (45.6% vs. 40.7%) at the time of culture. MRSA (346/545) and MSSA (76/114) patients did not differ significantly in the proportion classified as HA-S. aureus by the CDC CA-MRSA definition (p = 0.5). The genetic backgrounds of MRSA and MSSA multilocus sequence type (ST) 1, ST5, ST8, ST30, and ST59 comprised in combination 94.5% of MRSA isolates and 50.9% of MSSA isolates. By logistic regression, being cared for in the Emergency Department (OR 4.6, CI 1.5-14.0, p = 0.008) was associated with MRSA infection.Patients with MSSA at UCMC have characteristics consistent with a health-care-associated infection more often than do patients with MRSA; a possible role reversal has occurred for MSSA and MRSA strains. Clinical MSSA and MRSA strains shared genotype backgrounds

    The epidemiology of suicide and attempted suicide in Dutch general practice 1983–2003

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    BACKGROUND: Many patients attempting or committing suicide consult their general practitioner (GP) in the preceding period, indicating that GPs might play an important role in prevention. The aim of the present study was to analyse the epidemiology of suicidal behaviour in Dutch General Practice in order to find possible clues for prevention. METHOD: Description of trends in suicide and suicide attempts occurring from 1983–2003 in the Dutch General Practice Sentinel Network, representing 1% of the Dutch population. The data were analysed with regard to: 1) suicidal behaviour trends and their association with household situation; 2) presence of depression, treatment of depression and referral rate by GPs; 3) contact with GP before suicide or suicide attempt and discussion of suicidal ideation. RESULTS: Between 1983 and 2003 the annual number of suicide and suicide attempts decreased by 50%. Sixty percent of the patients who committed or attempted suicide were diagnosed as depressed, of whom 91% were treated by their GP with an antidepressant. Living alone was a risk factor for suicide (odds ratio 1.99; 95% CI 1.50 to 2.64), whereas living in a household of 3 or more persons was a relative risk for a suicide attempt (odds ratio 1.81; 95% CI 1.34 to 2.46). Referral to a psychiatrist or other mental health professionals occurred in 65% of the cases. GPs recalled having discussed suicidal ideation in only 7% of the cases, and in retrospect estimated that they had foreseen suicide or suicide attempts in 31% and 22% of the cases, respectively, if there had been contact in the preceding month. CONCLUSION: With regard to the prescription of antidepressants and referral of suicidal patients to a psychiatrist, Dutch GPs fulfil their role as gatekeeper satisfactorily. However, since few patients discuss their suicidal ideation with their GP, there is room for improvement. GPs should take the lead to make this subject debatable. It may improve early recognition of depressed patients at risk and accelerate their referral to mental health professionals

    The appropriateness of prescribing antibiotics in the community in Europe: study design

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    Contains fulltext : 97417.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Over 90% of all antibiotics in Europe are prescribed in primary care. It is important that antibiotics are prescribed that are likely to be effective; however, information about antibiotic resistance in the community is incomplete. The aim of our study is to investigate the appropriateness of antibiotic prescribing in primary care in Europe by collecting and combining patterns of antibiotic resistance patterns and antibiotic prescription patterns in primary care. We will also evaluate the appropriateness of national antibiotic prescription guidelines in relation to resistance patterns. METHODS/DESIGN: Antibiotic resistance will be studied in an opportunistic sample from the community in nine European countries. Resistance data will be collected by taking a nose swab of persons (N = 4,000 per country) visiting a primary care practice for a non-infectious disease. Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae will be isolated and tested for resistance to a range of antibiotics in one central laboratory. Data on antibiotic prescriptions over the past 5 years will be extracted from the electronic medical records of General Practitioners (GPs). The results of the study will include the prevalence and resistance data of the two species and 5 years of antibiotic prescription data in nine European countries.The odds of receiving an effective antibiotic in each country will be calculated as a measure for the appropriateness of prescribing. Multilevel analysis will be used to assess the appropriateness of prescribing. Relevant treatment guidelines of the nine participating countries will be evaluated using a standardized instrument and related to the resistance patterns in that country. DISCUSSION: This study will provide valuable and unique data concerning resistance patterns and prescription behaviour in primary care in nine European countries. It will provide evidence-based recommendations for antibiotic treatment guidelines that take resistance patterns into account which will be useful for both clinicians and policy makers. By improving antibiotic use we can move towards controlling the resistance problem globally

    Comparing Pandemic to Seasonal Influenza Mortality: Moderate Impact Overall but High Mortality in Young Children

