737 research outputs found

    Number representation using generalized (β)(-\beta)-transformation

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    We study non-standard number systems with negative base β-\beta. Instead of the Ito-Sadahiro definition, based on the transformation TβT_{-\beta} of the interval [ββ+1,1β+1)\big[-\frac{\beta}{\beta+1},\frac{1}{\beta+1}\big) into itself, we suggest a generalization using an interval [l,l+1)[l,l+1) with l(1,0]l\in(-1,0]. Such generalization may eliminate certain disadvantages of the Ito-Sadahiro system. We focus on the description of admissible digit strings and their periodicity.Comment: 22 page

    Degradation of Trazine Compounds via Metallic Iron Under Acidic Conditions

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    The degradation of dissolved dimethoxyatrazine (2-chloro-4,6-dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazine), terbutylazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-terbutylamino-1,3 ,5-triazine) and deisopropylatrazine (2-amino-4-chloro-6-ethylamino-1,3,5-triazine) via metallic iron was studied as a function of solution pH. Generally, degradation was more rapid the lower the solution pH and higher the compound pKa. For dimethoxyatrazine kSA (kSA= k\u27 (min-1)* V (L) / M (g) I SA(m2/g)) was found to be 1.33 (± 0.07) E-4 min-1 m-2 L at pH 2, 6.1 (± 0.6) E-5 min-1 m-2 L at pH 3 and 4.4 (± 0.6) E-5 min-1 m-2 L at pH 4. For deisopropylatrazine kSA was found to be 7.2 (± 0.2) E-4 min-1 m-2 L at pH 2 and 1.0 (± 0.4) E-4 min-1 m-2 L at pH 3. For terbutylazine kSA was found to be 2.41 (± 0.06) E-3 min-1 m-2 L at pH 2, 6.9 (± 0.9) E-4 min-1 m-2 L at pH 3 and 2.4 (± 0.4) E-4 min-1 m-2 L at pH 4. Dechlorinated dimethoxyatrazine and terbutylazine products were detected in the reaction solutions. The electrochemical reduction of these compounds on mercury electrodes was examined. Cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse polarography experiments with these triazines yielded a general pattern of two pH dependent irreversible reduction waves. These results suggest the triazine degradation reaction via metallic iron begins with a 2-electron dechlorination reduction step and that the actual species undergoing reduction is the protonated triazine

    Institut čistých technologií těžby a užití energetických surovin - nový potenciál vědy a výzkumu v Ostravě

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    A year ago, in Ostrava, one of the major RDI (Research and Development for Innovation) projects was initiated in the Moravian-Silesian Region, called the Institute of Clean Technologies for Mining and Utilization of Raw Materials for Energy Use. During the first year, many of the top and often unique research laboratories and workplaces were built with a budget of over CZK200m, such as “Workplace of Electron Microprobe”, „Workplace of Tomographic Methods“, “Workplace of Hydrochemistry and Hydrobiology”, “Workplace of Thermal, Hydraulic and Mechanical (THM) Processes in Rocks”, “Workplace of Water Jet”, “Isotope and GC-TOF Laboratory” and many others. This laid the basis for various research programmes with truly extraordinary extent and impact not only on the Czech industry but also economy of other EU member states.V Ostravě byl před rokem zahájen jeden z významných projektů VaVpI (Věda a výzkum pro inovace) v Moravskoslezském kraji s názvem Institut čistých technologií těžby a užití energetických surovin. V průběhu prvního roku byla s rozpočtem více než 200 miliónů korun vybudována řada špičkových a mnohdy i unikátních výzkumných laboratoří a pracovišť, jakými jsou „Pracoviště elektronové mikrosondy“, „Pracoviště tomografických metod“, „Pracoviště hydrochemie a hydrobiologie“, „Pracoviště tepelných, hydraulických a mechanických (THM) procesů v horninách“, „Pracoviště vodního paprsku“, „Izotopová a GC-TOF laboratoř a řada dalších. Tím byl položen základ k řešení výzkumných programů se skutečně mimořádným rozsahem a dopadem nejen na český průmysl, ale i ekonomiku ostatních států EU

    Degradation of Trazine Compounds via Metallic Iron Under Acidic Conditions

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    The degradation of dissolved dimethoxyatrazine (2-chloro-4,6-dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazine), terbutylazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-terbutylamino-1,3 ,5-triazine) and deisopropylatrazine (2-amino-4-chloro-6-ethylamino-1,3,5-triazine) via metallic iron was studied as a function of solution pH. Generally, degradation was more rapid the lower the solution pH and higher the compound pKa. For dimethoxyatrazine kSA (kSA= k\u27 (min-1)* V (L) / M (g) I SA(m2/g)) was found to be 1.33 (± 0.07) E-4 min-1 m-2 L at pH 2, 6.1 (± 0.6) E-5 min-1 m-2 L at pH 3 and 4.4 (± 0.6) E-5 min-1 m-2 L at pH 4. For deisopropylatrazine kSA was found to be 7.2 (± 0.2) E-4 min-1 m-2 L at pH 2 and 1.0 (± 0.4) E-4 min-1 m-2 L at pH 3. For terbutylazine kSA was found to be 2.41 (± 0.06) E-3 min-1 m-2 L at pH 2, 6.9 (± 0.9) E-4 min-1 m-2 L at pH 3 and 2.4 (± 0.4) E-4 min-1 m-2 L at pH 4. Dechlorinated dimethoxyatrazine and terbutylazine products were detected in the reaction solutions. The electrochemical reduction of these compounds on mercury electrodes was examined. Cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse polarography experiments with these triazines yielded a general pattern of two pH dependent irreversible reduction waves. These results suggest the triazine degradation reaction via metallic iron begins with a 2-electron dechlorination reduction step and that the actual species undergoing reduction is the protonated triazine

    Substitutions over infinite alphabet generating (-\beta)-integers

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    This contribution is devoted to the study of positional numeration systems with negative base introduced by Ito and Sadahiro in 2009, called (-\beta)-expansions. We give an admissibility criterion for more general case of (-\beta)-expansions and discuss the properties of the set of (-\beta)-integers. We give a description of distances within this set and show that this set can be coded by an infinite word over an infinite alphabet, which is a fixed point of a non-erasing non-trivial morphism.Comment: In Proceedings WORDS 2011, arXiv:1108.341


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    The paper presents the results of measurements of the thermal conductivity coefficient of the selected insulating liquids according to the temperature. The value of the thermal coefficient of tested insulating liquids at temperatures from 20°C to 100°C was determined. Measurement of thermal conductivity was conducted by the use of presented authoring measurement system. The obtained results are essential to the design of power devices structures.W artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki pomiarów współczynnika przewodności cieplnej właściwej wybranych cieczy elektroizolacyjnych w zależności od temperatury. Określona została wartość współczynnika przewodności cieplnej badanych cieczy elektroizolacyjnych w przedziale temperatury od 20°C do 100°C. Pomiar przewodności cieplnej przeprowadzono przy wykorzystaniu przedstawionego autorskiego układu pomiarowego. Uzyskane wyniki są istotne z punktu widzenia projektowania konstrukcji urządzeń elektroenergetycznych

    Arkansas Soybean Performance Tests 2015

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    Soybean variety and strain performance tests are conducted each year in Arkansas by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s Arkansas Crop Variety Improvement Program. The tests provide information to companies developing varieties and/or marketing seed within the State, and aid the Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service in formulating variety recommendations for soybean producers

    Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Peformance Tests 2017

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    Corn and grain sorghum performance tests are conducted each year in Arkansas by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. The tests provide information to companies marketing seed within the state, and aid the Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service in formulating recommendations for producers