11,371 research outputs found

    Safer technology, safer users: The UK as a world-leader in Safety Tech

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    Fabrication of a repulsive-type magnetic bearing using a novel arrangement of permanent magnets for vertical-rotor suspension

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    A repulsive-type magnetic bearing system has been fabricated in which the rotor of a vertical-shaft-type motor is levitated due to the repulsive force between two sets of permanent magnets. A novel arrangement of permanent magnets has been reported here, which has made the suspension of the rotor possible. The system is planned to be applied for pumping milks and other related products in the New Zealand dairy industry

    Euler number of Instanton Moduli space and Seiberg-Witten invariants

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    We show that a partition function of topological twisted N=4 Yang-Mills theory is given by Seiberg-Witten invariants on a Riemannian four manifolds under the condition that the sum of Euler number and signature of the four manifolds vanish. The partition function is the sum of Euler number of instanton moduli space when it is possible to apply the vanishing theorem. And we get a relation of Euler number labeled by the instanton number kk with Seiberg-Witten invariants, too. All calculation in this paper is done without assuming duality.Comment: LaTeX, 34 page

    The ADHM Construction of Instantons on Noncommutative Spaces

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    We present an account of the ADHM construction of instantons on Euclidean space-time R4\mathbb{R}^4 from the point of view of noncommutative geometry. We recall the main ingredients of the classical construction in a coordinate algebra format, which we then deform using a cocycle twisting procedure to obtain a method for constructing families of instantons on noncommutative space-time, parameterised by solutions to an appropriate set of ADHM equations. We illustrate the noncommutative construction in two special cases: the Moyal-Groenewold plane Rℏ4\mathbb{R}^4_\hbar and the Connes-Landi plane Rθ4\mathbb{R}^4_\theta.Comment: Latex, 40 page

    Assessing the role of dispersed floralresources for managed bees in providingsupporting ecosystem services for croppollination

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    Most pollination ecosystem services studies have focussed on wild pollinators and their dependence on natural floral resources adjacent to crop fields. However, managed pollinators depend on a mixture of floral resources that are spatially separated from the crop field. Here, we consider the supporting role these resources play as an ecosystem services provider to quantify the use and availability of floral resources, and to estimate their relative contribution to support pollination services of managed honeybees. Beekeepers supplying pollination services to the Western Cape deciduous fruit industry were interviewed to obtain information on their use of floral resources. For 120 apiary sites, we also analysed floral resources within a two km radius of each site based on geographic data. The relative availability of floral resources at sites was compared to regional availability. The relative contribution of floral resources-types to sustain managed honeybees was estimated. Beekeepers showed a strong preference for eucalypts and canola. Beekeepers selectively placed more hives at sites with eucalypt and canola and less with natural vegetation. However, at the landscape-scale, eucalypt was the least available resource, whereas natural vegetation was most common. Based on analysis of apiary sites, we estimated that 700,818 ha of natural vegetation, 73,910 ha of canola fields, and 10,485 ha of eucalypt are used to support the managed honeybee industry in the Western Cape. Whereas the Cape managed honeybee system uses a bee native to the region, alien plant species appear disproportionately important among the floral resources being exploited. We suggest that an integrated approach, including evidence from interview and landscape data, and fine-scale biological data is needed to study floral resources supporting managed honeybees

    Einstein Manifolds As Yang-Mills Instantons

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    It is well-known that Einstein gravity can be formulated as a gauge theory of Lorentz group where spin connections play a role of gauge fields and Riemann curvature tensors correspond to their field strengths. One can then pose an interesting question: What is the Einstein equations from the gauge theory point of view? Or equivalently, what is the gauge theory object corresponding to Einstein manifolds? We show that the Einstein equations in four dimensions are precisely self-duality equations in Yang-Mills gauge theory and so Einstein manifolds correspond to Yang-Mills instantons in SO(4) = SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R gauge theory. Specifically, we prove that any Einstein manifold with or without a cosmological constant always arises as the sum of SU(2)_L instantons and SU(2)_R anti-instantons. This result explains why an Einstein manifold must be stable because two kinds of instantons belong to different gauge groups, instantons in SU(2)_L and anti-instantons in SU(2)_R, and so they cannot decay into a vacuum. We further illuminate the stability of Einstein manifolds by showing that they carry nontrivial topological invariants.Comment: v4; 17 pages, published version in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Hamiltonian 2-forms in Kahler geometry, III Extremal metrics and stability

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    This paper concerns the explicit construction of extremal Kaehler metrics on total spaces of projective bundles, which have been studied in many places. We present a unified approach, motivated by the theory of hamiltonian 2-forms (as introduced and studied in previous papers in the series) but this paper is largely independent of that theory. We obtain a characterization, on a large family of projective bundles, of those `admissible' Kaehler classes (i.e., the ones compatible with the bundle structure in a way we make precise) which contain an extremal Kaehler metric. In many cases, such as on geometrically ruled surfaces, every Kaehler class is admissible. In particular, our results complete the classification of extremal Kaehler metrics on geometrically ruled surfaces, answering several long-standing questions. We also find that our characterization agrees with a notion of K-stability for admissible Kaehler classes. Our examples and nonexistence results therefore provide a fertile testing ground for the rapidly developing theory of stability for projective varieties, and we discuss some of the ramifications. In particular we obtain examples of projective varieties which are destabilized by a non-algebraic degeneration.Comment: 40 pages, sequel to math.DG/0401320 and math.DG/0202280, but largely self-contained; partially replaces and extends math.DG/050151

    Morse homology for the heat flow

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    We use the heat flow on the loop space of a closed Riemannian manifold to construct an algebraic chain complex. The chain groups are generated by perturbed closed geodesics. The boundary operator is defined in the spirit of Floer theory by counting, modulo time shift, heat flow trajectories that converge asymptotically to nondegenerate closed geodesics of Morse index difference one.Comment: 89 pages, 3 figure

    The effect of prolonged simulated non- gravitational environment on mineral balance in the adult male, volume 1 Final report

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    Effect of prolonged bed rest with simulated weightlessness on mineral balance in male adult - Vol.

    Uncovering Bugs in Distributed Storage Systems during Testing (not in Production!)

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    Testing distributed systems is challenging due to multiple sources of nondeterminism. Conventional testing techniques, such as unit, integration and stress testing, are ineffective in preventing serious but subtle bugs from reaching production. Formal techniques, such as TLA+, can only verify high-level specifications of systems at the level of logic-based models, and fall short of checking the actual executable code. In this paper, we present a new methodology for testing distributed systems. Our approach applies advanced systematic testing techniques to thoroughly check that the executable code adheres to its high-level specifications, which significantly improves coverage of important system behaviors. Our methodology has been applied to three distributed storage systems in the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform. In the process, numerous bugs were identified, reproduced, confirmed and fixed. These bugs required a subtle combination of concurrency and failures, making them extremely difficult to find with conventional testing techniques. An important advantage of our approach is that a bug is uncovered in a small setting and witnessed by a full system trace, which dramatically increases the productivity of debugging
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