294 research outputs found

    Dark Matter Halo Structure in CDM Hydrodynamical Simulations

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    We have carried out a comparative analysis of the properties of dark matter halos in N-body and hydrodynamical simulations. We analyze their density profiles, shapes and kinematical properties with the aim of assessing the effects that hydrodynamical processes might produce on the evolution of the dark matter component. The simulations performed allow us to reproduce dark matter halos with high resolution, although the range of circular velocities is limited. We find that for halos with circular velocities of [150−200]kms−1[150-200] km s^{-1} at the virial radius, the presence of baryons affects the evolution of the dark matter component in the central region modifying the density profiles, shapes and velocity dispersions. We also analyze the rotation velocity curves of disk-like structures and compare them with observational results.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures (figures 3ab sent by request), 2 tables. Accepted for publication MNRA

    Plan de negocios para la implementaci?n de un laboratorio cl?nico en San Juan de Lurigancho - Lima

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    El presente plan de negocios tiene como finalidad definir un plan de negocios el cual evalu? la viabilidad de la implementaci?n de un laboratorio en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho esta viabilidad nos llevara a analizar la situaci?n actual de los laboratorios cl?nicos en Lima, asi como tambi?n estimar un mercado potencial de un laboratorio cl?nico en el distrito de san juan de Lurigancho. Una vez analizado se proceder? a dise?ar una estrategia para la captura del mercado potencial, as? como tambi?n ser los mejores durante los primeros a?os en los ex?menes cl?nicos m?s frecuentes por grupo etareo . Se?alar que el servicio de laboratorio cl?nico es un establecimiento que engloba 4 especialidades m?dicas como (microbiolog?a, patolog?a cl?nica, inmunolog?a, hematolog?a) estos an?lisis se realiza a partir de espec?menes biol?gicos, lo cual permitir? analizar enfermedades metab?licas, infecciosas, parasitarias, v?ricas, bacterianas, etc. En la actualidad seg?n la bibliograf?a encontrada en Europa y estados unidos existe una demanda de ex?menes cl?nicos ya sean preventivos de rutina o de chequeos m?dicos ocupacionales, en este aspecto se considera una herramienta importante para el diagn?stico en un 90%. La prioridad de la organizaci?n ser? atender las necesidades de los usuarios, brindando una infraestructura segura confortable, donde se perciba agilidad, calidad y amabilidad en la atenci?n. Con respecto a la parte del an?lisis financiero el TIR fue de un 20% el cual es mayor el costo de oportunidad de capital, el costo de capital fue de un 15.22%, estos indicadores muestran viabilidad en la creaci?n de valor de la inversi?n

    Evoluci?n de la concepci?n de gen mediante el desarrollo de una unidad did?ctica basada en procesos b?sicos de argumentaci?n a partir de modelos en estudiantes de grado d?cimo de la Instituci?n Educativa Antonio Nari?o de Casabianca Tolima

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    202 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa presente investigaci?n parte de la identificaci?n de las concepciones de gen, a partir de las cuales se dise?a una unidad did?ctica competencial, pues se considera primordial abordar la ense?anza de las ciencias de una forma no tradicional. La ense?anza de conceptos y leyes, de manera magistral por el docente tiende a crear una visi?n errada del conocimiento cient?fico, al considerarlo como un producto acabado que el estudiante debe aprender. Se abordan las concepciones de gen, ya que este t?rmino biol?gico, resulta central en el aprendizaje de conceptos b?sicos de gen?tica, necesarios para que los ciudadanos en formaci?n puedan participar de manera activa y adecuada en una sociedad en la que los avances en la tecnolog?a, han permitido descifrar el c?digo gen?tico y comprender en parte muchas enfermedades de car?cter gen?tico. En la unidad did?ctica se trabajan de forma b?sica dos pr?cticas cient?ficas, la argumentaci?n y la modelizaci?n, mediante 4 actividades, en las cuales los estudiantes, deben hacer uso de pruebas para construir un modelo y una hip?tesis que explique lo que sucede en un adolescente con Adrenoleucodistrofia ligada a X. En el documento se describe el trabajo realizado por los estudiantes durante la prueba diagn?stica y el desarrollo de la unidad did?ctica. La evoluci?n de la concepci?n de gen se determina, partiendo de los modelos hist?ricos de funci?n g?nica, establecidos por Niklas Gericke y Mariana Hagberg, quienes presentan cinco modelos hist?ricos de gen, establecidos por la idea de gen que se ten?a en determinados momentos hist?ricos y que evoluciono gracias al avance de la ciencia. En cuanto a la progresi?n en el uso de pruebas, construcci?n de modelos y planteamiento de hip?tesis, Blanca Puig, Mar?a del Pilar Jim?nez y Rosar?a Justi, son los referentes principales. Los resultados de la investigaci?n revelan que el trabajar unidades did?cticas que promuevan las pr?cticas cient?ficas contribuye a reforzar los aprendizajes. Palabras clave: Concepciones, gen, pr?cticas cient?ficas, argumentaci?n a partir de modelos.This research is based on the identification of gene conceptions, from which a competency didactic unit is designed, since it is considered essential to approach the teaching of science in a non-traditional way. The education of concepts and laws, masterfully by the teacher tends to create a wrong view of scientific knowledge, considering it as a finished product that the student must learn. The conceptions of gene are approached, since this biological term is central in the learning of basic concepts of genetics, necessary for the citizens in formation to participate in an active and adaptive way in a society in where the advances in technology, has allowed to decipher the genetic code and to understand in many parts genetic diseases. In the didactic unit, two basic scientific practices, argumentation and modeling are worked through four activities, in which students must use tests to build a model and a hypothesis that explains what happens in a teenager with Adrenoleukodystrophy linked to X. The document describes the work done by the students during the diagnostic test and the development of the didactic unit. The evolution of the gene conception is determined, starting from the historical models of gene function set by Niklas Gericke and Mariana Hagberg, who presents five historical models of gene, established by the idea of gene that had in certain historical moments, and that has evolved thanks to the advance of science. For the progression in the use of tests, model construction and hypothesis, Blanca Puig, Mar?a del Pilar Jim?nez and Rosar?a Justi are the main references. The results of the research reveal that didactic units promote scientific practices that contribute to reinforce the learning. Keywords: Conceptions, gene, scientific practices, argumentation based on models

    Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency as a Complication of Gastrointestinal Surgery and the Impact of Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI) is characterized by inadequate production, insufficient secretion, and/or inactivation of pancreatic enzymes, resulting in maldigestion. The aim of this review was to analyze the prevalence and pathophysiology of PEI resulting from gastrointestinal (GI) surgery and to examine the use of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) for effectively managing PEI. SUMMARY: A targeted PubMed search was conducted for studies examining the prevalence and pathophysiology of PEI in patients following GI surgery and for studies assessing the effects of PERT in these patients. PEI is a common complication following GI surgery that can lead to nutritional deficiencies, which may contribute to morbidity and mortality in patients. Timely treatment of PEI with PERT can prevent malnutrition, increase quality of life, and possibly reduce the associated mortality. Treatment of PEI should aim not only to alleviate symptoms but also to achieve significant improvements in nutritional parameters. Dose optimization of PERT is required for effective management of PEI, in addition to regular assessment of nutritional status, appropriate patient education, and reassessment if symptoms return. Key Messages: Difficulties in detecting PEI following GI surgery can result in undiagnosed and untreated maldigestion, leading to metabolic complications and increased morbidity. Both are preventable by early administration and monitoring for optimal doses of PERT

    Compartiendo espacios educativos con los ni?os y ni?as a trav?s de actividades recreativas para formar en h?bitos saludables

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    161 p. Recurso Electr?nico?Durante el primer proceso de nuestra carrera universitaria, se desarroll? el siguiente proceso: en el primer semestre se construy? la historia de vida, entre el segundo y el quinto se desarroll? un proceso continuo e integral mediante observaciones, permitiendo caracterizar el grupo o la poblaci?n objeto de intervenci?n en el Hogar Infantil Consota. En las observaciones se evidenci? una problem?tica relacionada con la falta de h?bitos de higiene en los ni?os y las ni?as; por lo tanto es importante promover unos adecuados h?bitos de higiene en la comunidad educativa ya que estos se constituyen en una parte indispensable del curr?culo de la educaci?n infantil. Seg?n lo planteado por Larousse, (1950) la prevenci?n es "preparaci?n, disposici?n que se toma para evitar alg?n peligro"(p. 755) Se hace necesario la formaci?n de h?bitos de higiene y generar conciencia sobre el valor y la necesidad de la salud para crear ambientes saludables. Seg?n el MEN, la Ley General de Salud, los Alimentos son determinantes en el desarrollo integral de la vida. Es claro comprender como este proyecto permiti? implementar las actividades recreativas tales como jugando al lavado de manos, collage saludable, adivinanzas creativas entre otras, para as? alcanzar buenos h?bitos saludables en la comunidad educativa, a trav?s de esto los ni?os y las ni?as asimilaron, conocieron, manifestaron, personificaron, percibieron y verbalizaron el mundo que los rodea y se apropiaron de la importancia que tienen los h?bitos saludables afrontando as? el autocuidado, integraci?n personal, los buenos h?bitos, entre otros textos que fomentaron el cuidado integral de cada ni?o y ni?a. Se concluye que los h?bitos saludables son fundamentales ya que son una herramienta educativa para la construcci?n de la higiene en los ni?os y las ni?as, fortaleciendo las condiciones salubres esenciales, para prevenir las enfermedades e infecciones. Palabras clave: higiene, prevenci?n, cuidado, infancia, educaci?nDuring the first trial of our college career, developed the following process: life history was built in the first half between the second and the fifth semester between the second and the fifth was developed a continuous and integral process by means of observations, allowing characterizing the group or population subject to intervention in the Children's garden child home. The observations showed a Problem related to the lack of hygiene in the boys and girls; it is therefore important to promote appropriate hygiene habits in the educational community since they constitute an indispensable part of the curriculum of early childhood education. According to the issues raised by Larousse, (year 1995) prevention is "preparation, provision is taken to avoid any danger"(p.755.) The formation of habits of hygiene is necessary and raises awareness of the value and the need of health to create healthy environments. According to the MEN, the General Law of health, foods are determinants in the development of life. It is clear to understand how this project allowed implementing recreational activities such as playing the washing of hands, healthy collage, and creative including riddles to achieve good habits in the community education, through this the children assimilated, met, expressed, personified, perceived and expressed the world that surrounds them and appropriated the importance having healthy habits so facing the car care, personal integration, good habits, among other texts which promoted the comprehensive care of each boy and girl. It is concluded that healthy habits are critical since they are an educational tool for the construction of the hygiene in the children, strengthening the essential healthy conditions, to prevent diseases and infections. Keywords: Hygiene, Prevention, Care, Children, Educatio

