105 research outputs found

    Management in Marketing Channels : Jalur-Jalur Pemasaran

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    Great Lakes Atmospheric Deposition (GLAD) Network, 1982 and 1983: Data Analysis and Interpretation

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    This report was cited in "A Scientific Historical Review: the Atmospheric Sciences Program at the Illinois State Water Survey" (ISWS MP-171, http://hdl.handle.net/2142/49888) as Gatz, D.F., V.C. Bowersox, J. Su, and G.J. Stensland, 1988: Great Lakes Atmospheric Deposition (GLAD) Network, 1982 and 1983: Data Analysis and Interpretation. SWS Contract Report 448, Chicago, IL, 69 pp. officially issued as cited, and was not listed in the ISWS publications database nor available via the ISWS website.In the ISWS 1995 Publications Catalog, Contract Report no. 448 is: Gatz, D.F., V.C. Bowersox, J. Su, and G.J. Stensland (1988) Great Lakes Atmospheric Deposition (GLAD) Network, 1982 and 1983: Data Analysis and Interpretation. The ISWS Publications database included the EPA report number U.EPA 905-4 88-002 in a note of the CR 448 record.Under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1972, the United States and Canada were provided a framework for the surveillance, monitoring, research, protection, and reclamation of the physical and chemical quality of the Great Lakes system. Within this framework, the monitoring of atmospheric deposition in the U.S. is coordinated by the Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA, 1985). Research in the 1970's had shown that atmospheric deposition was an important source of certain organic and inorganic chemicals to lake watersheds. A network of stations to measure and characterize this deposition was established in 1976. In 1981 the GLNPO upgraded this earlier measurement network by establishing the Great Lakes Atmospheric Deposition (GLAD) network. Its purpose was to determine atmospheric loadings of metals, nutrients, and major inorganic species to the Great Lakes and to evaluate annual trends in the chemical loadings of these species to the Lakes. During 1981 and early 1982, 36 monitoring stations were installed along the U.S. shores of the 5 Lakes. The GLAD network was designed to collect wet-only deposition samples at these near-shore locations. The purpose of this study was to analyze and interpret atmospheric wet deposition data collected by the GLAD network, including: 1) an assessment of data quality, 2) a comparison of specific pairs of GLAD and National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) sites, 3) estimation of atmospheric loadings of selected elements to the five Great Lakes, and 4) an analysis of the potential change in loading estimates caused by closing certain GLAD sampling sites.Ope

    Considerações sobre a influência da análise das demonstrações no ciclo do pedido logístico: análise do caso Atofina Brasil

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    O principal objetivo deste estudo consistiu em identificar a influência da análise das demonstrações contábeis utilizadas no processo de estabelecimento do limite de crédito a um cliente, no ciclo do pedido logístico. Para a consecução deste trabalho, foi realizado um estudo de caso, de caráter descritivo, na Atofina Brasil, empresa do setor químico. Verificou-se, pelo estudo de caso, que o analista de crédito utiliza diversas fontes de informações como meio de subsidiar o processo decisório de estabelecimento do limite de crédito, sendo uma delas as demonstrações contábeis. Com relação às demonstrações contábeis no ciclo do pedido da Atofina Brasil, foi verificado que o período de tempo necessário para a análise de crédito não está relacionado à qualidade das informações contábeis. Isso porque o analista de crédito considera que as demonstrações contábeis apresentam adequadamente a situação econômico-financeira da empresa.This study aimed to identify the influence of financial statement analysis, used in the process of establishing customer credit limits, as a part of the logistic order cycle. Thus, a descriptive case study was carried out at Atofina Brazil, a company in the chemical industry. On the basis of this case study, we observed that the credit analyst uses various information sources as a support in process of deciding about credit limit establishment, one of which are financial statements. With respect to the impact of financial statements on the order cycle of Atofina Brazil, it was verified that the time period needed for the credit analysis process is not related to accounting information quality, because the credit analyst considers that financial statements offer an adequate representation of the company's economic and financial situation

    Jalur-jalur pemasaran, jil.10/ Bowersox

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    viii, 457 hal. : ill. 24 c

    Jalur-Jalur Pemasaran

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