1,037 research outputs found

    Continuous reproduction of Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea,1824) females : an invasive mussel species in a female-biased population

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    The reproductive activity of females of the Chinese pond mussel (Sinanodonta woodiana) was investigated in a European population inhabiting cooling water. The study used histological and stereological methods to determine gonad structure, changes in reproductive follicles during gametogenesis, oocyte development, glochidia structure and brooding periods. Water in the channel of the "Dolna Odra" power plant did not freeze during the winter, and its mean annual temperature was 18.4^{\circ}C. The population sex ratio was female-biased (\chi^{2} = 25.70, df = 1, p < 0.0001). Ovaries in mussels were formed by reproductive follicles. Previtellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes were attached to the follicle wall via the cytoplasmic stalk, and mature ovulated oocytes were present in the follicle lumen. Individuals with mature oocytes in gonads were present over the whole two-year study period, which indicates the continuous activity of gonads. Hooked glochidia had a larval thread. Females incubated the offspring in gill marsupia of outer demibranchs and were characterized by multiple tachytictic brooding periods. All gravid individuals presented mature and spent stages of gonadal development. The study provides the first direct information about the reproductive dynamics of this invasive species outside its original Asiatic range

    Die Situation der Juden in der Richard-Wagner-Stadt - Bayreuth 1933-1945

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    W swoim artykule przedstawiłam w skróconej formie problem społeczeństwa żydowskiego z przełomu lat 1933-1945 na terenie niemieckiego miasta Bayreuth, znanego w świecie jako miejsce corocznych festiwali wagnerowskich. Osoby zajmujące się historią, a w szczególności okresem II wojny światowej oraz ci, których pasjonuje z różnych powodów muzyka Ryszarda Wagnera, natkną się z pewnością na ślady historii miasta Bayreuth, będącego w tym czasie niemal świątynią kultu ideologii nazistowskiej. To tu właśnie tworzył wybitny, a zarazem uwielbiany przez Hitlera Niemiec: Ryszard Wagner. Fakt ten pełnił dość istotną funkcję wspomagającą manipulację masami ludzkimi. Przypisywanie kompozytorowi oraz jego sztuce antysemityzmu okazało się czystym środkiem do celu, jakim było wyniszczenie narodu żydowskiego. Podsycanie nienawiści, propaganda, bojkoty ze strony nazistów, brutalna dyskryminacja społeczeństwa żydowskiego i niszczenie jego długowiecznego dobytku kulturowego przyniosło zamierzone efekty w postaci emigracji tej ludności na zachód, do Ameryki, Kanady oraz Izraela. Liczne deportacje i eksterminacja Żydów sprawiły, że niewielu wróciło po wojnie do Bayreuth. Szybko odrodziła się tu jednak kultura żydowska i znalazła po wojnie pełną akceptację społeczeństwa. Warto dodać, że Bayreuth cieszy się dziś ogólnym uznaniem w świecie muzyki. Co roku napływają tu rzesze zwolenników twórczości Ryszarda Wagnera z całego świata, podziwiając piękno jego muzyki oraz urocze krajobrazy Zielonego Wzgórza

    In Search of Tools for the Valorization of Children’s Artistic Creation in the Field of Imaging and the Results of the Creative Process – A Theoretical and Model Approach

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    The presented text is the result of reflection on the issue of children’s artwork and the procedure of valuing the work of children at a younger school age in the process of art education. The article outlines considerations on creativity and children’s art creation in the context/conceptual context and attempts to present a procedure for the evaluation of children’s art creations in terms of the ways of imaging in the conceptual context. The study is addressed to researchers and teachers of early childhood education, it is also a voice in the discussion on evaluating student achievements and – according to the author – a stimulus for reflective educational activities

    Integral Development of Students with Special Educational Needs in Inclusive Education from a Personalistic Perspective

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    The student’s right to integral development resulting from the internal dignity of each person is most fully explained in the concept of classical personalism. This right applies to every student, regardless of their age, family and social conditions or cognitive competence. In recent years, an inclusive model of education has been promoted, one promising high quality education to all students in mainstream schools. The aim of the article is to demonstrate the importance of the concept of integral upbringing based on personalism in inclusive education, being that this approach alone guarantees the authentic good of all participants of the inclusion process, without the risk of falling into collectivism or excessive individualism.Integralny rozwój uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi w edukacji inkluzyjnej z perspektywy personalistycznejPrawo ucznia do integralnego rozwoju wynika z wewnętrznej godności każdej osoby, najpełniej wyjaśnionej w koncepcji klasycznego personalizmu. To prawo dotyczy każdego ucznia, niezależnie od jego wieku, uwarunkowań rodzinnych i społecznych czy też kompetencji poznawczych. W ostatnich latach promowany jest inkluzyjny model edukacji, gwarantujący wszystkim uczniom wysokiej jakości edukację w szkołach ogólnodostępnych. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie znaczenia koncepcji integralnego wychowania w edukacji inkluzyjnej i konieczności jej oparcia na personalistycznej wizji człowieka, która gwarantuje autentyczne dobro uczestników procesu inkluzji, bez ryzyka popadnięcia w błąd kolektywizmu lub nadmiernego indywidualizmu

