6 research outputs found


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    The study focuses on the possibilities and importance of eliminating gender inequality and gender stereotypes in the area of voluntary activities in social area. The aim of the study is to show that gender inequality and gender stereotypes have negative impacts on work in volunteering in social sphere, and to show the possibilities of education of trying to improve the current state of the problem. These negative phenomena are manifested especially in the behaviour towards clients, in communication and solving critical situations. The study brings results of our own research in this area

    The problem of gender and violence against children and adolescents

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    Empirical and comparative study brings knowledge of the author's own research, whose main objective was to identify, analyse and interpret the problem impact of gender inequalities and stereotypes in the creation and development of violence, particularly against children and adolescents, primarily in the educational environment of the family. Research has attempted to capture the intersection of gender studies and social pedagogy, two sciences, which, although from a different angle, devoted, inter alia, the problem of the origin and acceleration of violence against children and adolescents. Research design was grounded in theory, the research method was the semi-structured interview, conducted with eight respondents, children and young people aged 12 - 23 years. A quantitative methodology was used to strengthen the validity of the process of triangulation; content analysis of text documents (case studies from the archives crisis centre for victims of domestic violence)

    The Analysis of the ADHD child Accident incident rates in school environment

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    Aim. The main objective of this article is to contribute to the research in the area of accident incident rates among school children. Methods. A non-standardized, 12-item questionnaire based on independent compilation was used for data collection. The questionnaire contained closed questions which monitor the nature of school-related injuries, gender and age of respondents. Results. 100 students with diagnosed ADHD and 100 children without ADHD diagnosis participated in the research. The accident and incident data were collected between September 2016 and June 2017. Out of 100 given questionnaires filled by ADHD children, the result shows that 49% of them experienced an injury in school and children without ADHD diagnosis reported injury in only 26% of cases, which means that roughly every second child with a Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder experienced an injury some time during the school year during class, whereas among neurotypical children this ratio would refer to every fourth child. Conclusions. The results of the analysts pointed at the possible need of informing all staff involved in the education system of ADHD children about the risks of injury in school environment and thus support the prevention of injuries, support the prevention programs which would be focused on children with attention disorders

    Mediacje rówieśnicze i zastraszanie w szkole

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    Aim. The aim of this study is to identify and analyse the positives of peer mediation in addressing school bullying, and to highlight its strengths within the spectrum of prevention and intervention methods within this issue. Methods. Using the method of critical analysis, we processed scientifi c outputs (studies, monographs), and existing research fi ndings with the intention to compare the so far identifi ed and described aspects of peer mediation, and to put them in context of the needs and possibilities of the school environment in solving the problem of bullying. The text has the character of a review study. Results. The analysis showed that peer mediation has great potential in the prevention and intervention of bullying in the school environment: in a narrower sense, it can be benefi cial in strengthening the resilience and defence of potential victims, as well as the empathy and compassion of potential aggressors; in a broader sense, it can be useful in shaping a healthy and friendly classroom and school climate. Conclusion. One of the relevant tasks of the school is to create a supportive environment for the development of the child’s personality and appropriate working conditions for all actors of the educational process (Kraus, 2008; Smith, Pepler & Rigby, 2004). Nevertheless, school is often an environment of tension, confl ict, and a source of psychological trauma for children, parents, and teachers ( Fox & Boulton, 2006; Hanish et al., 2004; Hymel & Swearer, 2015; Poněšický, 2005; Thornberg, 2011). In particular, we see the potential of peer mediation in the school setting in strengthening the resilience of victims and promoting positive changes in the behaviour and actions of peers. Originality. The results of the study are not innovative, but they bring a different point of view on solving the problem of bullying in school (highlighting the positives of a nondirective peer approach); the ambition of the study was to compare the existing pedagogical, psychological, and sociological backgrounds, to identify new relationships and contexts, and to enrich them with their own knowledge in the work with children in the prevention of bullying in school.Cel. Celem badania jest identyfikacja i analiza pozytywnych stron mediacji rówieśniczej w zwalczaniu bullyingu szkolnego oraz podkreślenie jej mocnych stron w zakresie metod profilaktyki oraz interwencji. Metody. Metodą krytycznej analizy opracowano wyniki naukowe (badania, monografie) oraz istniejące wyniki badań z zamiarem porównania dotychczas zidentyfikowanych i opisanych aspektów mediacji rówieśniczej, a także umieszczenia ich w kontekście potrzeb i możliwości środowiska szkolnego w rozwiązywaniu problemu bullyingu. Tekst ma charakter pracy przeglądowej. Wyniki. Analiza ogromny potencjał mediacji w prewencji i interwencji bullyingu w środowisku szkolnym. W węższym znaczeniu, może być korzystna we wzmacnianiu odporności i obronności potencjalnych ofiar, a także empatii i współczucia potencjalnych agresorów. W szerszym sensie natomiast, może być przydatna w kształtowaniu zdrowego i przyjaznego klimatu w klasie i szkole. Wnioski. Jednym z istotnych zadań szkoły jest stworzenie środowiska wspierającego rozwój osobowości dziecka, a także stworzenie odpowiednich warunków pracy dla wszystkich uczestników procesu edukacyjnego (Kraus, 2008; Smith, Pepler, & Rigby, 2004). Niemniej jednak szkoła jest często środowiskiem napięć, konfliktów i źródłem psychologicznej traumy dla dzieci, rodziców i nauczycieli ( Fox, Boulton, 2006; Hanish i in., 2004; Hymel, Swearer, 2015; Poněšický, 2005; Thornberg, 2011). Dostrzeżono szczególny potencjał mediacji rówieśniczych w środowisku szkolnym w obszarze wzmacniania odporności ofiar oraz promowaniu pozytywnych zmian w zachowaniu rówieśników. Oryginalność. Wyniki badania nie są nowatorskie, ale ukazują inny punkt widzenia w zakresie rozwiązywania problemu bullyingu w szkole (podkreślenie pozytywów niedyrektywnego podejścia rówieśniczego). Ambicją badania było porównanie istniejących środowisk pedagogicznych, psychologicznych oraz socjologicznych, identyfikacja nowych relacji i kontekstów oraz wzbogacenie ich o własną wiedzę z zakresu pracy z dziećmi w profilaktyce bullyingu w szkole