17 research outputs found

    Optimizacija modela izlaznih uređaja u grafičkoj reprodukciji

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    Prijelazom postupaka grafičke reprodukcije s konvencionalnih na digitalne, koji je započeo u drugoj polovici 80‐ih godina 20.st., otvorio se prostor razvoju različitih tehnologija. Tada su različiti proizvođači softvera i opreme razvijali vlastite sustave upravljanja bojama. Kako su ti sustavi bili ograničeni na platforme i softverske pakete za koje su bili razvijeni, proizvođači su 1993.g. osnovali Međunarodni konzorcij za boje (ICC – International Color Consortium), s ciljem razvoja univerzalnog sustava upravljanja bojama, neovisnog o platformi, operacijskom sustavu i softverskim paketima. Glavna namjera je bila, a i danas je, razvoj standarda zapisa profila uređaja te registracija potpisa i opisa podatkovnih struktura profila. Profili uređaja opisuju njihova svojstva reprodukcije boja, definirajući vezu između izvornog ili odredišnog prostora boja i poveznog prostora boja. Tijekom 2003.g. ICC i Tehnički odbor za grafičku tehnologiju, TC130 pri Međunarodnoj organizaciji za standarde, sklopili su ugovor kojim su se obavezali na suradnju u razvoju ISO standarda na osnovama dotadašnjeg rada ICC‐a. ICC profil je računalna datoteka, čiji je zapis i podatkovne strukture standardizirao ICC. Uz to, ICC u svojim publikacijama daje načelne smjernice za korištenje podatkovnih struktura profila prilikom karakterizacije uređaja. No, to je sve što je kod tih datoteka standardizirano. Kako se pri izradi profila uređaja na osnovi mjerenja izrađuje matematički model uređaja, izbor matematičke funkcije, kao i njezine raspodjele po podatkovnim strukturama profila, ostavljaju se razvojnim inženjerima softvera. Pri tome se koriste modeli za koje je dosadašnjim istraživanjima dokazano da dobro opisuju određeni tip uređaja. No, oni se u pojedinačnim slučajevima mogu pokazati nepreciznima. Razvijeni su različiti modeli za opis uređaja, a često se u tu svrhu koriste regresijski modeli. Polinom proizvoljnog, unaprijed zadanog reda i broja članova prilagođava se podacima u smislu najmanjih kvadratnih odstupanja. Izbor optimalnoga reda i članova za neki određeni uređaj nije očigledan. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bilo je određivanje signifikantnih članova modela za različite uređaje i pronalaženje veze između signifikantnosti pojedinih članova i karakteristika podataka o uređaju. U prvome dijelu istraživanja jednome modelu koji je odabran kao osnovni dodavani su proizvoljno odabrani članovi. Evaluacijom preciznosti na tri domene i jednom procesu utvrđeno je kako neki članovi mogu povećati, a neki smanjiti sposobnost prilagodbe i moć predviđanja modela, a učinak može biti različit na različitim domenama. U drugome dijelu istraživanja provedena su dva postupka eliminacije, eliminacija skupina članova i eliminacija članova na maksimalnim modelima za osam procesa i utvrđena je signifikantnost pojedinih članova u različitim procesima. Iako su se reducirani modeli pokazali preciznijima, zbog velikih međuovisnosti članova modela nije utvrđeno postojanje uzorka u izboru članova za pojedine procese pa ovim pristupom nije utvrđena veza između signifikantnosti članova i karakteristika podataka o uređaju

    Effect of data scaling on color device model fitting

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    Output devices in print production can be characterized by different characterization methods. One commonly used method of color device characterization is least squares fitting. In essence, the least squares fitting is used to determine the coefficients of a predetermined polynomial, such that the sum of squared differences between the values predicted by the model and the empirical data is minimal. The choice of the polynomial order and the cross product terms which best describe the behavior of a certain device is not obvious. This paper is a part of a larger study which investigates the criteria in the measurement data which can be used for optimal model selection. The part of the study covered in this paper addresses the data over fitting problem. It is investigated by comparing the performance of models of different polynomial orders on two different domains.Peer Reviewe

