90 research outputs found

    Meroveo, Basina e il mito dinastico dei Franchi

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    Nowadays the passages relating to the origins of the Merovingian dynasty interpolated by Pseudo-Fredegar  into his version of Gregory of Tours’s Historia Francorum are mostly considered worthless fables.  Nevertheless, they are truly interesting, particularly those concerning the legend that links Merovech’s  birth to a mysterious bistea Neptuni quinotauri similis, and the puzzling story of Basina, Childerich’s Thuringian wife. The present essay aims at providing a new interpretation of these passages, appreciating  them at their true value: as fragments of ancient legendary history, a mosaic, as it were, composed by  actual historical records, old myths, and forgotten literature.Le interpolazioni che lo Pseudo-Fredegario ha inserito nel testo di Gregorio di Tours a proposito delle  origini della dinastia merovingia sono considerate, oggi, come pure fantasie. Si tratta tuttavia di brani di  notevole interesse, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la leggenda del misterioso quinotauro che genera  Meroveo, e la bizzarra storia di Basina, moglie di Childerico. Il testo tenta di fornire una nuova interpretazione di questi passi, rivalutando il loro valore di autentiche tradizioni leggendarie, in bilico tra  mito, storia e letteratura

    Les « Cantari » et la tradition écrite du conte populaire

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    The folktale written tradition has obscure origins. Folktale is a very old and very widespread literary genre which, originally, belonged only to purely oral tradition. With very few exceptions, it takes on written form relatively late, according to current opinion, with Straparola (1550-53) and Basile (1630-34). This article attempts to demonstrate, by contrast, that the written tradition of folktales has in fact its origins in Italy, but almost two centuries before the Piacevoli Notti. It began, in the second half of the XIVth century, with the cantari, little poems of popular taste, in ottava rima, which, for the first time in European literature, systematically explored the folktale tradition, and borrowed from it a large number of narrative frameworks. Tales such as Liombruno, Bel Gherardino, Campriano and so on, are, from every point of view, real folktales in literary form : they opened the way from Märchen to literature, and enjoyed great success for several centuries, deeply influencing both literature and popular narrative.La tradition écrite du conte populaire a des racines obscures. Le conte populaire est un genre littéraire très ancien et très diffusé qui, à l’origine, reste confiné à la tradition purement orale. À peu d’exceptions près, il prend une forme écrite seulement tard : selon l’opinion courante, avec Straparola (1550-53) et Basile (1630-34). Cet article s’efforce de démontrer, au contraire, que la tradition écrite des contes est réellement née en Italie, mais plus de deux siècles avant les Piacevoli Notti. Cette tradition a vu le jour, pendant la deuxième moitié du XIVe siècle, avec les cantari, des petits poèmes de goût populaire, écrits en ottava rima, qui, pour la première fois dans la littérature européenne, explorèrent systématiquement la tradition folklorique du conte populaire, et empruntèrent à cette tradition un grand nombre de canevas narratifs. Des ouvrages comme Liombruno, Bel Gherardino, Campriano et ainsi de suite, sont, à tous points de vue, de vrais contes populaires dans une forme littéraire : ils ont ouvert la voie qui amène du Märchen à la littérature, et ils ont bénéficié d’un énorme succès, pendant des siècles, influençant en même temps la tradition littéraire et la narrative populaire

    La puella venenata entre littérature et anthropologie

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    1. Les pages qui suivent traitent la question de la puella venenata, que nous pourrions résumer par cette formule : jusqu’à quel point les femmes peuvent-elles être vraiment venimeuses ? Il s’agit d’un thème vaste, ancien et fatalement un tantinet épineux, peu connu et peu étudié aujourd’hui, mais toujours vivant dans la culture populaire. Ceux qui se rappellent le personnage fascinant et mortifère de Poison Ivy dans Batman and Robin de Joel Schumacher (1997), interprété par une remarquable U..

    Les « Cantari » et la tradition écrite du conte populaire

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    The folktale written tradition has obscure origins. Folktale is a very old and very widespread literary genre which, originally, belonged only to purely oral tradition. With very few exceptions, it takes on written form relatively late, according to current opinion, with Straparola (1550-53) and Basile (1630-34). This article attempts to demonstrate, by contrast, that the written tradition of folktales has in fact its origins in Italy, but almost two centuries before the Piacevoli Notti. It began, in the second half of the XIVth century, with the cantari, little poems of popular taste, in ottava rima, which, for the first time in European literature, systematically explored the folktale tradition, and borrowed from it a large number of narrative frameworks. Tales such as Liombruno, Bel Gherardino, Campriano and so on, are, from every point of view, real folktales in literary form : they opened the way from Märchen to literature, and enjoyed great success for several centuries, deeply influencing both literature and popular narrative.La tradition écrite du conte populaire a des racines obscures. Le conte populaire est un genre littéraire très ancien et très diffusé qui, à l’origine, reste confiné à la tradition purement orale. À peu d’exceptions près, il prend une forme écrite seulement tard : selon l’opinion courante, avec Straparola (1550-53) et Basile (1630-34). Cet article s’efforce de démontrer, au contraire, que la tradition écrite des contes est réellement née en Italie, mais plus de deux siècles avant les Piacevoli Notti. Cette tradition a vu le jour, pendant la deuxième moitié du XIVe siècle, avec les cantari, des petits poèmes de goût populaire, écrits en ottava rima, qui, pour la première fois dans la littérature européenne, explorèrent systématiquement la tradition folklorique du conte populaire, et empruntèrent à cette tradition un grand nombre de canevas narratifs. Des ouvrages comme Liombruno, Bel Gherardino, Campriano et ainsi de suite, sont, à tous points de vue, de vrais contes populaires dans une forme littéraire : ils ont ouvert la voie qui amène du Märchen à la littérature, et ils ont bénéficié d’un énorme succès, pendant des siècles, influençant en même temps la tradition littéraire et la narrative populaire

