101 research outputs found

    Розчинність карбону, мангану та силіцію в γ-залізі сплавів системи Fe-Mn-Si-C

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    The study was performed on alloys with a carbon content of 0,37-0,57 % (wt.), silicon 0,23-0,29 % (wt.), manganese 0,7-0,86 % (wt.), the rest– iron. To determine the phase composition of alloys used microstructural, microanalysis and X-ray analysis. In addition, the physical characteristics of the alloys studied in this paper were determined, such as alloy chemical dependence of extension and contraction ratio, impact toughness and hardness. The results obtained in this paper showed that the iron-based alloy with the content of carbon of 0.57 % (wt.), silicon of 0.28 % (wt.) and manganese of 0.86 % (wt.)) had the superior microstructure and physical properties. It was determined that after a number of crystallization and phase transformation the alloy phase structure includes two phases: a-iron and cement magnesium doping Fe2.7Mn0,3C.. For the first time using the method quasichemistry received an expression of the free energy of a γ-iron alloyed with silicon and magnesium, and determined the solubility limit of carbon, manganese and silicon. The maximum content in γ-iron can reach: carbon 6,8 % (at.), manganese – 67,5 % (at.), silicon – 2,3 % (at.).Дослідження проводили на сплавах з вмістом карбону 0,37-0,57  % (мас.), силіцію 0,23-0,29 % (мас.), мангану 0,7-0,86 % (мас.), решта – залізо. Для визначення фазового складу сплавів використовували мікроструктурний, мікрорентгеноспектральний та рентгеноструктурний аналізи. В роботі були визначені фізичні характеристики сплавів, що досліджували в даній роботі, а саме, залежність відносного видовження, відносного звуження, ударної в’язкості та твердості від хімічного складу сплаву. Отримані в даній роботі результати показали, що найкращі мікроструктурні та фізичні характеристики має сплав на основі заліза з вмістом карбону 0,57 % (мас.), силіцію 0,28 % (мас.), мангану 0,88 % (мас.). Визначено, що після кристалізації та низки фазових перетворень фазовий склад сплаву представлений двома фазами: a-залізом та легованим манганом цементитом Fe2.7Mn0,3C. Вперше за допомогою методу квазіхімічного методу отримали рівняння вільної енергії твердого розчину γ-заліза, легованого силіцієм і манганом, і визначили межу розчинності карбону, мангану і силіцію. Максимальний вміст карбону в γ-залізі може досягати 6,8 % (ат.), мангану 67,5 % (ат.) та силіцію 2,3 % (ат.)

    The Libyan collections in FI (Herbarium Centrale Italicum and Webb Herbarium) and studies on the Libyan Flora by R. Pampanini - Part 2

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    This work is the continuation of Part 1, published in 2015, and comprises the reconstruction of the original collections of new taxa described by R. Pampanini and other botanists and, where possible, typification of the new names and taxonomical updating. The material studied for the most part concerns Libyan specimens held in the FI and FI-W herbaria but in some case also K, LD, MPU, P, PAD, PAL, ULT. Other material, which Pampanini studied in Florence was subsequently conserved in other herbaria. Specimens belonging to 21 families have been examined, from the Najadaceae to Zygophyllaceae. As well as typification, bibliographical data have been provided for those already typified. In this second part, a total of 113 names have been indexed and 91 typified, taking the names validly published in the entire work to 353, of which 286 are typified. Also on this occasion, we have provided taxonomic updates for each taxon. The Conclusions present a synthetic sum of the taxa still recognised taxonomically (entirely, in new combinations, or with a new status) in recent works on the Flora of N. Africa, in general revisions of various systematic groups, or reconsidered by the authors of this present work. We have also investigated the phyto-geographic origins of the taxa [according to the dominions proposed by Quézel (1978) for N. Africa]. Finally we have very briefly indicated the presence of material of the R. Pampanini collections (for Cyrenaica, together with R. E. G. Pichi Sermolli in 1934) in the most important herbaria. The paragraph "Addenda et Corrigenda" has been added to the final part of the treatise and relates chiefly to taxa omitted from the first part, either on account of new information or as a result of errors which came to light after publication

    Characteristics of the motivational value-based attitude of students towards physical education

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    El artículo explora las peculiaridades de la actitud motivadora basada en el valor de los jóvenes estudiantes modernos de Ucrania hacia las clases de educación física y el mantenimiento de un estilo de vida saludable. 501 estudiantes de tres instituciones de educación superior de Ucrania participaron en el estudio. La investigación fue realizada por los cuestionarios de los autores que permitieron estudiar la actitud de los estudiantes hacia la educación física tradicional, la salud física extracurricular y las actividades deportivas, así como para encontrar las razones que impiden a los estudiantes realizar ejercicios físicos regulares y mantener un estilo de vida saludable. Los resultados mostraron la falta de motivación de los jóvenes estudiantes de Ucrania para las clases tradicionales de educación física que conducen a un bajo nivel de aptitud física y salud de los futuros especialistas. The article explores the peculiarities of the motivational value-based attitude of modern student youth of Ukraine to the physical education classes and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. 501 students of three higher educational institutions of Ukraine participated in the study. The research was conducted by authors’ questionnaires that allowed to study the attitude of students to traditional physical education, extracurricular physical healthcare and sports activities, as well as to find the reasons that prevent students from regular physical exercises and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. The results of the study showed the lack of motivation of the student youth of Ukraine for traditional physical education classes that leads to a low level of physical fitness and health of future specialists

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 1

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the Italian distribution of alien vascular flora are presented. It includes new records, exclusions, and confirmations for Italy or for Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Agave, Arctotheca, Berberis, Bidens, Cardamine, Catalpa, Cordyline, Cotoneaster, Dichondra, Elaeagnus, Eragrostis, Impatiens, Iris, Koelreuteria, Lamiastrum, Lantana, Ligustrum, Limnophila, Lonicera, Lycianthes, Maclura, Mazus, Paspalum, Pelargonium, Phyllanthus, Pyracantha, Ruellia, Sorghum, Symphyotrichum, Triticum, Tulbaghia and Youngia