677 research outputs found

    The retrieval of moving images at Spanish film archives: the oversight of content analysis

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    In the field of library and information science, content analysis is a crucial task for an effective retrieval of information by users at an archive. In this research, we analyse the current state of this task and the possibilities of retrieval of film information at six Spanish important film archives, interviewing their responsible librarians for film cataloguing and comparing the content fields inside their film cataloguing records used by each one of these six organizations

    Nuevas formas informativas: el periodismo de datos y su enseñanza en el contexto universitario

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    Data journalism is a journalistic specialization which is growing by the hand of Information and Communications Technology. In this descriptive research we will explain what this concept exactly is, what its historical roots are and we will see some examples made to their guidelines. In addition, we will pay attention at the main masters and postgraduate courses, in Spain and in other countries, which include it in their curricula. We will observe how Spanish educational offer in this area is insufficient.El periodismo de datos es una especialización periodística pujante, que está creciendo de la mano de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. En este estudio descriptivo explicaremos en qué consiste exactamente este concepto, cuáles son sus raíces históricas y veremos algunos ejemplos elaborados según sus directrices. Además, nos detendremos en los principales másteres y posgrados, tanto españoles como extranjeros, que lo incluyen en sus planes de estudio. Observaremos cómo la oferta educativa española resulta insuficiente en este terreno

    Revisión del mito geográfico de San Borondón y aproximación a su huella en la literatura y otras artes

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    Since in the sixth century Irish monk St. Brendan forged the myth of San Borondón, this imaginary territory has been part of hundreds of stories of travelers and different artistic expressions. In this paper we will make a tour of its origin and the speeches of travelers because, especially between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, they helped to social consolidation of this mysterious island of Canary Islands. In addition, we will study how the myth was reflected in Spanish literary works from different genres as well as other types of artistic representations, such as music.Desde que en siglo VI el monje irlandés San Brandán fraguó el mito de San Borondón, este territorio imaginario ha formado parte de cientos de historias de viajeros y de diferentes manifestaciones artísticas. En este trabajo realizaremos un recorrido por su origen y los discursos de los viajeros que, especialmente entre los siglos XVI y XIX, ayudaron en la consolidación social de esta isla misteriosa del archipiélago canario. Además, estudiaremos cómo se ha plasmado el mito en obras literarias españolas de diferentes géneros, así como en otros tipos de representaciones artísticas, como la música

    Design thinking for developing a formative assessment system in a master's degree programme

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    De acuerdo a la política de publicación de la editorial, adjunto un preprint del trabajo.The main aim of this study is to share the experience in the design and implementation of an e-learning assessment system for students with a course of Master's Degree, following the model design thinking

    Economic and social prosperity in time of COVID-19 crisis in the European Union

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    In recent decades, the Member States of the European Union have witnessed two international crises: the economic-financial crisis that began in 2008 and the COVID-19 crisis in 2019. Consequently, both poverty and income inequality have increased. Regarding public policies to help overcome these crises, macroeconomic policies of a different cut are observed. Even though the Europe 2020 Strategy had recognized the European Union as a social market economy, to overcome the economic crisis of 2008 it was decided to consolidate public finances to control the public deficit and debt. However, in the COVID-19 crisis, the European Union has opted for an expansionary economic policy to reduce the intensity and duration of the crisis. This study analyses the most remarkable changes introduced in the European Union since the 2000s, as well as the evolution of poverty, extreme poverty, and income inequality. Likewise, two composite indexes were built in 2019 for each Member State: one of human development according to the socio-economic context of the European Union, and another index of governance reflecting the degree of compliance with the European values of freedom, political stability, and Rule of Law. The main objectives are, firstly, to analyse the connection between poverty and income inequality with the economic cycle and the public policies carried out; and secondly, to study the position of the 27 Member States in 2019 to deal with the negative effects of COVID-19. The results allow the Member States to be classified into four typologies, as well as discussing which are better prepared for the next challenges.Research project P21_00032. Objective poverty and subjective economic status in the European Union. Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Enterprise, and Universities of Andalusia (Spain).Research group "Public Economy and Globalization-EPIC" SEJ39

    Tamaño, restricciones financieras e inversión en i+d

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    Este trabajo analiza empíricamente los efectos de restricciones de liquidez en la inversión en actividades de I+D de una muestra de empresas manufactureras españolas clasificada según su tamaño durante el periodo 1991-1999. Las estimaciones confirman que la inversión en I+D emprendida por las empresas de menor tamaño presenta una mayor sensibilidad al cash flow y una relación negativa fuerte con la tasa de endeudamiento, lo que sugiere la posible presencia de restricciones financieras. Por el contrario, para las grandes empresa se muestra que la variable cash flow es significativa, aunque presenta un poder explicativo pequeño, por lo que no se encuentra evidencia de que existan restricciones en el acceso a la financiación externa. Además, también se obtiene evidencia sobre el comportamiento inversor en activos materiales que señalan que no parece existir restricciones en la capacidad de endeudamiento de las empresas de pequeño y mediano tamaño analizadas.restricciones financieras, inversión en actividades de I+D, tamaño, pymes y grandes empresas

