3 research outputs found

    Practical possibilities in using q SOFA scale by Emergency Medical Teams

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    Sepsis is a life-threatening dysfunction of the body that causes a host to respond incorrectly to an infection. Sepsis and septic shock are a major health issue affecting millions of people each year worldwide. Every fourth person with sepsis dies. Multi-organ trauma, acute myocardial infarction or stroke, early diagnosis and management in the first hours after the onset of sepsis improve survival rate. The Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scale is mainly used to assess sepsis. SOFA helps medical staff to assess the risk of morbidity and mortality due to sepsis. The basic parameters of SOFA are: assessment of the respiratory system based on partial oxygen pressure in the blood (PaO2), assessment of the nervous system based on the Glasgow Coma scale (GCS), assessment of the cardiovascular system based on the average blood pressure or after vasopressor administration (any dose), assessment of liver function based on the level of bilirubin in the blood, assessment of kidney function based on the level of creatinine in the urine, assessment of blood clotting based on the amount of thrombocytes contained in the plasma. This scale is used in hospital settings. qSOFA (Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score) is a simplified version of the SOFA score as the first way to identify high-risk patients due to poor results associated with infection. qSOFA simplifies the SOFA score drastically, taking into account only three clinical criteria and introducing "any change" instead of requiring GCS ≤13. It uses three criteria, assigning one point for low blood pressure (SBP ≤100 mmHg), high respiratory rate (≥ 22 breaths per minute) or changed mentation (GC

    The battle with uneven opponent – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

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    SIDS is one of the biggest problems of modern medicine. In the diagnosis of SIDS, we take into account all possible diseases that may be the cause of death, as well as factors indicating an accident or murder. The etiology of SIDS is not yet known. There are several pathogenetic concepts, most of which refer to pathophysiological changes associated with nervous system hypoplasia. The most important risk factors include the effects of tobacco smoke, obstetric history, and incorrect sleep position. The role of risk factors in the pathogenesis of SIDS and their interdependence is still the subject of many studies. There are many theories developed on this subject, but none have been supported by scientific research and which is extremely difficult to carry out in this group of newborns. In most cases, medical help finds a newborn already dead, so it is difficult to say what is the main cause or marker of cot death. A considerable success in preventing the onset of sudden infant death syndrome turned out to be educational campaigns for parents - in order to follow up, an information leaflet was prepared with the basic recommendations in the prevention of SIDS. Among the parents of newborn children there are still many controversial opinions about risk factors in the onset of sudden infant death syndrome, the article contains and explains the meaning of individual activities that are considered to predispose to SIDS

    Security theory and practice: German Security Policy in the Difficult Times

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    From Introduction: "Germany is economically the strongest country in Europe. As such, it is striving for leadership in the EU and keeps developing into a geo-economic power with global interests. The dynamism of the variety of international phenomena and processes forces Germany to modify or transform its previous security strategies and policies. The actions taken by the country’s authorities have resulted not only from their own interests and goals, but were the aftermath of the growing expectations of other external participants, which required greater financial, economic, political and military involvement in order to solve various crises and international conflicts."(...