10 research outputs found

    Physical and cognitive functioning of institutionalized elderly people in rural areas. Preventive actions using physical activity and music therapy

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    Background: Comprehensive geriatric evaluation should include a functional and cognitive assessment to guide the intervention of interdisciplinary teams. The aim of this study was to analyze the physical capacities of institutionalized elderly people and to describe the preventive actions of physical activity and music therapy as non-invasive preventive pharmacological treatments given their importance for the cognitive and functional performance of elderly people. An observational and descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The participants in the study were 109 elderly people institutionalized in three residential centers with a mean age of 83.41 years (SD = 8.72). Findings: Most of the residents had very impaired physical faculties. However, cognitive impairment was not very high. Most residents (55.04%) had some form of dementia and/or high blood pressure (54.12%) followed by pathologies such as diabetes (27.52%), heart failure (17.43%), Parkinson’s disease (9.17%) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (8.25%). There were no differences in cognitive or physical capacity among the residents according to sex, age, or education and only those who had worked in the service sector had less cognitive capacity than those who had worked in the agricultural sector or as housewives. Applications: Facilitate the creation and development of programs based on physical activity and music therapy in residential centers that can prevent and improve pathologies on the elderly

    The Development of Soft Skills through Music in Educational Contexts: A Systematic Review

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    Numerous scientific studies confirm that music is a tool to improve and develop interpersonal skills. These skills, such as leadership, teamwork, communication, interpersonal skills, or coordination. are essential at present and their acquisition is necessary to adapt to a constantly changing society. The aim of this study is to analyze the contribution of music to the development of soft skills in educational contexts. To achieve the objective of the study, a systematic review of the last five years was carried out to find the existing empirical evidence. Among the main results, we observed that soft skills improve when they are developed through music in educational contexts, concluding that educational interventions with music allow for participants to develop these skills

    Designing and evaluation of an artistic experience for the development of empathic capacity: “stepping into others’ shoes”

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    This article evaluates an educational experience that uses art to develop empathy. The artistic educational project is called “stepping into others’ shoes” and is carried out with 71 students enrolled in the Early Childhood Education and Primary Education degree programs of the University of Vigo. The main objective is to analyze the students’ experiences in processes of empathic pedagogical relationships that allow empowerment dynamics of oneself and others. An ethnographic approach is used to evaluate the experience through a group case study design with different qualitative instruments: analysis of artistic production, field diary and life stories. The main results indicate that when art is used for the construction of an empathic identity, the participants of these creative dynamics find it difficult to express their feelings and emotions. However, these processes favor social relationships and mutual recognition, as well as self-knowledge. It facilitates the creation of alternative meeting spaces and the promotion of creativity. Based on these results and their discussion, lines of action are suggested which should allow using art as a resource to develop empathy and promote increased motivation in the classroom

    Analysis of the organization, management and curriculum of non superior music instructions in Galician

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    La investigación consiste en describir la situación actual de las enseñanzas no superiores de música respecto de la gestión, organización y curriculum en Galicia para una vez obtenida la información diseñar un modelo de gestión curricular para la organización de las enseñanzas no superiores de música en GaliciaA investigación consiste en describir a situación actual das ensinanzas non superiores de música respecto da xestión, organización e curriculum en Galicia para a posteriori unha vez acadada a información deseñar un modelo de xestión curricular para a organización das ensinanzas non superiores de música en GaliciaThe research consists in describing the current situation of non-superior music teaching regarding management, organization and curriculum in Galicia for once obtained the information to design a management model and curriculum for the organization of the non-superior teachings of music in Galici

    Analysis of the pedagogical training of the teachers of the Professional Conservatories of Music and the Municipal Schools of Music

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    La formación del profesorado resulta una de las variables más importantes para el éxito educativo. El objetivo de este estudio consiste en describir la formación pedagógica inicial y continua del profesorado en el sistema educativo actual y la formación para el cargo de los directores de los Conservatorios Profesionales de Música y de las Escuelas Municipales de Música en España. Para ello se utilizó un diseño mixto basado en el análisis de contenido de la normativa legal estatal y autonómica vigente, una entrevista a personal cualificado de la Administración y un cuestionario a los directores de estos centros ubicados en la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia. En esta investigación se concluye que, en la actualidad, existe un vacío muy importante en la formación pedagógica del profesorado de música, siendo la docencia la salida laboral más habitual entre estos titulados superioresTeacher training is one of the most important variables for educational success. The objective of this study was to describe the initial and permanent training of the teachers of the Professional Conservatories of Music and of the Municipal Schools of Music in Spain. For this, a mixed design was used through the content analysis of the current state and regional legal regulations, an interview with qualified administration personnel and a questionnaire to the directors of these centers located in the Autonomous Community of Galicia. This research concludes that, at present, there is a very important gap in the pedagogical training of music teachers, with teaching being the most common employment opportunity among these higher graduatesS

    La competencia digital en el profesorado de música durante la pandemia derivada de la COVID-19.