    Assessing RGB device calibration control level

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    Grafički reprodukcijski uređaji kalibriraju se s ciljem poboljšanja performansi i dovođenja u poznato stanje. Postoji mnogo metoda razvijenih za reprodukcijske uređaje koji pružaju izravnu kontrolu nad svojim bojilima (CMYK). Uređaji bez izravne kontrole nad svojim bojilima ne kalibriraju se te stoga pružaju manju točnost u pogledu reprodukcije boja. U ovome radu istražene su mogućnosti kalibracije takvih uređaja, to jest razina kontrole koju je nad njima moguće uspostaviti. Za tu su svrhu preuzeti principi postojećih metoda kalibracije, a metoda određivanja ciljanih vrijednosti je modificirana i proširena. Evaluacijom je utvrđeno da su postignuta poboljšanja u odnosu na nekalibrirani uređaj, ali i da je potrebno dodatno istraživanje s obzirom da se proces pokazao nekontroliranim u nekim aspektima.Colour reproduction devices are calibrated with the aim of maximizing their performance and setting them in a known state. Many calibration methods have been developed for colour reproduction devices which provide direct control over their colorants’ amounts (CMYK devices). Devices with no direct control over their colorants’ amounts are normally not calibrated and are therefore less accurate regarding the colour reproduction. This paper investigates the possibilities of calibrating such devices, i.e. the level of control that can be established over them. For that purpose, basic principles of the existing calibration methods were taken, but the method of determining the aimed values was modified and extended with novelties. The evaluation showed that this attempt did result in some improvements, however, should be studied more carefully as it was revealed that the process was uncontrolled in some aspects

    Model implementacije TQM-a u grafičku industriju

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    The most important criterion for pronouncing a certain production process to be successful is that it produces products of the desired quality level. Attaining quality is the aim of every production process. Achieving superior quality is possible by ensuring that a production process is being conducted under the best possible conditions. Another important step toward quality is employee education. Ensuring the best production conditions and the best education of employees requires enormous investments and does not lead toward optimization because the costs of quality become too high. Printed material has the aim of meeting certain requirements for quality in order to successfully transfer the message to consumers on the competitive market. In the production process of this dynamic, every fault results with delays in delivery and quality reduction. This paper investigates current approach to quality in the graphic arts industry, and elaborates the model of applying knowledge from the field of quality management to the printing industry.Najvažniji kriterij proglašavanja nekog proizvodnog procesa uspješnim je sposobnost tog procesa da proizvede proizvod tražene kvalitete. Postizanje kvalitete je cilj svakog proizvodnog procesa. Superiornu kvalitetu moguće je postići osiguranjem najboljih mogućih uvjeta u kojima se odvija poizvodni proces. Druga važna aktivnost je edukacija kadrova. Osiguranje najboljih mogućih uvjeta i najbolje edukacije kadrova zahtijevaju velika ulaganja pa troškovi kvalitete postaju previsoki. Takav pristup, ako i jest praktično izvediv, ne vodi optimizaciji. Tiskani materijal mora udovoljiti određenim zahtjevima za kvalitetom kako bi na konkurentskom tržištu uspješno prenio poruku potencijalnom kupcu. U tako dinamičnoj proizvodnji kao što je grafička, svaka greška uzrokuje kašnjenje i pad kvalitete. U ovom članku izneseni su rezultati istraživanja trenutačnog stanja u grafičkoj industriji i prijedlog modela implementacije znanja s područja kvalitete u grafičku proizvodnju


