22,038 research outputs found

    On inhibiting runaway in catalytic reactors

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    We consider the problem of heat and mass transfer in porous catalyst pellets. Both the steady and time dependent operating characteristics are studied. Accurate approximate equations are derived from the basic governing equations of motion. A nonlinear stability analysis is employed to account for the observation that under certain conditions reactions on catalyst pellets can pass transiently stably into a region which would correspond to instability in the steady state. One consequence of our analysis is a possible control mechanism which inhibits temperature runaway by extending the stable operating characteristics desirable in modern reactors

    Growth and productivity of juvenile banana prawns, Penaeus merguiensis in natural and laboratory systems

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    Abstract only.Growth and survival of Penaeus merguiensis juveniles were measured over four years in the Norman River estuary, south-eastern Gulf of Carpentaria. Growth in carapace length for the first 8-9 weeks after settlement was essentially linear and averaged 1.2 mm/week in summer at 29.5°C and 0.45 mm/week in winter at 19.5°C. A comparison of different cohorts under varying temperatures and salinities indicated that growth was temperature- but not salinity-dependent. Survival of newly settled postlarvae varied seasonally and was highest in spring (October-November). In the laboratory, a study of moulting rate and moult increment at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C demonstrated that the optimal temperature for growth was 25-30°C. Survival of juveniles was also highest at intermediate temperatures. Effects of salinity and food ration amounts are discussed

    A sweetspot for innovation:developing games with purpose through student-staff collaboration

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    Within industry as well as academia, developing games that have wider impact on society has been of particular interest in the last decade. The increasing use of terms such as ‘games with purpose’, ‘serious games’ and gamification’ has been mirrored in a flurry of activity in games research. Broader applications of games beyond entertainment are now well-understood and accepted, with universities and companies excelling in creating games to serve particular needs. However, it is not explicitly clear how undergraduates of game design and development courses can be directly involved in serious game creation. With most undergraduates inspired by commercial games development, and the games industry requiring that universities teach specific technical skills in their courses, balancing the research aspirations of academics with the educational requirements of an appropriate undergraduate course can be a difficult balancing act. In this paper, the authors present three case studies of games with purpose developed through collaboration between undergraduate students and academic staff. In all cases, the educational value of the projects for the students is considered in relation to the research value for the academics, who face increasing demands to develop research outcomes despite a necessity to provide a first-rate learning experience and nurture future game developers

    Accretion and evolution of solar system bodies

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    We use a combination of analytical and numerical methods to study dynamical processes involved in the formation of planets and smaller bodies in the solar system. Our goal was to identify and understand critical processes and to link them in a numerical model of planetesimal accretion. We study effects of these processes by applying them in the context of the standard model of solar system formation, which involves accretion of the terrestrial planets and cores of the giant planet from small planetesimals. The principal focus of our research effort is the numerical simulation of accretion of a swarm of planetesimals into bodies of planetary size. Our computer code uses a Monte Carlo method to determine collisional interactions within the swarm. These interactions are not determined simply by a relative velocity, but rather by explicit distributions of keplerian orbital elements. The planetesimal swarm is divided into a number of zones in semimajor axis, which are allowed to interact. The present version of our code has the capability of following detailed distributions of size, eccentricity, and inclination in each zone

    Flexible synthesis of polyfunctionalised 3-fluoropyrroles

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    An efficient and selective approach for the synthesis of polyfunctionalised 3-fluoropyrroles has been developed starting from commercial aldehydes. The methodology is concise, efficient and allows for the modular and systematic assembly of polysubstituted 3-fluoropyrroles. This synthesis provides an alternative and highly convergent strategy for the generation of these chemically and biologically important units

    Corporate Social Responsibility and Economic Performance

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    We describe some perspectives on corporate social responsibility (CSR), in order to provide a context for considering the strategic motivations and implications of CSR. Based on this framework, which is based on characterizing optimal firm decision making and underlies most existing work on CSR, we propose an agenda for further theoretical and empirical research on CSR. We then summarize and relate the articles in this special issue to the proposed agenda.

    High resolution lunar radar studies: Preliminary results

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    High resolution radar data for the lunar surface were acquired over 14 sites in June and November 1990 using the new 10 MHz data taking system at the Arecibo Observatory. The raw data collected for each site covers an area approximately 100 by 400 km and will be processed using delay-Doppler techniques into images of backscatter cross section with three fo four independent looks. All observations transmitted a circularly polarized signal and both senses of circular polarization were received containing the polarized and depolarized component of the backscatter signal. The relative power in these two polarizations provides useful information on properties of the surface, in particular surface roughness. The effort to date focused on the initial data analysis with new software written to perform a full synthetic aperture focusing on the raw radar data. This analysis will involve the use of complementary high resolution optical and topographic data sets to aid interpretation of surface scattering mechanisms

    Operator monotones, the reduction criterion and the relative entropy

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    We introduce the theory of operator monotone functions and employ it to derive a new inequality relating the quantum relative entropy and the quantum conditional entropy. We present applications of this new inequality and in particular we prove a new lower bound on the relative entropy of entanglement and other properties of entanglement measures.Comment: Final version accepted for publication, added references in reference [1] and [13

    Reducing Crop Production Cost

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