294 research outputs found

    Exploring the potential X-ray counterpart of the puzzling TeV gamma-ray source HESS J1507-622 with new Suzaku observations

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    The unidentified VHE (E>100 GeV) gamma-ray source HESS J1507-622 seems to not fit into standard models for sources related to young supernova remnants, pulsar wind nebulae, or young stellar populations in general. This is due to its intrinsically extended, but yet compact morphology, coupled with a relative large offset (~3.5 deg) from the Galactic plane. Therefore, it has been suggested that this object may be the first representative of a new distinct class of extended off-plane gamma-ray sources. The distance to HESS J1507-622 is the key parameter to constrain the source's most important properties, such as age and energetics of the relativistic particle population. In this article we report on results of follow-up observations of the potential X-ray counterpart with Suzaku. We present detailed measurements of its spectral parameters and find a high absorbing hydrogen column density, compatible with the total amount of Galactic gas in this direction. In comparisons to measurements and models of the Galactic three-dimensional gas distribution we show that the potential X-ray counterpart of HESS J1507-622 may be located at the far end of the Galaxy. If the gamma-ray source is indeed physically connected to this extended X-ray source, this in turn would place the object outside of the usual distribution of Galactic VHE gamma-ray emitters.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    Gamma-ray emission associated with Cluster-scale AGN Outbursts

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    Recent observations have revealed the existence of enormously energetic ~10^61 erg AGN outbursts in three relatively distant galaxy clusters. These outbursts have produced bubbles in the intra-cluster medium, apparently supported by pressure from relativistic particles and/or magnetic fields. Here we argue that if > GeV particles are responsible then these particles are very likely protons and nuclei, rather than electrons, and that the gamma-ray emission from these objects, arising from the interactions of these hadrons in the intra-cluster medium, may be marginally detectable with instruments such as GLAST and HESS.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted by MNRA

    A Search for Diffuse X-ray Emission from GeV Detected Galactic Globular Clusters

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    Recently, diffuse and extended sources in TeV gamma-rays as well as in X-rays have been detected in the direction of the Galactic globular cluster (GC) Terzan 5. Remarkably, this is among the brightest GCs detected in the GeV regime. The nature of both the TeV and the diffuse X-ray signal from Terzan 5 is not settled yet. These emissions most likely indicate the presence of several non-thermal radiation processes in addition to these giving rise to the GeV signal. The aim of this work is to search for diffuse X-ray emission from the GeV detected GCs M 62, NGC 6388, NGC 6541, M 28, M 80 and NGC 6139 to compare the obtained results with the signal detected from Terzan 5. This study will help to determine whether Terzan 5 stands out amongst other GC or whether a whole population of globular clusters feature similar properties. None of the six GCs show significant diffuse X-ray emission on similar scales as observed from Terzan 5 above the particle and diffuse galactic X-ray background components. The derived upper limits allow to assess the validity of different models that were discussed in the interpretation of the multi-wavelength data of Terzan 5. A scenario based on synchrotron emission from relativistic leptons provided by the millisecond pulsar population can not be securely rejected if a comparable magnetic field strength as in Terzan 5 is assumed for every GC. However, such a scenario seems to be unlikely for NGC 6388 and M 62. An inverse-Compton scenario relying on the presence of a putative GRB remnant with the same properties as the one proposed for Terzan 5 can be ruled out for all of the six GCs. Finally, the assumption that each GC hosts a source with the same luminosity as in Terzan 5 is ruled out for all GCs but NGC 6139. (abridged)Comment: 8 pages, 1 Figure, accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysics, final version after language editin

