1,790 research outputs found

    Spectral variability in Cygnus X-3

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    We model the broad-band X-ray spectrum of Cyg X-3 in all states displayed by this source as observed by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. From our models, we derive for the first time unabsorbed spectral shapes and luminosities for the full range of spectral states. We interpret the unabsorbed spectra in terms of Comptonization by a hybrid electron distribution and strong Compton reflection. We study the spectral evolution and compare with other black hole as well as neutron star sources. We show that a neutron star accretor is not consistent with the spectral evolution as a function of Ledd and especially not with the transition to a hard state. Our results point to the compact object in Cyg X-3 being a massive, ~30 Msun black hole.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A fundamental plane of black hole activity

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    We examine the disc--jet connection in stellar mass and supermassive black holes by investigating the properties of their compact emission in the X-ray and radio bands. We compile a sample of ~100 active galactic nuclei with measured mass, 5 GHz core emission, and 2-10 keV luminosity, together with 8 galactic black holes with a total of ~50 simultaneous observations in the radio and X-ray bands. Using this sample, we study the correlations between the radio (L_{R}) and the X-ray (L_{X}) luminosity and the black hole mass (M). We find that the radio luminosity is correlated with {\em both} M and L_{X}, at a highly significant level. In particular, we show that the sources define a ``fundamental plane'' in the three-dimensional (log L_{R},log L_{X},log M) space, given by log L_{R}=(0.60^{+0.11}_{-0.11}) log L_{X} +(0.78^{+0.11}_{-0.09}) log M + 7.33^{+4.05}_{-4.07}, with a substantial scatter of \sigma_{R}=0.88. We compare our results to the theoretical relations between radio flux, black hole mass, and accretion rate derived by Heinz and Sunyaev (2003). Such relations depend only on the assumed accretion model and on the observed radio spectral index. Therefore, we are able to show that the X-ray emission from black holes accreting at less than a few per cent of the Eddington rate is unlikely to be produced by radiatively efficient accretion, and is marginally consistent with optically thin synchrotron emission from the jet. On the other hand, models for radiatively inefficient accretion flows seem to agree well with the data.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures (2 in colour). Revised version accepted for publication by MNRAS. Improved and extended discussio

    Beyond the standard accretion disc model: coupled magnetic disc--corona solutions with a physically motivated viscosity law

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    We present a systematic, analytical study of geometrically thin, optically thick accretion disc solutions for magnetized turbulent flows, with an alpha-like viscosity prescription. Under the only assumptions that (1) Magneto-Rotational instability (MRI) generates the turbulence that produces the anomalous viscosity needed for accretion to proceed, and that (2) the magnetic field amplified by the instability saturates due to buoyant vertical escape, we are able to self-consistently solve the disc structure equations including the fraction of power, f, that is carried off by vertical Poynting flux (and likely dissipated outside the optically thick disc). For low-viscosity discs, we obtain stable high-f solutions at low accretion rates, when gas pressure dominates, and unstable, low-f, radiation pressure dominated solutions at high accretion rates. For high viscosity discs, instead, a new thermally and viscously stable, radiation pressure dominated solution is found, characterized by f~1 and appearing only above a critical accretion rate (of the order of few tenths of the Eddington one). We discuss the regimes of validity of our assumptions, and the astrophysical relevance of our solutions. We conclude that our newly discovered thin disc solutions, possibly accompanied by powerful, magnetically dominated coronae and outflows, should be seriously considered as models for black holes accreting at super-Eddington rates.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Time delays between the soft and hard X-ray bands in GRS 1915+105

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    The hard X-ray lightcurves exhibit delays of 1\sim 1 s with respect to the soft X-ray lightcurves when the microquasar GRS 1915+105 is in the state of frequent, regular outbursts (states ρ\rho and κ\kappa of Belloni et al. 2000). Such outbursts are supposed to be driven by the radiation pressure instability of the inner disc parts. The hard X-ray delays are then caused by the time needed for the adjustment of the corona to changing conditions in the underlying disc. We support this claim by the computation of the time evolution of the disc, including a non-stationary evaporation of the disc and mass exchange with the corona.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures; MNRAS accepte

