30 research outputs found

    Emittance Characterization of Ion Beams Provided by Laser Plasma

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    Laser ion sources offer the possibility to obtain ion beams useful for particle accelerators. Nanosecond pulsed lasers at intensities of the order of 108 W/cm2, interacting with solid matter in a vacuum, produce plasma of high temperature and high density. To increase the ion energy, an external post-acceleration system can be employed by means of high voltage power supplies of some tens of kV. In this work, we characterize the ion beams provided by an LIS source and post-accelerated. We calculated the produced charge and the emittance. Applying 60 kV of accelerating voltage and laser irradiance of 0.1 GW/cm2 on the Cu target, we obtain 5.5 mA of output current and normalized beam emittance of 0.2 mm mrad. The brightness of the beams was 137 mA (mm mrad)−2

    On the origin of negative target currents during laser ablation of polyethylene

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    The exposure of a target to a focused laser beam results in the occurrence of a time-varying current between the target itself and the grounded vacuum chamber. This current is composed by three distinct phases, namely the ignition phase, in which the laser pulse drives the electron emission, while electrons coming from the ground through the target holder balance the positive charge generated on the target. The active phase appears at post-pulse times and it is characterized by the presence of peaked structures in the time-resolved current, representing characteristics of the target composition. Lastly, the afterglow phase is determined by a current of electrons flowing from the target to the ground. During the active phase of the target current resulting from polymers ablation with an UV KrF laser, negative target current peaks are observed, whose origin is still unknown. We investigate the dependence of these current structures on the dimensions of the target, using ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene disks of different thickness

    Surface modifications of AISI 420 stainless steel by low energy Yttrium ions

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    In this work, we study surface modifications of AISI 420 stainless steel specimens in order to improve their surface properties. Oxidation resistance and surface micro-hardness were analyzed. Using an ion beam delivered by a Laser Ion Source (LIS) coupled to an electrostatic accelerator, we performed implantation of low energy yttrium ions on the samples. The ions experienced an acceleration passing through a gap whose ends had a potential difference of 60 kV. The gap was placed immediately before the samples surface. The LIS produced high ions fluxes per laser pulse, up to 3x1011 ions/cm2, resulting in a total implanted flux of 7x1015 ions/cm2. The samples were characterized before and after ion implantation using two analytical techniques. They were also thermally treated to investigate the oxide scale. The crystal phases were identified by an X-ray diffractometer, while the micro-hardness was assayed using the scratch test and a profilometer. The first analysis was applied to blank, implanted and thermally treated sample surface, while the latter was applied only to blank and implanted sample surfaces. We found a slight increase in the hardness values and an increase to oxygen resistance. The implantation technique we used has the advantages, with respect to conventional methods, to modify the samples at low temperature avoiding stray diffusion of ions inside the substrate bulk

    Very Fast Current Diagnostic for Linear Pulsed Beams

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    Fast current pulses manage lasers and particle accelerators and require sophisticate systems to be detected. At today Rogowski coils are well known. They are designed and built with a toroidal structure. In recently application, flat transmission lines are imploded and for this reason we develop a linear Rogowski coil to detect current pulses inside flat conductors. To get deep information from the system, it was approached by means of the theory of the transmission lines. The coil we build presents a resistance but it doesn’t influence the rise time of the response, instead the integrating time. We also studied the influence of the magnetic properties of coil support. The new device was able to record pulses of more hundred nanoseconds depending on the inductance, load impedance and resistance of the coil. Furthermore, its response was characterized by a sub-nanosecond rise time (~100 ps), The attenuation coefficient depends mainly on the turn number of the coil, while the quality of the response depends both on the manufacture quality of the coil and on the magnetic core characteristics. In biophysical applications often, a double line is employed in order to have a sample as control and a sample stressed by a light source. So, in this case we build two equal plane lines by 100 Ω characteristic resistance connected in parallel. We diagnosed the current present in a line. The attenuation factor resulted to be 11,5 A/V

    Proton extraction from transition metals using PLATONE

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    In thisworkwepresentastudyonprotonbeamsextractionfromaplasmageneratedbypulsedlaser ablation oftitaniumandtantalumdisks.ThedeviceusedwasthePLATONElaserionsourceoperatingat the LEASLaboratoryinLecce,Italy.ItisbasedonaKrFlaseroperatingatlowirradiance(109–1010 W/cm2) and nspulseduration.Theprotonandionsemissionwasanalyzedbythetime-of-flight techniqueusing a Faradaycupasioncollectorandanelectrostaticbarriertoidentifytheparticles.Studiesonthe produced protonsandionsatdifferentlaserirradiancevalueswereperformed.Theextractedbeams showedhighproton flux upto1010 protons/cm2