    HESS J1507-622: an unique unidentified source off the Galactic Plane

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    Galactic very high energy (VHE, > 100 GeV) gamma ray sources in the inner Galaxy H.E.S.S. survey tend to cluster within 1 degree in latitude around the Galactic plane. HESS J1507-622 instead is unique, since it is located at latitude of ~3.5 degrees. HESS J1507-622 is slightly extended over the PSF of the instrument and hence its Galactic origin is clear. The search for counterparts in other wavelength regimes (radio, infrared and X-rays) failed to show any plausible counterparts; and given its position off the Galactic plane and hence the absorption almost one order of magnitude lower, it is very surprising to not see any counterparts especially at X-rays wavelengths (by ROSAT, XMM Newton and Chandra). Its latitude implies that it is either rather close, within about 1 kpc, or is located well off the Galactic plane. And also the models reflect the uniqueness of this object: a leptonic PWN scenario would place this source due to its quite small extension to multi-kpc distance whereas a hadronic scenario would preferentially locate this object at distances of < 1 kpc where the density of target material is higher

    Capability of Cherenkov Telescopes to Observe Ultra-fast Optical Flares

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    The large optical reflector (~ 100 m^2) of a H.E.S.S. Cherenkov telescope was used to search for very fast optical transients of astrophysical origin. 43 hours of observations targeting stellar-mass black holes and neutron stars were obtained using a dedicated photometer with microsecond time resolution. The photometer consists of seven photomultiplier tube pixels: a central one to monitor the target and a surrounding ring of six pixels to veto background events. The light curves of all pixels were recorded continuously and were searched offline with a matched-filtering technique for flares with a duration of 2 us to 100 ms. As expected, many unresolved (500 us) background events originating in the earth's atmosphere were detected. In the time range 3 to 500 us the measurement is essentially background-free, with only eight events detected in 43 h; five from lightning and three presumably from a piece of space debris. The detection of flashes of brightness ~ 0.1 Jy and only 20 us duration from the space debris shows the potential of this setup to find rare optical flares on timescales of tens of microseconds. This timescale corresponds to the light crossing time of stellar-mass black holes and neutron stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics, 8 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Chandra detection of diffuse X-ray emission from the globular cluster Terzan 5

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    Terzan 5, a globular cluster (GC) prominent in mass and population of compact objects, is searched for diffuse X-ray emission, as proposed by several models. We analyzed the data of an archival Chandra observation of Terzan 5 to search for extended diffuse X-ray emission outside the half-mass radius of the GC. We removed detected point sources from the data to extract spectra from diffuse regions around Terzan 5. The Galactic background emission was modeled by a 2-temperature thermal component, which is typical for Galactic diffuse emission. We detected significant diffuse excess emission above the particle background level from the whole field-of-view. The surface brightness appears to be peaked at the GC center and decreases smoothly outwards. After the subtraction of particle and Galactic background, the excess spectrum of the diffuse emission between the half-mass radius and 3' can be described by a power-law model with photon index Γ\Gamma = 0.9±\pm0.5 and a surface flux of FX_X = (1.17±\pm0.16) 10−7^{-7} erg s−1^{-1} cm−2^{-2} sr−1^{-1} in the 1--7 keV band. We estimated the contribution from unresolved point sources to the observed excess to be negligible. The observations suggest that a purely thermal origin of the emission is less likely than a non-thermal scenario. However, from simple modeling we cannot identify a clearly preferred scenario.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    New unidentified H.E.S.S. Galactic sources

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    H.E.S.S. is one of the most sensitive instruments in the very high energy (VHE; > 100 GeV) gamma-ray domain and has revealed many new sources along the Galactic Plane. After the successful first VHE Galactic Plane Survey of 2004, H.E.S.S. has continued and extended that survey in 2005-2008, discovering a number of new sources, many of which are unidentified. Some of the unidentified H.E.S.S. sources have several positional counterparts and hence several different possible scenarios for the origin of the VHE gamma-ray emission; their identification remains unclear. Others have so far no counterparts at any other wavelength. Particularly, the lack of an X-ray counterpart puts serious constraints on emission models. Several newly discovered and still unidentified VHE sources are reported here.Comment: ICRC 2009 proceeding
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