28 research outputs found

    Miscibility behaviour of blends of poly(vinyl chloride) with poly(methyl methacrylate-co-styrene) copolymers

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    Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) is shown to be completely miscible in the melt with a poly(methyl methacrylate-co-styrene) (P(MMA-co-St)) copolymer having a low styrene content (0-10 wt%). In blends of PVC with a low molecular weight P(MMA-co-St) copolymer containing 20 wt% of styrene, a lower critical solution temperature is found at approximately 170 degrees C. For blends of PVC with P(MMA-co-St) copolymers containing 30 wt% of styrene, immiscibility is found over the whole temperature range (150-210 degrees C) and independently of the molecular weight of the copolymer. These experimental results have been modelled using a mean-field binary interaction model of the Flory-Huggins theory. The binary interaction energy density for this blend system correctly predicts the homogeneous dispersion of methyl methacrylate/butadiene/styrene (MBS) graft copolymers in a PVC matrix. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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    THE EFFECTS OF NITROGEN FERTILIZER AND SHADING LEVELS ON DRY MATTER, CRUDE FIBER AND ASH CONTENT OF Brachiaria humidicola. The aim of this experiment was to determine the effects of fertilizer different level of shading and nitrogen on the crude fiber, dry matter and ash content. The treatments consisted of four levels of nitrogen in from of urea fertilizer : P1 = 0 kg/Ha, P2 = 50 kg/Ha, P3 = 100 kg/Ha, P4 = 150 kg/Ha, and of three levels of shading : N1 = 0%, N2 = 40%, and N3 = 70%. Treatments whe arranged in factorial based on randomized block design (RBD). Data were analysis using Minitab Version 11, and followed by Tukey Simulteneous Test. The highest crude fiber content was in N1P4 coupared to other interactions. The result showed that the effect of Nitrogen fertilizer and shading were no significant on dry matter, ash and crude fiber content of B. humidicola however, the interaction of the two factor were significant only on crude fiber content. It can be concluded that the best condition was on 0% without with 150 kg Nitrogen fertilizer /Ha.   Keyword : nitrogen, shading, dry matter, fiber, ash, humidicol


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    THE EFFECTS OF NITROGEN FERTILIZER AND SHADING LEVELS ON PERFORMANCE AND CRUDE PROTEIN CONTENT OF Brachiaria humidicola. The aim of this experiment was to study the effects of different levels of shading and nitrogen on the performance and nitrogen content of B. Humidicola. The treatment were consisted of four levels of nitrogen in from of urea fertilizer: P1 = 0 kg/Ha, P2 = 50 kg/Ha, P3 = 100 kg/Ha, P4 = 150 kg/Ha, and three levels of shading: N1 = 0%, N2 = 40% dan N3 = 70%. Treatmens   was arranged in infactorial based on ramdomized block design (RBD). Date was analysis by using Minitab Version 11, and followed with Turkey Simultaneous Test, to determined the different among treatments, from analysis of variance. The result showed the higher number of tiller was found at the interaction of P3N1, P4N1, P2N2 and P3N2, with significantly different compared to the other interactions. Furthermore, analysis of varians showed the interaction of the treatments were effected significantly on the content of crude protein (P < 0,05) where the interaction of N1P4 has the crude protein content 9,74% significantly higher (P < 0,05) compared to other interactions. On the other hand the interaction of the treatments was not effected significantly (P < 0,05) on the leaf: steam ratio. Based on the result of this experiment it can be concluded that B. humidicola responsive to nitrogen farilizer up to 100 kg urea/Ha to provide optimal performance and crude protein content under shade of 40%. Keywords: Nitrogen, Shading Performance, Crude Protein, humidicola

    Rubber-toughened epoxy loaded with carbon nanotubes: structure-property relationships

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    The paper reports on the preparation, structure and properties of ternary thermosetting blends, based on DGEBA epoxy, cured with 3,3′-DDS and modified by the addition of CTBN reactive liquid rubber and/or 0.3wt% of commercial multi- walled carbon nanotubes. The toughening effect of the phase-separated rubber particles is enhanced by the presence of the nanotubes, through a change in the morphology. In the absence of the rubber, the nanotubes alone produce a minimal effect upon the thermo-mechanical characteristics of the resin. However, the electrical conductivity of the cured resin samples is found to increase by five orders of magnitude, up to 3.6×10-3 S/m in the ternary bl

    Effectiveness Of Chicken Eggs (Pullum) Consumption On Hemoglobin Levels In Adolescent Women

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    Latar Belakang Anemia merupakan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi oleh remaja di Indonesia.  Anemia di kalangan remaja perempuan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan remaja laki-laki, yang diakibatkan oleh kekurangan zat besi. Telur kaya akan protein dan zat besi. Anemia di kalangan remaja perempuan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan remaja laki-laki, yakni sekitar 12% remaja laki-laki dan 23% remaja perempuan yang mengalami anemia.  Sebagian besar anemia pada remaja diakibatkan oleh kekurangan zat besi. Tujuan Penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsumsi telur ayam ras terhadap kadar hemoglobin remaja putri kelas XI di SMA Spektrum Manado.Metode Desain penelitian menggunakan quasi eksperimen dengan one group pre-test – post-test desain.  Populasi penelitian ini yaitu 23 remaja putri kelas XI di SMA Spektrum Manado, dengan menggunakan total sampel yang berjumlah 20 sampel. Analisis bivariat menggunakan uji paired t test.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan rata-rata kadar hemoglobin remaja putri kelas XI di SMA Spektrum Manado sebelum konsumsi telur ayam ras yaitu sebesar 13,58 gr% dan rata-rata kadar hemoglobin sesudah konsumsi telur ayam ras sebesar 14,80 gr%.  Hasil analisis bivariat menggunakan paired t test mendapatkan nilai p value = 0,001.Kesimpulan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara konsumsi telur ayam ras terhadap kadar hemoglobin remaja putri kelas XI di SMA Spektrum Manado. Disarankan siswa perempuan untuk mengkonsumsi telur ayam ras rebus 1 butir/hari sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mencegah anemia. Kata Kunci : Kadar hemoglobin, remaja putri, telur ABSTRACT Background: Anemia is one of the problems faced by adolescents in Indonesia. Anemia among adolescent girls is higher than that of male adolescents, caused by iron deficiency. Anemia among adolescent girls is higher than that of male adolescents, is about 12% of male adolescents and 23% of female adolescents with anemia. Most anemia in adolescents is caused by iron deficiency. In this case, eggs are rich in protein and iron.Purpose to determine the effect of consumption of Purebred eggs on hemoglobin levels in adolescent girls of class XI at SMA Spektrum Manado.Method: The study used a quasi-experimental one-group pre-test – post-test design. The population of this study was 23 adolescent girls in class XI at SMA Spektrum Manado, using a total sample of 20 samples. In addition, bivariate analysis employed paired t-test.The results showed a difference in the mean hemoglobin level of class XI adolescent girls at SMA Spektrum Manado before consuming Purebred eggs of 13.58 gr% and the mean hemoglobin level after consuming Purebred eggs of 14.80 gr%. The bivariate analysis results using paired t-tests obtained a p-value = 0.001.Conclusion: There was a significant effect between Purebred eggs' consumption on adolescent girls' hemoglobin levels in class XI at SMA Spektrum Manado.Suggestion that female students consume boiled chicken eggs 1 egg/day to prevent anemia. Keywords: Adolescent girls, eggs, hemoglobin levels