    Surface modifications of AISI 420 stainless steel by low energy Yttrium ions

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    In this work, we study surface modifications of AISI 420 stainless steel specimens in order to improve their surface properties. Oxidation resistance and surface micro-hardness were analyzed. Using an ion beam delivered by a Laser Ion Source (LIS) coupled to an electrostatic accelerator, we performed implantation of low energy yttrium ions on the samples. The ions experienced an acceleration passing through a gap whose ends had a potential difference of 60 kV. The gap was placed immediately before the samples surface. The LIS produced high ions fluxes per laser pulse, up to 3x1011 ions/cm2, resulting in a total implanted flux of 7x1015 ions/cm2. The samples were characterized before and after ion implantation using two analytical techniques. They were also thermally treated to investigate the oxide scale. The crystal phases were identified by an X-ray diffractometer, while the micro-hardness was assayed using the scratch test and a profilometer. The first analysis was applied to blank, implanted and thermally treated sample surface, while the latter was applied only to blank and implanted sample surfaces. We found a slight increase in the hardness values and an increase to oxygen resistance. The implantation technique we used has the advantages, with respect to conventional methods, to modify the samples at low temperature avoiding stray diffusion of ions inside the substrate bulk

    La Radioterapia Veterinaria

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    La radioterapia per la cura di molte patologie tumorali è estesa anche al campo veterinario. Intervenire su un animale domestico, cane, gatto o altro, è differente rispetto all’uomo. La situazione attuale però, non assicura un intervento su tutto il territorio nazionale. In questo lavoro presento la tecnica della radioterapia veterinaria e le problematiche sociali connesse

    On the origin of negative target currents during laser ablation of polyethylene

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    The exposure of a target to a focused laser beam results in the occurrence of a time-varying current between the target itself and the grounded vacuum chamber. This current is composed by three distinct phases, namely the ignition phase, in which the laser pulse drives the electron emission, while electrons coming from the ground through the target holder balance the positive charge generated on the target. The active phase appears at post-pulse times and it is characterized by the presence of peaked structures in the time-resolved current, representing characteristics of the target composition. Lastly, the afterglow phase is determined by a current of electrons flowing from the target to the ground. During the active phase of the target current resulting from polymers ablation with an UV KrF laser, negative target current peaks are observed, whose origin is still unknown. We investigate the dependence of these current structures on the dimensions of the target, using ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene disks of different thickness

    On the origin of negative target currents during laser ablation of polyethylene

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    The exposure of a target to a focused laser beam results in the occurrence of a time-varying current between the target itself and the grounded vacuum chamber. This current is composed by three distinct phases, namely the ignition phase, in which the laser pulse drives the electron emission, while electrons coming from the ground through the target holder balance the positive charge generated on the target. The active phase appears at post-pulse times and it is characterized by the presence of peaked structures in the time-resolved current, representing characteristics of the target composition. Lastly, the afterglow phase is determined by a current of electrons flowing from the target to the ground. During the active phase of the target current resulting from polymers ablation with an UV KrF laser, negative target current peaks are observed, whose origin is still unknown. We investigate the dependence of these current structures on the dimensions of the target, using ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene disks of different thickness

    Alterazione dell'espressione dei geni orologio in Drosophila melanogaster aseguito di un intenso campo magnetico impulsato

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    Gli organismi hanno la capacità di percepire il campo magnetico terrestre e di alterare i processi biologici in risposta ad un campo magnetico applicato. Non sono ancora chiari i meccanismi molecolari alla base della percezione del campo magnetico. In questo lavoro abbiamo dimostrato che un campo magnetico impulsato di 400mT/1Hz induce un'alterazione comportamentale in individui adulti di Drosophila melanogaster. Inoltre, il livello di espressione di tim incrementa nelle teste dei moscerini dopo l'esposizione al campo. Tim è un target del magnetorecettore cryptochrome. Questi risultati preliminari indicano una possibile relazione tra il ritmo circadiano e cryptochrome nella percezione del campo magnetico