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    Background: We assessed the severity of the 2009 influenza pandemic by comparing pandemic mortality to seasonal influenza mortality. However, reported pandemic deaths were laboratory-confirmed - and thus an underestimation - whereas seasonal influenza mortality is often more inclusively estimated. For a valid comparison, our study used the same statistical methodology and data types to estimate pandemic and seasonal influenza mortality. Methods and Findings: We used data on all-cause mortality (1999-2010, 100% coverage, 16.5 million Dutch population) and influenza-like-illness (ILI) incidence (0.8% coverage). Data was aggregated by week and age category. Using generalized estimating equation regression models, we attributed mortality to influenza by associating mortality with ILI-incidence, while adjusting for annual shifts in association. We also adjusted for respiratory syncytial virus, hot/cold weather, other seasonal factors and autocorrelation. For the 2009 pandemic season, we estimated 612 (range 266-958) influenza-attributed deaths; for seasonal influen

    Are physical symptoms among survivors of a disaster presented to the general practitioner? A comparison between self-reports and GP data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most studies examining medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) have been performed in primary or secondary care and have examined symptoms for which patients sought medical attention. Disasters are often described as precipitating factors for MUS. However, health consequences of disasters are typically measured by means of questionnaires, and it is not known whether these self-reported physical symptoms are presented to the GP. It is also not known if the self-reported symptoms are related to a medical disorder or if they remain medically unexplained. In the present study, three research questions were addressed. Firstly, were self-reported symptoms among survivors presented to the GP? Secondly, were the symptoms presented to the GP associated with a high level of functional impairment and distress? Thirdly, what was the GP's clinical judgment of the presented symptoms, i.e. were the symptoms related to a medical diagnosis or could they be labeled MUS?</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Survivors of a man-made disaster (N = 887) completed a questionnaire 3 weeks (T1) and 18 months (T2) post-disaster. This longitudinal health survey was combined with an ongoing surveillance program of health problems registered by GPs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The majority of self-reported symptoms was not presented to the GP and survivors were most likely to present persistent symptoms to the GP. For example, survivors with stomachache at both T1 and T2 were more likely to report stomachache to their GP (28%) than survivors with stomachache at only T1 (6%) or only T2 (13%). Presentation of individual symptoms to the GP was not consistently associated with functional impairment and distress. 56 – 91% of symptoms were labeled as MUS after clinical examination.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results indicate that the majority of self-reported symptoms among survivors of a disaster are not presented to the GP and that the decision to consult with a GP for an individual symptom is not dependent on the level of impairment and distress. Also, self-reported physical symptoms such as headache, back pain and shortness of breath are likely to remain medically unexplained after the clinical judgment of a GP.</p

    Attribution of physical complaints to the air disaster in Amsterdam by exposed rescue workers: an epidemiological study using historic cohorts

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    BACKGROUND: In 1992 a cargo aircraft crashed into a residential area of Amsterdam. A troublesome aftermath followed, with rumors on potential toxic exposures and health consequences. Health concerns remained even though no excess morbidity was predicted in retrospective risk evaluations. This study aimed to assess to what extent the rescue workers attribute long-term physical complaints to this disaster, including its aftermath, and to examine associations between such attribution and types of exposure and background variables. METHODS: Historic cohort study that collected questionnaire data on occupational disaster exposure, attribution of physical complaints, and background variables on average 8.5 years post-disaster. For the present study the workers who were exposed to the disaster were selected from the historic cohort, i.e. the professional firefighters (n = 334), police officers (n = 834), and accident and wreckage investigators (n = 241) who performed disaster-related tasks. RESULTS: Across the three occupational groups, a consistent percentage (ranging from 43% to 49%) of exposed workers with long-term physical complaints attributed these to the disaster, including its aftermath. Those with more physical complaints attributed these to a stronger degree. Multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that attribution was significantly more often reported by firefighters who rescued people, and by police officers who reported the identification and recovery of or search for victims and human remains, clean-up, or security and surveillance of the disaster area; who witnessed the immediate disaster scene; who had a close one affected by the disaster; and who perceived the disaster as the worst thing that ever happened to them. Age, sex and educational level were not significantly associated with attribution. CONCLUSION: This study provides further cross-sectional evidence for the role of causal attribution in post-disaster subjective physical health problems. After on average 8.5 years, almost a third (32%) of all the exposed workers, and almost half (45%) of the exposed workers with physical complaints, attributed these complaints to the disaster, including its aftermath. The similarity of the results across the occupational groups suggests a general rather than an occupation-specific attribution process. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine whether causal disaster attribution leads to persistence of post-disaster complaints and health care utilization
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