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    La actual pandemia de la COVID-19 ha obligado de forma abrupta a modificar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en todos los escenarios educativos. Esto ha hecho que el profesorado de Música de Educación Secundaria tenga que evaluar y poner a prueba su competencia digital en el uso y manejo de las nuevas tecnologías. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido medir la competencia digital del profesorado de Música de Educación Secundaria de la comunidad autónoma gallega. Para ello, se ha realizado una investigación interpretativa, con método cuantitativo. Para la recolección de la información se utilizó el cuestionario para medir la competencia digital docente (CDD). Los resultados reflejan que el profesorado de Música de este nivel educativo presenta baja competencia digital tanto en el conocimiento como en el uso de herramientas digitales. Se concluye que es necesaria la elaboración de planes de formación específicos que aborden la perspectiva pedagógica del uso de las nuevas tecnologías para las características y necesidades que presenta el profesorado de Músic

    Resistances to educational change: teachers’ perceptions

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    Educational changes require a great effort on the part of the entire educational community and, above all, the active involvement of teachers. The aim of this article was to analyze the main resistances to change that predominate among teachers at different educational stages. Through a non-experimental design, using an online questionnaire, teachers’ beliefs about factors influencing resistance to change were collected. The results indicate that the participants do not have great resistance to educational change and that legislative changes and the perception of teachers as having excessive functions are the most common aspects of resistance. There is greater resistance to change among men and in public schools and as the experience and age of the teaching staff increases. Based on the results, it is suggested that the educational center be placed as the unit of change, increasing the leadership of the director to carry out the changes suggested by the center itself, fostering teamwork among teachers, and institutionally supporting innovative initiatives that are evaluated or facilitating teacher training in relation to their teaching practice

    Análisis comparativo de la formación inicial del profesorado de música de primaria y secundaria en Europa

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    La formación del profesorado es, sin duda, una de las cuestiones de investigación recurrente por su importancia para el éxito del sistema educativo y su mejora se convierte en un desafío constante del ámbito educativo. La formación inicial del profesorado de Música en Primaria y Secundaria presenta unas características muy concretas derivadas de la necesidad del conocimiento de un lenguaje específico, que es tratado de forma diferente en numerosos países europeos. El objetivo de este estudio se centra fundamentalmente en la realización de un análisis comparativo, utilizando la técnica de análisis de contenido, de tres informes de investigación sobre la formación inicial del profesorado de Música de Primaria y Secundaria a través de una serie de categorías de análisis con el propósito de describir su organización y establecer similitudes y diferencias. Entre las principales conclusiones obtenidas, observamos que las vías formativas para la formación inicial del profesorado de Primaria y Secundaria poseen similitudes sobre todo en lo relativo a los centros donde se imparten y el tipo de titulación que se obtiene una vez finalizados los estudios, pero se diferencian en los requisitos previos para poder cursarlas, los años de estudios y el grado de especialización necesario para la habilitación como docente de Música en ambos nivele

    Can music therapy improve the quality of life of institutionalized elderly people?

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    Introduction: The current population has new characteristics that require changes to be made in the public health system. In the case of the elderly, the concrete aspects of their health must be known to improve the system, in search of a better quality of life and as much independence as possible. Method: The aim of this study was to verify the efficiency of a music therapy program with institutionalized elderly participants to avoid depressive symptoms and improve social interaction and creativity. This is a group case study that uses a pretest–post-test descriptive design. The program was divided into sixteen sessions, two sessions each week. As inclusion and exclusion criteria, physical dependency and cognitive state were used. Results: The results present an improvement in the physical dimensions of quality of life and an increase in creativity and social interaction. It is recommended that the sessions in the program, aiming to achieve a greater efficiency, are extended because the elderly have very ingrained habits and routines that are very hard to eliminate. Discussion and conclusions: Music therapy, a non-pharmacological and worthwhile treatment, is a therapeutic option with proven benefits. Music therapy has the potential to improve health and quality of life in the elderly and also foster the amelioration of various chronic illnesses, such as depression

    Content analysis of mobile device applications for artistic creation for children between 4 and 12 years of age

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    This article presents the results of the content analysis of 32 painting and drawing mobile applications aimed at children between 4 and 12 years old. The characteristics of the artistic dimension were studied, such as the possibilities of drawing, color, and experimentation, as well as the characteristics of the technical dimension related to the visual design of the interface, usability, and adaptability to users. The results collected show that mobile apps offer tools that have great potential for artistic and creative development, but also reveal certain limitations and problems in the quality of the graphic tools and interface design. One of the central problems of the interfaces of these apps is related to decontextualization and the lack of attention to the diversity and the heterogeneity of users in that age group