11 research outputs found

    S3 guidelines for intensive care in cardiac surgery patients: hemodynamic monitoring and cardiocirculary system

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    Hemodynamic monitoring and adequate volume-therapy, as well as the treatment with positive inotropic drugs and vasopressors are the basic principles of the postoperative intensive care treatment of patient after cardiothoracic surgery. The goal of these S3 guidelines is to evaluate the recommendations in regard to evidence based medicine and to define therapy goals for monitoring and therapy. In context with the clinical situation the evaluation of the different hemodynamic parameters allows the development of a therapeutic concept and the definition of goal criteria to evaluate the effect of treatment

    Poster display IV experimental and instrumentation

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    Just reporting : does the school have a justifiable reporting process?

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    This thesis titled `Just Reporting' aimed to explore the question: Does the school have a justifiable reporting process that meets the needs of key stakeholders (parents, students and teachers)? Through a critical review of the research literature relevant to reporting, various ethical issues were noted that assisted in the construction of the questions guiding this study. These ethical issues provided the lens through which I explored the reporting practices at the research school. The title Just Reporting emphasises the justice issues surrounding reporting as a communicative action where the integrity of each individual is maintained and relationships strengthened. The research took the form of a case study involving the participation of thirty-three parents, eleven teachers and twenty-one students from the one school setting in a questionnaire that had both quantitative and qualitative questions that gathered their affective and cognitive responses to the school's written report. I also held one focus group interview with parents to clarify information from the questionnaire. An interactive inquiry with mixed methods approach was chosen as the best way to answer the research questions. The aim was to develop a theory about reporting rather than prove an existing theory. This study examines what reporting is, the audience and purpose of reporting, and the imperatives of justifiable reporting. It gathered the opinions and beliefs about reporting at the research school from key stakeholder groups and sought to discover whether the written report met their needs and fulfilled the requirements of justifiable reporting. Final analysis of the data provided understandings about the nature of reporting at the research school and revealed a number of issues that prevented the process from being fully justifiable

    Fratura de mandíbula: análise de 293 pacientes tratados no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia Mandibular fracture: analysis of 293 patients treated in the Hospital of Clinics, Federal University of Uberlândia

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    A fratura de mandíbula ocupa o segundo lugar entre as fraturas dos ossos da face, tendo havido aumento significativo de casos nos últimos anos. A não-identificação e o tratamento inadequado podem levar à deformidade estética ou funcional permanente. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os casos submetidos à redução de fratura de mandíbula no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, entre janeiro de 1974 e dezembro de 2002. FORMA DE ESTUDO: coorte historica. PACIENTES E MÉTODO: Duzentos e noventa e três pacientes foram submetidos à redução de fratura de mandíbula e retrospectivamente foram avaliados segundo fatores relacionados a: paciente, trauma, quadro clínico e tratamento cirúrgico. RESULTADOS: Houve uma clara tendência de aumento do número de fraturas de mandíbula ao longo dos anos. Houve um predomínio no sexo masculino (4:1), com pico de ocorrência entre 20 a 29 anos. As principais causas de fratura da mandíbula neste estudo foram acidentes de trânsito e violência, perfazendo juntas 72,4%. Cento e trinta e cinco pacientes apresentavam fratura única. Os sítios mais acometidos foram, em ordem decrescente, sínfise, côndilo, ângulo, corpo, ramo e processo coronóide. Foram realizadas redução incruenta (28), cruenta (213) e associação das duas (11 pacientes), sendo que 56,8% dos pacientes foram tratados nos primeiros 3 dias e 50,4% recebeu a alta hospitalar até o primeiro pós-operatório. Cerca de 10% dos pacientes apresentaram complicações, sendo osteomielite a mais freqüente. CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de fraturas de mandíbula foi marcadamente maior no sexo masculino, durante a terceira década de vida. A causa mais comum foi o acidente de trânsito e as regiões mais atingidas foram sínfise e côndilo. As fraturas isoladas de mandíbula ocorreram em mais de metade dos casos. A maioria dos pacientes foi tratada nos primeiros três dias e recebeu alta até o primeiro pós-operatório. A redução cruenta foi tratamento mais comumente empregado. A complicação mais freqüente foi a osteomielite.<br>Mandibular fracture is the second most common facial fracture and there has been a significant increase in number of cases in the last years. Misidentification and inadequate treatment can take to permanent aesthetic or functional deformity. AIM: Evaluate cases of mandibular fracture reduction in the Hospital of Clinics of the Federal University of Uberlândia, from January of 1974 to December of 2002. STUDY DESIGN: historical cohort. PATIENT AND METHOD: Two hundred and ninety-three cases of reduction of mandibular fractures were retrospectively analyzed according to factors related to: patient, trauma, signs and symptoms, and surgical treatment. RESULTS: There has been a clear tendency of increase of the number of mandibular fractures along the years. There was higher prevalence in male (4:1), with occurrence peak between 20 to 29 years old. The principal causes of fracture in this study were traffic accidents and violence, representing 72.4%. One hundred and thirty-five patients presented only one fracture. The most injured sites were, in decreasing order, symphysis, condyle, angle, body, ramus, and coronoid. We performed closed reduction (28), open reduction (213) and association of the two (11 patients); 56.8% of the patients were treated within the first 3 days; and, 50.4% were discharged from the hospital until the first postoperative day. About 10% of the patients presented complications, being osteomyelitis the most frequent one. CONCLUSION: The incidence of mandibular fractures was remarkably larger in the male sex, during the third decade of life. The most common cause was traffic accident, and symphysis and condyle were the most injured sites. Isolated fractures occurred in over half of the cases. Most of the patients were treated in the first three days and were discharged until the first postoperative visit. Closed reduction was the treatment most commonly employed. The most frequent complication was osteomyelitis