    Immune checkpoint inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer — towards daily practice

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    Immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) revolutionized therapy of solid tumors, among them- lung cancer. PD-1, PD-L1 blockers have been shown to improve overall survival in advanced, metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. In individual patients, 3-5-year survival has been achieved. Nivolumab, pembrolizumab, atezolizumab are approved in lung cancer treatment. Practical observations in reallife show that the results are comparable with those achieved in clinical trials. The effects of ICIs depend on the patient performance status; age, sex, histology; the presence of brain metastases have not modified treatment results. ICIs therapy is safe and well tolerated; immune related adverse events are observed. Pneumonitis may be a serious and fatal complication, but glucocorticoids are usually curative. For proper patients selection for ICIs treatment, the detection of PD-L1 expression on cancer cells is used. The so-called “hot” tumors with high expression of PD-L1 and abundant infiltration by cytotoxic cells seem to better respond to treatment than “cold” tumors

    Pictorial Preferences of Adults as Primary Intermediaries in the Contact Between a Child and an Illustration/Literary Illustration - Empirical Perspective

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    The presented text is the result of reflections on the issue of perceiving visual messages which are an illustration of the content of printed text by adults as primary recipients of book illustrations addressed to children of pre-reading age. The article contains reflections on the pictorial character of our environment, it presents the underlying assumptions of the strategy of recognizing image preferences related to book illustration and trends in the preferences of adult intermediaries in the area of book illustration in the aspect of areas of image realization and artistic quality recognized as the dominant elements of imaging. The article concludes with final reflections focused on the quality and value of observations in the context of a visual image in the form of a book illustration

    West-Pomeranian program of cervical cancer prevention. Results of phase one study

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    Assessment of the level of quality of nursing care in an infectious diseases ward

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    Introduction. An important aspect of the market-based health care system is the provision of a high level of medical services, including the quality of nursing care. In order to provide high quality patient care the subjective and objective methods were applied, as well as assessment tools.   Objective. The aim of the study was an objective assessment of the quality of nursing care provided to patients in the infectious diseases ward.   Materials and Method. The study was conducted in 2017, and included 105 patients treated in the infectious diseases ward at the Independent Public Teaching Hospital No. 1 in Lublin, Poland. The research method was a diagnostic survey; the techniques: a questionnaire and participant observation; the tool: a standard BOHIPSZO questionnaire according to H. Lenartowicz. Results. A very high coefficient of the quality of nursing care in the infectious diseases ward  concerned therapeutic-nursing procedures (99%), and hotel services including satisfaction of existential needs and objectification of a patient (97% each), followed by protection of patients against infection (96%), patient safety (94%), and preparation of patients to self-care before discharge home (92%). A high coefficient of provided care concerned the standard of organization and documentation of nursing care (80%). The provision of information for patients in the infectious diseases ward was assessed by patients in the lowest terms – the care  coefficient was 71%. The global coefficient of the quality of nursing care in the infectious diseases ward was on the level of 90.75% of the desired status. The deficit of care (9.25%) was insignificant; p&gt;0.05. Conclusions. The results of the study confirmed that a global coefficient of the quality of nursing care in the infectious diseases ward was on a very high level. Care deficit was insignificant. The improvement of the quality of care in the infectious diseases ward should concern mainly the standard of provision of information to patients, and the organization and documentation of nursing care.

    Profile of Illustration in Children’s Literature Books Based on the Image Preferences of the Youngest Readers

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    The presented paper is a result of research conducted on the issue of visual communication as an art supplement and explanation of printed content. The publication begins with a reflection on visual culture illustrating its polysemic character and referring to the iconic nature of images. Further, the paper describes the art of illustration and the value of visual communication in the form of book illustration. The last part of the paper attempts to present the structure of a well-designed illustration in the form of profiles, constructed on the basis of picture tendencies appear in a group of pre-readers