80 research outputs found
Sistem Penyimpanan Obat dan Bahan Medis Habis Pakai (BMHP) di Puskesmas Alak Kota Kupang
UPTD Puskesmas Alak terletak di Jln. Sangkar Mas No.1A Kelurahan Nunbaun Sabu, Kecamatan Alak, Kota Kupang-NTT, merupakan salah satu puskesmas yang ada di kota Kupang, dengan wilayah kerja mencakup 6 kelurahan (Kelurahan Alak, Nunhila, Nunbaun Delha,Nunbaun sabu, namosain dan Kelurahan Pankase_Oeleta), dengan luas wilayah kerja sebesar 22,2 Km2. Puskesmas ini menyelenggarakan kegiatan pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, dimana salah satu tahapan yang penting adalah proses penyimpanan, yaitu suatu kegiatan untuk memelihara dan menyiapkan perbekalan farmasi yang diterima pada tempat yang dinilai aman. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana sistem penyimpanan Obat dan BMHP di Puskesmas Alak Kota Kupang. Penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat deskriptif dengan melakukan observasi atau pengamatan secara langsung terhadap sistem penyimpanan obat dan BMHP. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sistem penyimpanan obat dan BMHP di gudang obat Puskesmas Alak Kota Kupang memperoleh nilai presentase rata-rata 90,31% dan masuk dalam kategori baik, dengan indikator pengaturan tata ruang memiliki presentase 81,25% masuk dalam kategori baik, cara penyimpanan obat dan BMHP dengan presentase 90% masuk dalam kategori baik, pencatatan kartu stok dengan presentase 90% masuk dalam kategori baik dan pengamatan mutu obat dan BMHP dengan presentase 100% sehingga masuk dalam kategori baik
Prometheus unbound: A study of the Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport
The history of the controversies in the development of the Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport is detailed. Present technological and organizational management problems are outlined. Maps and illustrations are included
Land Grant Application- Rumery, Dominus (Lubec)
Land grant application submitted to the Maine Land Office on behalf of Dominus Rumery for service in the Revolutionary War, by their widow Pamela.https://digitalmaine.com/revolutionary_war_me_land_office/1780/thumbnail.jp
Technology and politics: The regional airport experience
The findings of a comparative study of the following six regional airports were presented: Dallas/Fort Worth, Kansas City, Washington, D.C., Montreal, Tampa, and St. Louis. Each case was approached as a unique historical entity, in order to investigate common elements such as: the use of predictive models in planning, the role of symbolism to heighten dramatic effects, the roles of community and professional elites, and design flexibility. Some of the factors considered were: site selection, consolidation of airline service, accessibility, land availability and cost, safety, nuisance, and pollution constraints, economic growth, expectation of regional growth, the demand forecasting conundrum, and design decisions. The hypotheses developed include the following: the effect of political, social, and economic conflicts, the stress on large capacity and dramatic, high-technology design, projections of rapid growth to explain the need for large capital outlays
Analisis Jumlah Pelanggan Listrik dan Tingkat Produksi Listrik di Kota Salatiga Menggunakan Triple Exponential Smoothing (TES)
Indonesia, dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat, menghadapi
tantangan pemenuhan kebutuhan energi listrik yang terus meningkat. Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, sebagai bagian dari dinamika ini, mengalami tekanan besar pada
infrastruktur energi listrik akibat pertumbuhan ekonomi dan populasi yang
signifikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Triple Exponential Smoothing
(TES) untuk menganalisis dan memprediksi jumlah pelanggan serta tingkat
produksi listrik di masa depan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa didapatkan
bahwa MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) untuk jumlah pelanggan listrik
adalah 4,64% < 10% dimana hasilnya adalah permalan sudah sangat akurat dan
untuk tingkat produksi listrik adalah 16,63% dimana hasil ini adalah baik untuk
peramalan sehingga hal ini dapat menjadi panduan bagi pengambilan keputusan
terkait energi listrik di Kota Salatiga.Indonesia, amidst rapid economic growth, confronts challenges in meeting the
escalating demand for electrical energy. Salatiga, located in Central Java and part
of this dynamic landscape, experiences significant pressure on its electrical
infrastructure due to substantial economic and population growth. This study
employs the Triple Exponential Smoothing (TES) method to analyze and predict
future customer numbers and electricity production levels. The research results
indicate that the MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) for the number of
electricity customers is 4.64% < 10%, indicating that the forecasting is very
accurate. For the electricity production level, the MAPE is 16.63%, which is