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    S obzirom na sve veću konkurenciju koja se pojavljuje na svjetskom, ali i hrvatskom tržištu, organizacije će morati pristupiti sistematičnom i profesionalnom organiziranju proizvodnje i usluga. Iz tih razloga pojavljuje se cijeli niz metoda, koncepata i standarda koji nastoje pomoći organizacijama u sustavu upravljanja. U organizacijama koje nastoje obuhvatiti tri bitna elementa za upravljanje uvode se tzv. integrirani sustavi upravljanja: ISO 9001:2000 – Sustav upravljanja kvalitetom; ISO 14001:2004 – Sustav upravljanja zaštitom okoliša i OHSAS 18001 – Sustav upravljanja zdravljem i sigurnošću na radu.In the face of mounting competition on the world and Croatian markest, organizations will have to embark on a systematic and professional reorganization of their production and services. For that reason, a wide range of methods, concepts and standards have emerged in an attempt to assist organizations with their management systems. In organizations that are trying to cover three important elements of management, the so called integrated management systems are being introduced: ISO 9001:2000 – quality management system, ISO 14001:2004 - environmental management system and OHSAS 18001 Occupational health and safety management system. This paper shows the main features of integrated management systems, areas which all management systems have in common, as well as differences among them. It describes the state of management systems in Croatian companies, in particular those related to graphic arts industry

    Increasing the Accuracy of Colour Reproduction System Evaluation b Proper Sampling

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    Test charts are a tool commonly used for the evaluation of colour reproduction system accuracy. They may vary in size and choice of values tested. Within statistical quality control, the importance of random sampling is very often stipulated. However, in the context of the evaluation of colour reproduction system accuracy, samples are very small with respect to the number of possible device inputs. It is therefore very common that practically usable test charts of sizes of a few hundred patches underestimate the maximum error. Including a larger number of critical values such as those at the gamut boundary increases the probability of estimating the maximum error more accurately. However, the sample is no more random and the inclusion of a larger number of critical values inevitably increases the central tendency measures. The aim of this research is to improve the maximum error estimate, while retaining the central tendency estimates within the range of statistically insignificant differences. This is achieved by adding critical values to the chart of sufficient number of patches

    Implementation of differentiated quality management system and FMEA method in the newspaper production

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    Novim pristupom u implementaciji FMEA metode u sustavu novinske proizvodnje predstavljene su nesukladnosti koje se mogu pojaviti u odabranim procesima, temeljem primjene diferenciranog sustava upravljanja kvalitetom. Svaki potproces i radna aktivnost u okviru odabranih procesa novinske proizvodnje diferencirano se evaluira, a analizom se dolazi do potrebne informacije o intenzitetu pojavljivanja, serioznosti i mogućim korektivnim mjerama u svrhu postizanja i održanja visoke razine kvalitete novinskog proizvoda. FMEA analiza je predstavljena u modificiranim tabličnim obrascima za proces proizvodnje novinskog proizvoda, a temeljem dobivenih rezultata su preporučene preventivne i korektive aktivnosti. Izvedbom preventivnih i korektivnih aktivnosti, uklanja se ili minimizira pojavljivanje nesukladnosti što u konačnici proces čini konkurentnim i otklanja nesukladnosti iz proizvoda.A new approach to the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis - analysis of potential failures and their effects) method implementation in the newspaper production system shows non-compliances that may occur in the selected processes by implementing differentiated quality management system. Each sub-process and work activity within the selected processes in the newspaper production is differentially evaluated, and analysis provides the necessary information about the intensity of occurrence, severity and possible corrective actions in order to achieve and maintain high levels of quality newspaper products. FMEA analysis is presented in the modified tables for the newspaper product production process, and the preventive and corrective actions were recommended based on the results obtained. By performing preventive and corrective actions the occurrence of non-compliance is eliminated or minimized which ultimately makes the process more competitive and removes the non-compliance from the product

    Effect of data scaling on color device model fitting

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    Output devices in print production can be characterized by different characterization methods. One commonly used method of color device characterization is least squares fitting. In essence, the least squares fitting is used to determine the coefficients of a predetermined polynomial, such that the sum of squared differences between the values predicted by the model and the empirical data is minimal. The choice of the polynomial order and the cross product terms which best describe the behavior of a certain device is not obvious. This paper is a part of a larger study which investigates the criteria in the measurement data which can be used for optimal model selection. The part of the study covered in this paper addresses the data over fitting problem. It is investigated by comparing the performance of models of different polynomial orders on two different domains.Peer Reviewe