    Public Policies of Welfare State and Child Poverty in the European Union

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    Combating child poverty is desirable to ensure equality of opportunities across children, as well as fostering the sustainability of the societal well-being for future generations. This paper focuses on the study of child poverty in the 28 Member States of the European Union over the period 2008–2018. We analyse the relationship between child poverty and government social expenditure by controlling it with tax structure (ratio direct taxes over indirect taxes), economic growth and socio-demographic characteristics. For that, we rely on panel data methodology. This paper has verified that the effectiveness of the government social spending programmes to reduce child poverty also depends on the progressiveness of the country’s tax structure. Government spending on health and education programmes could be more effective in reducing child poverty in Member States with less progressive tax structure, provided they reached the average level of public spending for the whole of the European Union. By contrast, a positive relationship between child poverty and government social protection spending regardless of the tax structure of countries was found. In this case, the underlying forces that lead to less effectiveness of social protection programmes are also stronger in the less progressive Member States.Junta de Andalucia SEJ-39

    Europe 2020 strategy: a strategy for which type of growth?

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    This paper constructs an index that synthesizes the eight targets of the EU 2020 Strategy into a one-dimensional target –EU 2020 synthetic target- and the situation of each EU28 Member States (the current 27 Members plus Croatia) in 2011 with respect to them –2011 synthetic situation-. Hence we can measure the distance of each EU Member State synthetic situation in 2011 to the EU 2020 synthetic target. We find that none of the Member States meets the EU 2020 synthetic target, Denmark is the closest and Malta is the furthest to it. In fact we could identify clusters of Member States in terms of the distances to the EU 2020 synthetic target: the North EU region is closer to and the Mediterranean region is further away from it. We extent the distance analysis above by adding three inequality targets -income distribution, female employment and child poverty- and find that all of the Member States increase their distance between their 2011 synthetic inequality-extended situation and the 2020 inequality-extended targeted situation. Finally, we want to analyse each Member State’s relationship between its objective position regarding the EU 2020 synthetic target and its life satisfaction level, inhabitants’ subjective position. Through a multivariate regression methodology, we analyse how much of the total effect of the synthetic index on life satisfaction is direct, and how much is mediated. The mediation analysis shows that a substantial part of the effect of the synthetic index on life satisfaction is mediated by the GDP per capita. These results are in line with recent views in human development and well-being research. That is, the GDP per capita is only a means to achieve socioeconomic progress, not the end

    Europe 2020 Strategy and Citizens' Life Satisfaction

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    De acuerdo a la política de publicación de la revista, seguimos Accepted Version [pathway b]The aim of this paper is to analyse whether the Europe 2020 Strategy approach might guide policymaking toward citizens' life satisfaction. We find that the Member States closer to attaining the Europe 2020 targets report higher levels of satisfaction. That is, Europe 2020 Strategy, as a set of public policies, is aligned with people’s life satisfaction. In addition and given the current context of rising economic and social inequalities in the European Union and their negative consequences for people's well-being, we study whether an "inequality-extended Europe 2020 Strategy", incorporating more specific targets for inequalities, is more aligned with European's life satisfaction. Results show that inequality-extended Europe 2020 Strategy is more associated with life satisfaction than Europe 2020 Strategy. Thus, inequalities do matter to European citizens and a refinement of the Europe 2020 Strategy could enhance the effectiveness of its programs.Contract-Programme between Vice President for Science Policy and Research and the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Granada, 2017-201

    La responsabilidad ética del documentalista de los medios de comunicación

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    Cuando se habla de la ética periodística no debe olvidarse hablar también de la ética del documentalista de medios, sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta el poder que éste maneja al gestionar y difundir los documentos o datos informativos que servirán a los periodistas-usuarios para completar, contextualizar, contrastar y/o verificar sus noticias. Por esta razón, y ante la carencia de un código deontológico general aplicable al ámbito de la Documentación Periodística, hemos considerado oportuno analizar algunos de los principios éticos que, a nuestro juicio, deben respetar los documentalistas de medios de comunicación en el desempeño de su profesión, normas deontológicas que atañen tanto a su papel como gestores de la información como al de mediadores en la difusión documental