considered goodforforecasting. These results can serve as a guide for decision-making
regarding electricity in the city of Salatiga
Uji Efek Antilelah Minuman Kelor (Moringa Oleifera L.) Dengan Kombinasi Madu dan Soya
Rasa lelah tidak semata berhubungan dengan kekuatan fisik tetapi juga otak. Perasaan lelah yang ekstrim dapat menimbulkan banyak efek buruk terhadap kualitas hidup dan efisiensi kerja seseorang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk megetahuiefek anti lelah minuman herbal kelor, kelor kombinasi madu dan soya pada mencit putih jantan dengan metode WFST (Weight Loaded Forced Swimming Test). Dalam uji ini mencit diberikan beban 10% dari berat badan pada pangkal ekor. Kelelahan ditentukan dengan mengamati waktu berenang ketika mencit gagal naik ke permukaan air untuk bernapas dalam waktu 2 detik. Hewandibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, yaitu aquades (KN), minuman kelor (MK), minuman kelor madu (MKM) dan minuman kelor soya (MKS). Pemberian sediaan uji berlangsung selama 7 hari. Kelompok uji MK dan MKS mengalami penurunan berat badan meskipun tidak signifikan, berbeda dengan kelompok MKM yang secara signifikan menunjukan peningkatan bobot badan. Hasil uji WFST menunjukan peningkatan lama waktu berenang pada kelompok perlakuan MK, MKM dan MKS yang signifikan (p<0,05) berbeda antara sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Peningkatan waktu berenang yang signifikan pada kelompok uji menunjukkan adanya efek anti lelah. Penambahan madu dan soya dalam minuman kelor tidak memberikan efek sebagai agen anti lelah
Acute Toxicity and Antipyretic Test of Ethanol Extract of Sterculia Quadrifida. R. Br. Leaves as Traditional Medicine
Sterculia quadrifida (SQ) is a plant which is also known as "faloak" by the people of East Nusa Tenggara. The secondary metabolite content of this plant has sufficient potential to be developed. Taking the bark of SQ which is not balanced with its preservation can threaten its survival. The use of SQ leaves as a new traditional medicine needs to be tested for its efficacy and safety.The aim of the study was to provide information about the efficacy and safety of SQ leaves in the development of new traditional medicines. The acute toxicity test used the fix-dose combination method according to the BPOM recommendation. A single oral dose of 2000 mg/KgBw of extract was given to five male mice at 24 h intervals. Animals were observed individually for any clinical signs of toxicity or mortality for 24 hours and 14 days. DPT (difteri, pertussis, tetanus)-Hb (Hepatitis-B) was used as a fever inducer in the antipyretic test of infusion and ethanol extract of SQ leaves. For acute treatment, the ethanol extract of Sterculia quadrifida (EESQ) did not reveal any signs of toxicity or mortality in any animal, during the observation period. The LD50 of extract was estimated to be greater than 2000 mg/KgBw. A dose of 2000 mg/KgBw in mice for 14 days showed significant side effects on the liver and spleen which were marked by organ weights that were significantly different from the control group. Paracetamol as positive control, infusion of Sterculia quadrifida leaves (ISQ) 100%, and EESQ 400 mg/KgBw showed a significant difference (p<0.05) with the negative control group. The results showed that SQ leaf has potential as an antipyretic, but liver function must be monitored, even though the LD50 value is above 2000 mg/KgBw.
Acute Toxicity And Antipyretic Test Of Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida, R.Br) Leaves As Traditional Medicine
Objective: The aim of the study was to provide information about the efficacy and safety of Faloak leaves in the development of new traditional medicines.
Methods: Identification and characterization of the extract was carried out at the beginning. In the acute toxicity test, a single oral dose of 2000 mg/KgBw of extract was given to five mice at 24 h intervals. Animals were observed individually for any clinical signs of toxicity or mortality for 14 days. DPT-Hb was used as a fever inducer in the antipyretic test of infusion and ethanol extract of faloak leaves.
Results: For acute treatment, the extract did not reveal any signs of toxicity or mortality in any animal, during the 14 days observation period. The LD50 of extract was estimated to be greater than 2000 mg/KgBw. A dose of 2000 mg/KgBw in mice for 14 days showed significant side effects on the liver and spleen which were marked by organ weights that were significantly different from the control group. Paracetamol as positive control, IDF 100% and EEDF 400 mg/KgBw showed a significant difference (p<0.05) with the negative control group.
Conclusion: The results showed that faloak leaf has potential as an antipyretic, but liver function must be monitored, even though the LD50 value is above 2000 mg/KgBw.
Keywords: Faloak, Extract, Acut toxicity, Antipyreti
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