4 research outputs found

    Development of a Web-Based L-THIA 2012 Direct Runoff and Pollutant Auto-Calibration Module Using a Genetic Algorithm

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    The Long-Term Hydrology Impact Assessment (L-THIA) model has been used as a screening evaluation tool in assessing not only urbanization, but also land-use changes on hydrology in many countries. However, L-THIA has limitations due to the number of available land-use data that can represent a watershed and the land surface complexity causing uncertainties in manually calibrating various input parameters of L-THIA. Thus, we modified the L-THIA model so that could use various (twenty three) land-use categories by considering various hydrologic responses and nonpoint source (NPS) pollutant loads. Then, we developed a web-based auto-calibration module by integrating a Genetic-Algorithm (GA) into the L-THIA 2012 that can automatically calibrate Curve Numbers (CNs) for direct runoff estimations. Based on the optimized CNs and Even Mean Concentrations (EMCs), our approach calibrated surface runoff and nonpoint source (NPS) pollution loads by minimizing the differences between the observed and simulated data. Here, we used default EMCs of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus-TP (as the default values to L-THIA) collected at various local regions in South Korea corresponding to the classifications of different rainfall intensities and land use for improving predicted NPS pollutions. For assessing the model performance, the Yeoju-Gun and Icheon-Si sites in South Korea were selected. The calibrated runoff and NPS (BOD, TN, and TP) pollutions matched the observations with the correlation (R2: 0.908 for runoff and R2: 0.882–0.981 for NPS) and Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE: 0.794 for runoff and NSE: 0.882–0.981 for NPS) for the sites. We also compared the NPS pollution differences between the calibrated and averaged (default) EMCs. The calibrated TN and TP (only for Yeoju-Gun) EMCs-based pollution loads identified well with the measured data at the study sites, but the BOD loads with the averaged EMCs were slightly better than those of the calibrated EMCs. The TP loads for the Yeoju-Gun site were usually comparable to the measured data, but the TP loads of the Icheon-Si site had uncertainties. These findings indicate that the web-based auto-calibration module integrated with L-THIA 2012 could calibrate not only the surface runoff and NPS pollutions well, but also provide easy access to users across the world. Thus, our approach could be useful in providing a tool for Best Management Practices (BMPs) for policy/decision-makers

    Development of Daily Flow Expansion Regression and Web GIS-Based Pollutant Load Evaluation System

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    This study accounted for the importance of daily expansion flow data in compensating for insufficient flow data in a watershed. In particular, the 8-day interval flow measurement data (intermittent monitoring data) could cause uncertainty in the high- or low-flow conditions that have been used to estimate the flow duration curve (FDC) and the load duration curve (LDC) used in Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) evaluation in Korea. Thus, this study developed a method to expand the 8-day interval flow data (missing data) to daily flow data in order to evaluate the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) appropriately in a watershed. We employed the machine learning technique (the gradient descent method provided by the Google TensorFlow package) to develop a regression for expanding the 8-day interval flow data. The method was applied in the Nakdong River basin located in Korea to collect the 8-day interval and daily flow data from a number of gauging stations. The results of the expanded daily flow were evaluated through the RMSE, MAE, IOA, and NSE, and the valid expanded daily flow data were obtained for the 29 TMDL gauging stations (IOA 0.84~0.99, NSE −0.18~0.99). A good performance in the creation of daily flow data (continuous data) from the 8-day interval flow data (intermittent data) was shown using the proposed method. In addition, the Web GIS-based pollutant load assessment system was developed to evaluate the TMDL; it included the daily data expansion method and provided the pollution load characteristics objectively and intuitively. This system will help decision makers, such as environmental regulators, researchers, and the general public, and support their decision making for pollution source management with accessible and efficient tools for understanding and addressing water quality issues

    Projecting Future Climate Change Scenarios Using Three Bias-Correction Methods

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    We performed bias correction in future climate change scenarios to provide better accuracy of models through adaptation to future climate change. The proposed combination of the change factor (CF) and quantile mapping (QM) methods combines the individual advantages of both methods for adjusting the bias in global circulation models (GCMs) and regional circulation models (RCMs). We selected a study site in Songwol-dong, Seoul, Republic of Korea, to test and assess our proposed method. Our results show that the combined CF + QM method delivers better performance in terms of correcting the bias in GCMs/RCMs than when both methods are applied individually. In particular, our proposed method considerably improved the bias-corrected precipitation by capturing both the high peaks and amounts of precipitation as compared to that from the CF-only and QM-only methods. Thus, our proposed method can provide high-accuracy bias-corrected precipitation data, which could prove to be highly useful in interdisciplinary studies across the world