    Eddington Accretion and QSO Emission Lines at z ~ 2

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    Broad Absorption Line (BAL) QSOs have been suggested to be youthful super-accretors based on their powerful radiatively driven absorbing outflows and often reddened continua. To test this hypothesis, we observed near IR spectra of the Hβ\beta region for 11 bright BAL QSOs at redshift z ~ 2. We measured these and literature spectra for 6 BAL QSOs, 13 radio-loud and 7 radio-quiet non-BAL QSOs. Using the luminosity and Hβ\beta broad line width to derive black hole mass and accretion rate, we find that both BAL and non-BAL QSOs at z ~ 2 tend to have higher L/LEddL/L_{Edd} than those at low z -- probably a result of selecting the brightest QSOs. However, we find that the high z QSOs, in particular the BAL QSOs, have extremely strong Fe II and very weak [O III], extending the inverse relationship found for low z QSOs. This suggests that, even while radiating near LEddL_{Edd}, the BAL QSOs have a more plentiful fuel supply than non-BAL QSOs. Comparison with low z QSOs shows for the first time that the inverse Fe II -- [O III] relationship is indeed related to L/LEddL/L_{Edd}, rather than black hole mass.Comment: 18 pages including 5 figures and 1 table. Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The X-ray reflector in NGC 4945: a time and space resolved portrait

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    We present a time, spectral and imaging analysis of the X-ray reflector in NGC 4945, which reveals its geometrical and physical structure with unprecedented detail. NGC 4945 hosts one of the brightest AGN in the sky above 10 keV, but it is only visible through its reflected/scattered emission below 10 keV, due to absorption by a column density of ~4\times10^24 cm-2. A new Suzaku campaign of 5 observations spanning ~6 months, together with past XMM-Newton and Chandra observations, show a remarkable constancy (within <10%) of the reflected component. Instead, Swift-BAT reveals strong intrinsic variability on time scales longer than one year. Modeling the circumnuclear gas as a thin cylinder with the axis on the plane of the sky, we show that the reflector is at a distance >30-50 pc, well within the imaging capabilities of Chandra at the distance of NGC 4945 (1"~18 pc). Accordingly, the Chandra imaging reveals a resolved, flattened, ~150 pc-long clumpy structure, whose spectrum is fully due to cold reflection of the primary AGN emission. The clumpiness may explain the small covering factor derived from the spectral and variability properties.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Correlated Optical/X-ray Long-term Variability in LMXB 4U1636-536

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    We have conducted a 3-month program of simultaneous optical, soft and hard X-ray monitoring of the LMXB 4U1636-536/V801 Ara using the SMARTS 1.3m telescope and archival RXTE/ASM and Swift/XRT data. 4U1636-536 has been exhibiting a large amplitude, quasi-periodic variability since 2002 when its X-ray flux dramatically declined by roughly an order of magnitude. We confirmed that the anti-correlation between soft (2-12 keV) and hard (> 20 keV) X-rays, first investigated by Shih et al. (2005), is not an isolated event but a fundamental characteristic of this source's variability properties. However, the variability itself is neither strictly stable nor changing on an even longer characteristic timescale. We also demonstrate that the optical counterpart varies on the same timescale, and is correlated with the soft, and not the hard, X-rays. This clearly shows that X-ray reprocessing in LMXB discs is mainly driven by soft X-rays. The X-ray spectra in different epochs of the variability revealed a change of spectral characteristics which resemble the state change of black hole X-ray binaries. All the evidence suggests that 4U1636-536 is frequently (~monthly) undergoing X-ray state transitions, a characteristic feature of X-ray novae with their wide range of luminosities associated with outburst events. In its current behavioural mode, this makes 4U1636-536 an ideal target for investigating the details of state changes in luminous X-ray binaries.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Adherence in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients assessed with a validated Italian version of the 5-item compliance questionnaire for rheumatology

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    OBJECTIVES: The 5-item Compliance Questionnaire for Rheumatology (CQR5) proved reliability and validity in respect of identification of patients likely to be high adherers (HAs) to anti-rheumatic treatment, or low adherers (LAs), i.e. taking<80% of their medications correctly. The objective of the study was to validate an Italian version of CQR5 (I-CQR5) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and to investigate factors associated with high adherence. METHODS: RA patients, undergoing treatment with ≥1 self-administered conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (csDMARD) or biological DMARD (bDMARD), were enrolled. The cross-cultural adaptation and validation of I-CQR5 followed standardised guidelines. I-CQR5 was completed by patients on one occasion. Data were subjected to factor analysis and Partial Credit model Parametrisation (PCM) to assess construct validity of I-CQR5. Analysis of factors associated with high adherence included demographic, social, clinical and treatment information. Factors achieving a p<0.10 in univariate analysis were included in multivariable analysis. RESULTS: Among 604 RA patients, 274 patients were included in the validation and 328 in the analysis of factors associated with adherence. Factor analysis and PCM confirmed the construct validity and consistency of I-CQR5. HAs were found to be 109 (35.2%) of the patients. bDMARD treatment and employment were found to be independently associated with high adherence: OR 2.88 (1.36-6.1), p=0.006 and OR 2.36 (1.21-4.62), p=0.012, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Only one-third of RA patients were HAs according to I-CQR5. bDMARDs and employment status increased by almost 3-fold the likelihood of being highly adherent to the anti-rheumatic treatment.Peer reviewe