    La puella venenata entre littérature et anthropologie

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    1. Les pages qui suivent traitent la question de la puella venenata, que nous pourrions résumer par cette formule : jusqu’à quel point les femmes peuvent-elles être vraiment venimeuses ? Il s’agit d’un thème vaste, ancien et fatalement un tantinet épineux, peu connu et peu étudié aujourd’hui, mais toujours vivant dans la culture populaire. Ceux qui se rappellent le personnage fascinant et mortifère de Poison Ivy dans Batman and Robin de Joel Schumacher (1997), interprété par une remarquable ..

    Le due virtù della spada: Justitia e Fortitudo

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    Following the path of Prudentius’ Psychomachia, in the Middle Ages the sword can characterize the  representation of many Virtues, as generically proper to the Christian fighting the battle for his personal  salvation. In contemporary culture this weapon is a specific attribute of Justitia, but, between the 9th and  the15th centuries, it was primarily characteristic of another virtue, Fortitudo. The paper follows the  evolution of both these representative traditions. First of all, it focuses on the very remote origins of the  image of Justitia with sword, and on what led to the rebirth of this iconic formula after the year 1000.  Secondly, and above all, it reconstructs the forgotten history and the complex development of Fortitudo’s  representation as a warrior armed with shield and sword, unsheathed and upright.Seguendo la via aperta dalla Psycomachia di Prudenzio, nel Medioevo la spada può caratterizzare la  rappresentazione di molte Virtù, in quanto genericamente propria del cristiano che combatte la battaglia per  ottenere la sua salvezza. Nella cultura moderna quest’arma è un attributo specifico di Justitia, ma, tra il IX e  il XV secolo, era principalmente caratteristica di un’altra virtù, Fortitudo. Il contributo segue l’evoluzione di  entrambe queste tradizioni rappresentative. Prima di tutto, si concentra sulle origini molto remote  dell’immagine di Justitia con la spada, e sul processo che portò alla rinascita di questa formula iconica dopo  l’anno 1000. In secondo luogo, e soprattutto, ricostruisce la storia, del tutto dimenticata, e il complesso  sviluppo della rappresentazione di Fortitudo come guerriero armato di scudo e spada sguainata e ritta

    COVID-19 Lesson for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV): Hygiene Works

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a leading cause of acute lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) in infants worldwide. The global direct medical cost associated with RSV LRTIs reaches billions of dollars, with the highest burden in low-middle-income countries. Many efforts have been devoted to improving its prevention and management, including both non-pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical strategies, often with limited routine use in high-income countries due to high costs. During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a dramatic decrease in RSV infections (up to 70-90%) has been reported around the globe, directly related to the implementation of containment measures (face masks, hand hygiene, and social distancing). Primary prevention has demonstrated the highest cost effectiveness ratio in reducing the burden of a respiratory infection such as RSV, never reached before. Thus, we emphasize the importance of non-pharmaceutical preventive hygiene measures that should be implemented and maintained even after the COVID-19 outbreak

    Anal cytological abnormalities and epidemiological correlates among men who have sex with men at risk for HIV-1 infection

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    BACKGROUND: The incidence of anal cancer, a Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-related neoplasia, has been increasing in recent decades, mainly in men who have sex with men (MSM). Cytological changes of the anal epithelium induced by HPV can be detected through an anal pap smear. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and epidemiological correlates of anal cytological abnormalities among relatively young MSM at risk for HIV-1 infection, to help clarify whether or not this population deserves further investigation to assess the presence of anal cancer precursor lesions. METHODS: MSM were recruited among attendees of a large STI clinic for a HIV-1 screening program. Anal samples, collected with a Dracon swab in PreservCyt, were used both for liquid-based cytology and HPV testing by the Linear Array HPV Genotyping Test. Data regarding socio-demographic characteristics and sexual behavior were collected in face-to-face interviews. RESULTS: A total of 346 MSM were recruited (median age 32 years). Overall, 72.5% of the individuals had an anal HPV infection, with 56.1% of them being infected by oncogenic HPV genotypes. Anal cytological abnormalities were found in 29.8% of the cases (16.7% ASC-US and 13.1% L-SIL). Presence of ASC-US+ was strongly associated with infection by any HPV type (OR=4.21, 95% CI: 1.97-9.23), and particularly by HPV 16 and/or 18 (OR=5.62, 95% CI: 2.33-13.81). A higher proportion of ASC-US+ was found in older MSM, in those with a higher number of lifetime partners and in those with a history of ano-genital warts. However, none of these variables or the others analyzed showed any significant association with abnormal cytological findings. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of anal cytological abnormalities in about one third of the recruited MSM and their strong association with HPV infection, in particular that caused by HPV 16 and/or 18, might provide a further complement to the data that now support the introduction of HPV vaccination among MSM to protect them from the development of HPV-associated diseases. Additional studies are needed to determine whether and how screening for anal cancer precursor lesions should be performed in younger MSM