4,445 research outputs found

    Effects of Magnetic Fields on the Diskoseismic Modes of Accreting Black Holes

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    The origin of the rapid quasi-periodic variabilities observed in a number of accreting black hole X-ray binaries is not understood. It has been suggested that these variabilities are associated with diskoseismic oscillation modes of the black hole accretion disk. In particular, in a disk with no magnetic field, the so-called g-modes (inertial oscillations) can be self-trapped at the inner region of the disk due to general relativistic effects. Real accretion disks, however, are expected to be turbulent and contain appreciable magnetic fields. We show in this paper that even a weak magnetic field (with the magnetic energy much less than the thermal energy) can modify or "destroy" the self-trapping zone of disk g-modes, rendering their existence questionable in realistic black hole accretion disks. The so-called corrugation modes (c-modes) are also strongly affected when the poloidal field approaches equal-partition. On the other hand, acoustic oscillations (p-modes), which do not have vertical structure, are not affected qualitatively by the magnetic field, and therefore may survive in a turbulent, magnetic disk.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Corotational Damping of Diskoseismic C-modes in Black Hole Accretion Discs

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    Diskoseismic c-modes in accretion discs have been invoked to explain low-frequency variabilities observed in black-hole X-ray binaries. These modes are trapped in the inner-most region of the disc and have frequencies much lower than the rotation frequency at the disc inner radius. We show that because the trapped waves can tunnel through the evanescent barrier to the corotational wave zone, the c-modes are damped due to wave absorption at the corotation resonance. We calculate the corotational damping rates of various c-modes using the WKB approximation. The damping rate varies widely depending on the mode frequency, the black hole spin parameter and the disc sound speed, and is generally much less than 10% of the mode frequency. A sufficiently strong excitation mechanism is needed to overcome this corotational damping and make the mode observable.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Low-T/∣W∣T/|W| instabilities in differentially rotating proto-neutron stars with magnetic fields

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    Recent hydrodynamical simulations have shown that differentially rotating neutron stars formed in core-collapse supernovae may develop global non-axisymmetric instabilities even when T/∣W∣T/|W| (the ratio of the rotational kinetic energy TT to the gravitational potential energy ∣W∣|W|) is relatively small (less than 0.1). Such low-T/∣W∣T/|W| instability can give rise to efficient gravitational wave emission from the proto-neutron star. We investigate how this instability is affected by magnetic fields using a cylindrical stellar model. Wave absorption at the corotation resonance plays an important role in facilitating the hydrodynamic low-T/∣W∣T/|W| instability. In the presence of a toroidal magnetic field, the corotation resonance is split into two magnetic resonances where wave absorptions take place. We show that the toroidal magnetic field suppresses the low-T/∣W∣T/|W| instability when the total magnetic energy WBW_{\rm B} is of order 0.2 T0.2\,T or larger, corresponding to toroidal fields of a few ×1016\times 10^{16} G or stronger. Although poloidal magnetic fields do not influence the instability directly, they can affect the instability by generating toroidal fields through linear winding of the initial poloidal field and magneto-rotational instability. We show that an initial poloidal field with strength as small as 101410^{14} G may suppress the low-T/∣W∣T/|W| instability.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; submitted to MNRA

    Dynamics of the Innermost Accretion Flows Around Compact Objects: Magnetosphere-Disc Interface, Global Oscillations and Instabilities

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    We study global non-axisymmetric oscillation modes and instabilities in magnetosphere- disc systems, as expected in neutron star X-ray binaries and possibly also in accreting black hole systems. Our two-dimensional magnetosphere-disc model consists of a Keplerian disc in contact with an uniformly rotating magnetosphere with low plasma density. Two types of global overstable modes exist in such systems, the interface modes and the disc inertial-acoustic modes. We examine various physical effects and parameters that influence the properties of these oscillation modes, particularly their growth rates, including the magnetosphere field configuration, the velocity and density contrasts across the magnetosphere-disc interface, the rotation profile (with Newtonian or General Relativistic potential), the sound speed and magnetic field of the disc. The interface modes are driven unstable by Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz in- stabilities, but can be stabilized by the toroidal field (through magnetic tension) and disc differential rotation (through finite vorticity). General relativity increases their growth rates by modifying the disc vorticity outside the magnetosphere boundary. The interface modes may also be affected by wave absorption associated with corotation resonance in the disc. In the presence of a magnetosphere, the inertial-acoustic modes are effectively trapped at the innermost region of the relativistic disc just outside the interface. They are driven unstable by wave absorption at the corotation resonance, but can be stabilized by modest disc magnetic fields. The overstable oscillation modes studied in this paper have characteristic properties that make them possible candidates for the quasi-periodic oscillations observed in X-ray binaries.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Corotational Instability, Magnetic Resonances and Global Inertial-Acoustic Oscillations in Magnetized Black-Hole Accretion Discs

