107 research outputs found

    Determination of solid/liquid fraction of three aluminium binary alloys using a new single-pan scanning calorimete

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    There is an increased demand for data with higher precision for the enthalpy changes and the fraction of solid/liquid temperatures of materials. Therefore, continuous efforts are often devoted to design calorimeters that can accurately measure materialsā€™ thermophysical properties. In this study, a new single-pan scanning calorimeter was used to measure the transition temperature and enthalpy change of three aluminium binary alloys. Measured results also were compared with the calculated results using thermodynamic software. The measured high accuracy enthalpy data were used to determine transient temperature. It is concluded that the new instrument is a promising device that can achieve reliable and reproducible materialsā€™ thermophysical data

    Effects of aluminum diffusion on the adhesive behavior of the Ni(111)/Cr2O3(0001) interface: First principle study

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    AbstractDensity functional theory was employed to investigate the structure and properties of Ni/Cr2O3 and Ni/Al2O3/Cr2O3. The O-terminated Ni(111)/Cr2O3(0001) interface was firstly found to be the most stable configuration. Based on this construction, the effects of the Al diffusion at the Ni/Cr2O3 interface were further studied. The results of total energies indicate that Al atoms originating from Ni slab prefer to diffuse into Cr2O3 slab through the interface, resulting in the formation of alumina at the Ni/Cr2O3 interface. Due to the presence of Al atoms, there was an amazing increase in the work of adhesion, whereas the Ni/Al2O3/Cr2O3 interface showed the strongest stability. Moreover, this calculated work well agrees with the reported experimental results

    Laser additive manufacturing of niobium silicide-based composites

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    Niobium silicide-based composites, in the application of gas turbine blades, promise significant efficiency improvements compared to current Ni-based alloys. The higher temperature capability would allow the engine to run at a higher temperature than that of current alloys, increasing engine efficiency. Nb-Si based composites possess a lower density, due to the presence of ceramic phases such as Nb5Si3 and/or Nb3Si. This would reduce the weight of the rotating blades. However, improvements in certain properties, such as ductility, room temperature toughness and oxidation resistance are needed. The alloy must also be cost effective to manufacture if niobium silicide systems are to reach their full potential. This study focuses on the manufacturability aspect of the powder feeding laser additive manufacturing (LAM) process to engineering Nb-Si based alloy samples. A schematic drawing of LAM system is shown in Figure 1. In LAM process, CAD models of the components are constructed and sliced layer by layer for laser multilayer cladding, which directly forms the component shapes. LAM has the advantage of forming near-net shapes without the use of expensive cores and moulds for the reactive Nb-Si melt. Fine microstructure and even chemical composition distribution with reduced macro-segregation are obtained. With the use of power feeding system, new Nb-Si based alloys are LAMed with varying Ti, Si, Cr, Al, Hf, V concentrations. Microstructures and mechanical properties of the LAMed new alloys will be presented, the relationship between mechanical property, alloy chemistry and process variable will be analyzed and the challenges in powder feeding laser additive manufacturing of Nb-Si based composites will be reported. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    A machine learning approach to characterise fabrication porosity effects on the mechanical properties of additively manufactured thermoplastic composites

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    The investigation of the mechanical properties of additively manufactured (AM) composite has been the focus of several research over the past decades. However, testing constraints of time and cost have encouraged the exploration of more pragmatic methods such as machine learning (ML) for predicting these characteristics. This study builds on experimental investigations of the flexural, tensile, compressive, porosity, and hardness properties of 3D printed carbon fibre-reinforced polyamide (CF-PA) and carbon fibre-reinforced acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (CF-ABS) composites, proposing the application of ML for predicting these mechanical properties. A comprehensive comparative analysis of various machine learning approaches was executed, with a resultant accuracy ranging between 80 and 99%. The results unveiled the superior predictive performance of ensemble tree learners and the K-NN regressor algorithms when temperature and porosity are selected (based on correlation analysis) as predictors for material hardness and strength in tension, compression, and flexion. In particular, the model built on the extra-tree regressor algorithm demonstrated a remarkably robust fit, with R-squared evaluation scores of 0.9993 and 0.9996 for CF-PA and CF-ABS, respectively. This work develops a ML model that relates porosity to the other mechanical properties of AM composites and the prediction modelsā€™ exceptional accuracy, along with their precise alignment with experimental data, provide invaluable insights for the autonomous control and data-driven optimization of the structures

    Effect of Deformation Rate on the Elastic-Plastic Deformation Behavior of GH3625 Alloy

