34 research outputs found

    Modele jakości usług a zarządzanie szkotą wyższą

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    The necessity of quality management at universities is a result of many factors, eg. Growing number of academic institutions, permanent shortage of money for higher education, demographic trends, generally growing competition on educational market. The authors suggest the opportunity of introduction into academic institutions the Servqual model that is the one of well-known tool in business sector of services. The advantages and barriers of usage such model are indicated. The general conclusion is that Servqual can be a useful instrument in managing universities.Potrzeba zarządzania jakością w szkołach wyższych jest rezultatem gwałtownego wzrostu ilościowego instytucji akademickich, niewystarczającego finansowania szkolnictwa wyższego, trendów demograficznych oraz rosnącej konkurencji na rynku usług edukacyjnych. Do oceny jakości usług świadczonych przez uczelnie Autorzy proponują wykorzystanie dobrze znanego w biznesie modelu jakości usług Servqual. Wskazują zarówno korzyści, jak i trudności wynikające ze stosowania tego modelu do oceny szkoły wyższej. Generalną konkluzją jest stwierdzenie, że model ten może być przydatnym narzędziem w zarządzaniu uczelnią

    Czy uniwersytet potrzebuje strategii

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    The authors present the arguments in favour of strategic planning at the universities. They show how necessary it is to build new visions of the universities and to define their mission, to select their domain of action and develop competitive supremacy. They also give several examples of methods which may be used in strategic planning at the universities: SWOT/TOWS, the Servqual Model and the Balanced Scorecard Method.Autorzy przedstawiają argumenty przemawiające za koniecznością planowania strategicznego w szkołach wyższych. Wskazują potrzebę tworzenia wizji i misji uniwersytetu, wyboru domeny jego działania oraz budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej. Podają również przykłady metod, które mogą być wykorzystywane w planowaniu strategicznym na uczelniach. Są to: SWOT/TOWS, model jakości usług servqual, metoda zrównoważonych ocen (balanced scorecard)

    Entrepreneurship vulnerability to business cycle. A new methodology for identification pro-cyclical and counter-cyclical patterns of entrepreneurial activity.

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    In literature, there is ongoing discussion whether entrepreneurial activity, approximated by, for instance, changes in self-employment, tends to behave pro-cyclically, counter-cyclically or rather is a-cyclical. Thus far, both theoretical and empirical evidence, where various multiple methodological approaches are used, does not provide clear answer to the latter; while widely offered explanations are scattered and lack robustness. Regarding the latter, some evidence may be traced in works of Kollinger and Thurik (2012), which using data for 22 OECD countries over the period 1972-2007, use Granger-causality tests to verify if entrepreneur activities are leading or lagging indicator over the business cycles; and their findings they show that entrepreneurship is leading indicator of the business cycle. Rampini (2004), using canonical real business cycle model, finds that entrepreneurship behaves pro-cyclical, which is associated with changes in risk aversion during respective phases of business cycle. Carmona et al. (2010), using quarterly data for self-employment and GDP in Spain and the United States, over the period 1987-2004, adopt the cross-correlations and VAR models to demonstrate that the hypothesis on pro-cyclicality of self-employment cannot be confirmed. At the same time, they present rather mixed results for various groups of self-employed. Klapper et al. (2014), using data for 109 countries over the period 2002-2012, find that entrepreneurial behavior demonstrates strong pro-cyclical patterns. More recent evidence may be also found in works of, inter alia, Parker (2002), Parker et al. (2012a,b), Milan et al. (2012), Baptista and Preto (2011). This paper is designed to contribute to the present state of the art, by presenting a novel methodological approach to identification of the relationship between the intensity of entrepreneurial activity and business cycle. Put differently, we aim unveil if entrepreneurship (approximated by changes in self-employment) behaves pro-cyclically, counter-cyclically or a-cyclically. To exemplify our new conceptual approach, we use quarterly data on deflated gross domestic product and self-employment. The empirical evidence presents the case of Italy. The period of analysis is restricted to the years 1995-2014. All statistics are extracted from OECD datasets on Annual Labor Force and Gross Domestic Product

    Fertility rebound and economic growth. New evidence for 18 countries over the period 1970-2011.

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    Long-run impact of economic growth on fertility trends is ambiguous and sensitive for in-time variations. Over last decades, economic growth has led in many countries to significant falls in total fertility rates. However, recently, in high-income economies a kind of “fertility rebound” is revealed [Goldstein 2009; Luci and Thevenon, 2011; Day 2012]. The concept of fertility rebound supports the hypothesis that reversal trends in total fertility rates are mainly attributed to economic growth. Our paper unveils the relationship between total fertility rate changes and economic growth in 18 selected countries with fertility rebound observed, over the period 1970-2011. We anticipate uncovering U-shaped impact of economic growth on total fertility rate. To report on the relationship we deploy longitudinal data analysis assuming non-linearity between examined variables. Data applied are exclusive derived from World Development Indicators 2013. Our main findings support the hypothesis on U-shaped relationship between total fertility rate and economic growth in analyzed countries in 1970-2011. Along with the previous we project the minimum level of GDP per capita when the fertility rebound takes place

    Eseje o ekonomii i jej ograniczeniach

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    Recenzja książki: Wyobraźnia ekonomiczna, Andrzej K. Koźmiński, Wydawnictwo Poltext, Warszawa 2016, s. 310

    Eseje o ekonomii i jej ograniczeniach

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    Recenzja książki: Wyobraźnia ekonomiczna, Andrzej K. Koźmiński, Wydawnictwo Poltext, Warszawa 2016, s. 310.Recenzja książki: Wyobraźnia ekonomiczna, Andrzej K. Koźmiński, Wydawnictwo Poltext, Warszawa 2016, s. 310

    Do the Universities Need Strategy

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    Autorzy przedstawiają argumenty przemawiające za koniecznością planowania strategicznego w szkołach wyższych. Wskazują potrzebę tworzenia wizji i misji uniwersytetu, wyboru domeny jego działania oraz budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej. Podają również przykłady metod, które mogą być wykorzystywane w planowaniu strategicznym na uczelniach. Są to: SWOT/TOWS, model jakości usług servqual, metoda zrównoważonych ocen (balanced scorecard).The authors present the arguments in favour of strategic planning at the universities. They show how necessary it is to build new visions of the universities and to define their mission, to select their domain of action and develop competitive supremacy. They also give several examples of methods which may be used in strategic planning at the universities: SWOT/TOWS, the Servqual Model and the Balanced Scorecard Method