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    Low-order, non-axisymmetric p-modes (also referred as inertial-acoustic modes) trapped in the inner-most region of hydrodynamic accretion discs around black holes, are plausible candidates for high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in a number of accreting black-hole systems. These modes are subject to global instabilities due to wave absorption at the corotation resonance (where the wave pattern frequency ω/m\omega/m equals the disc rotation rate Ω\Omega), when the fluid vortensity, ζ=κ2/(2ΩΣ)\zeta=\kappa^2/(2\Omega\Sigma) (where κ\kappa and Σ\Sigma are the radial epicyclic frequency and disc surface density, respectively), has a positive gradient. We investigate the effects of disc magnetic fields on the wave absorption at corotation and the related wave super-reflection of the corotation barrier, and on the overstability of disc p-modes. For discs with a pure toroidal field, the corotation resonance is split into two magnetic resonances, where the wave frequency in the corotating frame of the fluid, \tomega=\omega-m\Omega, matches the slow magnetosonic wave frequency. Significant wave energy/angular momentum absorption occurs at both magnetic resonances, but with opposite signs. The combined effect of the two magnetic resonances is to reduce the super-reflection and the growth rate of the overstable p-modes. We show that even a subthermal toroidal field may suppress the overstability of hydrodynamic (B=0) p-modes. For accretion discs with mixed (toroidal and vertical) magnetic fields, two additional Alfven resonances appear, where \tomega matches the local Alfven wave frequency. They further reduce the growth rate of p-modes. Our results suggest that in order for the non-axisymmetric p-modes to be a viable candidate for the observed high-frequency QPOs, the disc magnetic field must be appreciably subthermal, or other mode excitation mechanisms are at work.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Interface Modes and Their Instabilities in Accretion Disc Boundary Layers

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    We study global non-axisymmetric oscillation modes trapped near the inner boundary of an accretion disc. Observations indicate that some of the quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in the luminosities of accreting compact objects (neutron stars, black holes and white dwarfs) are produced in the inner-most regions of accretion discs or boundary layers. Two simple models are considered in this paper: The magnetosphere-disc model consists of a thin Keplerian disc in contact with a uniformly rotating magnetosphere with and low plasma density, while the star-disc model involves a Keplerian disc terminated at the stellar atomosphere with high density and small density scale height. We find that the interface modes at the magnetosphere-disc boundary are generally unstable due to Rayleigh-Taylor and/or Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. However, differential rotation of the disc tends to suppress Rayleigh-Taylor instability and a sufficiently high disc sound speed (or temperature) is needed to overcome this suppression and to attain net mode growth. On the other hand, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability may be active at low disc sound speeds. We also find that the interface modes trapped at the boundary between a thin disc and an unmagnetized star do not suffer Rayleigh-Taylor or Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, but can become unstable due to wave leakage to large disc radii and, for sufficiently steep disc density distributions, due to wave absorption at the corotation resonance in the disc. The non-axisymmetric interface modes studied in this paper may be relevant to the high-frequency QPOs observed in some X-ray binaries and in cataclysmic variables.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Intravitreal injection of Huperzine A promotes retinal ganglion cells survival and axonal regeneration after optic nerve crush

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    Traumatic optic neuropathy (TON) is a condition that causes massive loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and their axonal fibers, leading to visual insufficiency. Several intrinsic and external factors can limit the regenerative ability of RGC after TON, subsequently resulting in RGC death. Hence, it is important to investigate a potential drug that can protect RGC after TON and enhance its regenerative capacity. Herein, we investigated whether Huperzine A (HupA), extracted from a Chinese herb, has neuroprotective effects and may enhance neuronal regeneration following the optic nerve crush (ONC) model. We compared the three modes of drug delivery and found that intravitreal injection of HupA could promote RGC survival and axonal regeneration after ONC. Mechanistically, HupA exerted its neuroprotective and axonal regenerative effects through the mTOR pathway; these effects could be blocked by rapamycin. To sum up, our findings suggest a promising application of HupA in the clinical treatment of traumatic optic nerve

    Corotational Instability of Inertial-Acoustic Modes in Black-Hole Accretion Discs: Non-Barotropic Flows

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    We study the effect of corotation resonance on the inertial-acoustic oscillations (p-modes) of black-hole accretion discs. Previous works have shown that for barotropic flows (where the pressure depends only on the density), wave absorption at the corotation resonance can lead to mode growth when the disc vortensity, ζ=κ2/(2ΩΣ)\zeta=\kappa^2/(2\Omega\Sigma) (where Ω,κ,Σ\Omega, \kappa, \Sigma are the rotation rate, radial epicyclic frequency and surface density of the disc, respectively), has a positive gradient at the corotation radius. Here we generalize the analysis of the corotation resonance effect to non-barotropic fluids. We show that the mode instability criterion is modified by the finite radial Brunt-V\"as\"al\"a frequency of the disc. We derive an analytic expression for the reflectivity when a density wave impinges upon the corotation barrier, and calculate the frequencies and growth rates of global p-modes for disc models with various α\alpha-viscosity parameterizations. We find that for disc fluids with constant adiabatic index Γ\Gamma, super-reflection and mode growth depend on the gradient of the effective vortensity, ζeff=ζ/S2/Γ\zeta_{\rm eff} = \zeta/S^{2/\Gamma} (where S≡P/ΣΓS \equiv P/\Sigma^{\Gamma} measures the entropy): when dζeff/dr>0d\zeta_{\rm eff}/dr > 0 at the corotation radius, wave absorption leads to amplification of the p-mode. Our calculations show that the lowest-order p-modes with azimuthal wave number m=2,3,4,...m=2, 3, 4,... have the largest growth rates, with the frequencies approximately in (but distinct from) the 2:3:4...2:3:4... commensurate ratios. We discuss the implications of our results for the high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations observed in accreting black-hole systems.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, published in MNRA
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