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    GH3625 alloy is a typical polycrystalline material. The mechanical properties of a crystal within the alloy depend on the single crystal properties, lattice orientation, and orientations of neighboring crystals. However, accurate determination of single crystal properties is critical in developing a quantitative understanding of the micromechanical behavior of GH3625. In this study, the effect of deformation rate on the elastoplastic deformation behavior of GH3625 was investigated using in situ neutron diffraction room-temperature compression experiments, EBSD, and TEM. The results showed that the microscopic stressā€“strain curve included elastic deformation (applied stress, Ļƒ ā‰¤ 300 MPa), elastoplastic transition (300 MPa 350 MPa) stages, which agreed with the mesoscopic lattice strain behavior. Meanwhile, the deformation rate was closely related to the crystal elastic and plastic anisotropy. The results of the lattice strain, peak width, and intensity reflected by the specific hkl showed that the deformation rate had little effect on the elastic anisotropy of the crystal, but had a significant effect on the plastic anisotropy of the crystal. With the increase in the deformation rate, the high angle grain boundaries gradually changed to the low angle grain boundaries, and the proportion of twin boundaries gradually reduced. Also, the grains transformed from uniform deformation to nonuniform deformation. Moreover, with the increase in deformation rate, the total dislocation density (Ļ) of the alloy first decreased and then increased, whereas the geometrically necessary dislocation density (ĻGND) monotonically increased, and the statistically stored dislocation (SSD) density (ĻSSD) monotonically decreased. Meanwhile, the abnormal work hardening behavior of the sample at a deformation rate of 0.2 mm/min was mainly related to the SSD generated by uniform deformation. Additionally, the contribution of dislocation strengthening and TEM observation confirmed that the dominant deformation of GH3625 was dislocation slip, and its work hardening mechanism was dislocation strengthening

    Revealing internal flow behaviour in arc welding and additive manufacturing of metals

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    Internal flow behaviour during melt-pool-based metal manufacturing remains unclear and hinders progression to process optimisation. In this contribution, we present direct time-resolved imaging of melt pool flow dynamics from a high-energy synchrotron radiation experiment. We track internal flow streams during arc welding of steel and measure instantaneous flow velocities ranging from 0.1ā€‰mā€‰sāˆ’1 to 0.5ā€‰mā€‰sāˆ’1. When the temperature-dependent surface tension coefficient is negative, bulk turbulence is the main flow mechanism and the critical velocity for surface turbulence is below the limits identified in previous theoretical studies. When the alloy exhibits a positive temperature-dependent surface tension coefficient, surface turbulence occurs and derisory oxides can be entrapped within the subsequent solid as result of higher flow velocities. The widely used arc welding and the emerging arc additive manufacturing routes can be optimised by controlling internal melt flow through adjusting surface active elements

    Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermodynamic prediction of liquid fraction vs temperature for two high-performance alloys for semi-solid processing (Al-Si-Cu-Mg (319s) and Al-Cu-Ag (201))

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    There is a need to extend the application of semi-solid processing (SSP) to higher performance alloys such as 319s (Al-Si-Cu-Mg) and 201 (Al-Cu-Ag). The melting of these two alloys was investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermodynamic prediction. The alloys had been processed by magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) stirring before receipt to produce a microstructure suitable for SSP. The DSC results for the as-received MHD material were compared with those for material which has been taken through a complete DSC cycle and then reheated for a second DSC run. The effects of microsegregation were then analyzed. A higher liquid fraction for a particular temperature is found in the second DSC run than the first. Microstructural observations suggest this is because the intermetallics which form during the first cooling cycle tend to co-located. Quaternary and ternary reactions then occur during the second DSC heat and the co-location leads to enhanced peaks. The calculated liquid fraction is lower with 10 K/min DSC heating rate comparing with 3 K/min at a given temperature. The DSC scan rate must therefore be carefully considered if it is to be used to identify temperature parameters or the suitability of alloys for SSP. In addition, the starting material for DSC must represent the starting material for the SSP. With thermodynamic prediction, the equilibrium condition will provide better guidance for the thixoforming of MHD stirred starting material than the Scheil condition. The Scheil mode approximates more closely with a strongly microsegregated state

    Getting the strain under control: Trans-Varestraint tests for hot cracking susceptibility

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    A new method for conducting Trans-Varestraint tests for assessing hot cracking susceptibility is proposed. Experiments were carried out, to validate the new method, with an industrial scale rig using tungsten inert gas welding. The hot cracking susceptibility of API-5L X65 and EN3B steel was compared. The results indicated that, by using the new method, the strain applied to the welding bead and consequently to the solidification front was controlled in a repeatable and reliable way. The results also indicated that EN3B has a maximum crack length (a parameter in the test) higher than X65 and it is reached at lower augmented strain thus demonstrating it is more susceptible to hot cracking, while also indicating that there is a capability of predicting the initiation position of hot cracks during welding. By using the method proposed, the capability of setting standardized test procedures for Trans-Varestraint tests is improved. It is recommended that future tests for assessing hot cracking susceptibility should employ the proposed method in order for the results to be comparable and to also study the effect of strain rate in hot cracking of materials
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