    Multidisciplinary consensus statement on the clinical management of patients with pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) remains one of the most aggressive tumors with an increasing incidence rate and reduced survival. Although surgical resection is the only potentially curative treatment for PC, only 15-20% of patients are resectable at diagnosis. To select the most appropriate treatment and thus improve outcomes, the diagnostic and therapeutic strategy for each patient with PC should be discussed within a multidisciplinary expert team. Clinical decision-making should be evidence-based, considering the staging of the tumor, the performance status and preferences of the patient. The aim of this guideline is to provide practical and evidence-based recommendations for the management of PC

    The social return on investment of a new approach to heart failure in the Spanish National Health System

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    AIMS: We aim to agree on a set of proposals to improve the current management of heart failure (HF) within the Spanish National Health System (SNHS) and apply the social return on investment (SROI) method to measure the social impact that these proposals would generate. METHODS AND RESULTS: A multidisciplinary working team of 16 experts was set up, with representation from the main stakeholders regarding HF: medical specialists (cardiologists, internal medicine physicians, general practitioners, and geriatric physicians), nursing professionals, health management professionals, patients, and informal caregivers. This team established a set of proposals to improve the management of HF according to the main areas of HF care: emergency and hospitalization, primary care, cardiology, and internal medicine. A forecast-type SROI method, with a 1-year time frame, was applied to measure the social impact resulting from the implementation of these proposals. The required investment and social return were estimated and summarized into a ratio indicating how much social return could be generated for each euro invested. Intangible returns were included and quantified through financial proxies. The approach to improve the management of HF consisted of 28 proposals, including the implementation of a case management nurse network, standardization of operational protocols, psychological support, availability of echocardiography machines at emergency departments, stationary units and primary care, early specialist visits after hospital discharge, and cardiac rehabilitation units, among others. These proposals would benefit not only patients and their informal caregivers but also the SNHS. Regarding patients, proposals would increase their autonomy in everyday activities, decrease anxiety, increase psychological and physical well-being, improve pharmacological adherence and self-care, enhance understanding of the disease, delay disease progression, expedite medical assessment, and prevent the decrease in work productivity associated with HF management. Regarding informal caregivers, proposals would increase their quality of life; improve their social, economic, and emotional well-being; and reduce their care burden. The SNHS would benefit from shorter stays of HF patients at intensive care units and reduction of hospitalizations and admissions to emergency departments. The investment needed to implement these proposals would amount to euro548m and yield a social return of euro1932m, that is, euro3.52 for each euro invested. CONCLUSIONS: The current management of HF could be improved by a set of proposals that resulted in an overall positive social return, varying between areas of analysis. This may guide the allocation of healthcare resources and improve the quality of life of patients with HF

    Differences in In Vitro Properties of Pancreatin Preparations for Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency as Marketed in Russia and CIS

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    BACKGROUND: Pancreatic enzyme-replacement therapy (PERT), provided as pancreatin to patients with pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI), is considered an essential substitute for the pivotal physiological function the pancreas fulfills in digestion. PEI involves a reduction in the synthesis and secretion of pancreatic enzymes (lipase, protease, amylase), which leads to an inadequate enzymatic response to a meal and consequently to maldigestion and malabsorption of nutrients. The efficacy of PERT is strongly dependent on enzyme activity, dissolution, and pancreatin particle size. OBJECTIVE: The physiological properties of eight pancreatin preparations (nine batches; five different brands) available in Russia and CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) were investigated. METHODS: The lipase activity, dissolution, and particle size distribution of samples from multiple batches of pancreatin of different strengths were measured. RESULTS: Regarding lipase activities, all pancreatin preparations except Micrazim(R) matched the labeled content. Considerable differences were observed in particle size and dissolution. CONCLUSION: Pancreatin preparations available in Russia and CIS demonstrate product-to-product and batch-to-batch variability regarding the measured properties of lipase activity, dissolution, and particle size. This may impact the efficacy of PERT and therefore clinical outcomes
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