85 research outputs found

    The Fusion of Smartphone Sensors for Indoor 3D Position and Orientation Estimation

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    The improvement in smartphone technology has encouraged the exploration in field of user experience. The internal inertial navigation system sensors of a smartphone enables it to infer the its three dimensional indoor orientation and position when it is being pointed at certain objects by hand. However, the sensors’ flawed measurements complicate estimation of position and orientation precisely. Previous studies shows that sensor fusion of both internal and external measurements can enhanced the performance. However, those estimations didn’t cover the pointer-like usage. To achieve the possibility of smartphone as pointer, the estimation using sensor fusion has been performed. Unfortunately, these experiments resulted in bad position estimation for small precision, while the orientation estimation was passabl

    COBRA : Une plate-forme de RàPC basée sur des ontologies

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    International audienceCet article présente un projet en cours qui a pour objectif de développer une plate-forme de RàPC pour le diagnostic basée sur des ontologies, appelée COBRA. Cette plate-forme est constituée de deux parties principales : les modèles de connaissances décrits par des ontologies, et les processus de raisonnement. Nous travaillons actuellement sur la défaillance des barrières de sécurité installées sur des sites industriels. Cependant, notre objectif est de rendre la plate-forme générique et indépendante du domaine d'application. Nous affirmons que, pour mieux exploiter les avantages des ontologies dans les systèmes de RàPC, il est important de pouvoir utiliser n'importe quel concept dans la description des cas. Ainsi, COBRA permet de définir les attributs de chaque cas dynamiquement au moment de l'exécution, ce qui conduit à une base de cas hétérogène. Dans cet article, nous présentons l'architecture de la plate-forme, les modèles de connaissances, les processus principaux, ainsi que les problèmes rencontrés en travaillant avec des cas hétérogènes

    Dominique Lenne. Le dialogue en EIAO. Etude à partir de DISCO un système de conseil en statistique (novembre 1995)

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    Lenne Dominique. Dominique Lenne. Le dialogue en EIAO. Etude à partir de DISCO un système de conseil en statistique (novembre 1995). In: Sciences et techniques éducatives, volume 7 n°1, 2000. Education et informatique. Hommage à Martial Vivet. pp. 156-157

    Dominique Lenne. Le dialogue en EIAO. Etude à partir de DISCO un système de conseil en statistique (novembre 1995)

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    Lenne Dominique. Dominique Lenne. Le dialogue en EIAO. Etude à partir de DISCO un système de conseil en statistique (novembre 1995). In: Sciences et techniques éducatives, volume 7 n°1, 2000. Education et informatique. Hommage à Martial Vivet. pp. 156-157

    Case retrieval in ontology-based CBR systems

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    International audienceThis paper presents our knowledge-intensive Case-Based Reasoning platform for diagnosis, COBRA. It integrates domain knowledge along with cases in an ontological structure. COBRA allows users to describe cases using any concept or instance of a domain ontology, which leads to a heterogeneous case base. Cases heterogeneity complicates their retrieval since correspondences must be identified between query and case attributes. We present in this paper our system architecture and the case retrieval phase. Then, we introduce the notions of similarity regions and attributes' roles used to overcome cases heterogeneity problems

    Managing knowledge to improve industrial safety

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    International audienceThe capacity to manage risks and maintain industrial safety is largely based on the capacity of various actors to acquire, maintain and share knowledge on a large variety of subjects. The actors are, of course, the plant operator but also the employees, the competent authorities, the external maintenance teams or internal or external experts in charge of risk assessment and design of risk management. The knowledge ranges from the regulatory framework to the details of a machine or a process but also includes the general knowledge about the industrial safety, the hazardous phenomena, or the properties of the substances. Part of this knowledge is also largely tacit. It lies in the brain of the scientific experts or the employees who are able to make the connection between apparently disconnected pieces of knowledge. Detecting, extracting, maintaining and communicating this knowledge are typical knowledge management activities. The authors have been developing for several years knowledge access tools dedicated to the communication of generic knowledge on the industrial safety. The structure and content of this system is described in the present paper. New developments are now in progress to improve the capacity to retrieve and exploit this knowledge as well as to facilitate the management of specific knowledge. These developments are based on an ontology of industrial safety. The basic principles for developing and using ontologies are recalled. The process for building such an ontology in the industrial safety domain is then described as well as its use for indexing and searching documents in an industrial safety web platform. Other applications of this ontology are also briefly presente

    On a federated architecture for utilizing domain-specific descriptive models

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    International audienceIn a Systems Engineering setting, various models are produced using a variety of methods and tools. Focusing on a type of models -- called descriptive models -- which we shall describe, we argue that, while the clarity and precision of models are essential for their exchange and reuse, the way in which the data of these models are defined and the information conveyed is also essential for their (re) utilization -- e.g., for analysis or synthesis purposes. Category Theory has made it possible to link seemingly separate fields or domains, so that anything that can be rewritten in this framework benefits from a level of abstraction and a relational viewpoint -- essential to address complexity. We therefore take advantage of this framework to define a federated architecture for projecting and conveying these models without sacrificing clarity and precision. A federated architecture has two important advantages. On the one hand, it unifies these models from their structure; on the other hand, it allows a specific usage (instantiation or interpretation) of this structure within a business domain. We define the structure of these models as a symmetric multicategory. In particular, we rely on matrices over a semiring to define morphisms and their composition. The choice of matrices is intended to facilitate the application in practice

    A contextualized annotation model for mobile learning

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    Proximités Sémantiques et Contextuelles pour l'Apprentissage Informel : Application à la Visite de Musée

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    National audienceNotre travail vise à instrumenter, sur un dispositif mobile, des situations de visite de musée. Il s'agit d'adapter, de manière transparente pour le visiteur, les activités et interactions proposées en fonction de ses intérêts et de sa situation physique (lieu, œuvres à proximité...). Cette adaptation implique une modélisa- tion fine du domaine d'apprentissage et du contexte de la situation du visiteur ainsi que la conception d'un mécanisme d'adaptation permettant de proposer des informations ou des activités de manière appropriée durant la visite. Pour cela, nous nous basons sur une modélisation sémantique du domaine d'apprentissage (le patrimoine culturel) et du contexte de visite. Pour proposer des interactions adaptées, nous nous basons sur la définition de proximités sémantiques et con- textuelles, qui nous permettent de générer des aides à l'apprentissage (recom- mandations, jeux d'auto-évaluation) tout en évaluant l'adéquation au contexte de ces activités
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