133 research outputs found

    Terapéutica biológica en la enfermedad de Crohn y en la colitis ulcerosa

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    Further analysis of a compression-expansion machine for a Brayton Waste Heat Recovery cycle on an IC engine

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    [EN] In order to comply with the legislation, car manufacturers are looking for a way to lower the CO2 emission by improving engine efficiency. About one third of the fuel combustion energy is wasted through exhaust gasses. Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) could improve engine efficiency by recovering a part of exhaust gasses energy. In this study, the potential use of an open loop Brayton cycle with a volumetric compression expansion machine for exhaust gas waste heat recovery was investigated. The use of the Brayton cycle system with only two main elements, a heat exchanger and a volumetric machine, could be very interesting due to its compactness and versatility. However, the publications on this subject are scarce. The present paper aims at bridging this knowledge gap by studying the cycle viability for passenger car application characterized by low temperatures, variable working conditions and several restrictions of available space and weight. The simulated vehicle was a Ford Mondeo family car with an Ecoboost 2.0 engine. The main components of the Brayton cycle WHR system model were a heat exchanger and an alternating piston machine that was used both as a compressor and as an expander. Theoretical studies were conducted in the compression-expansion machine model in order to determine the main parameters that influence the cycle and optimize those parameters in order to obtain the maximum recuperated power. The conclusion was that the cycle viability is not clear because cycle losses are in the same order of magnitude as the recuperated power. Considering future improvements of the compression-expansion machine and the heat exchanger, the recuperated power could be positive. Nevertheless, it is hard to expect that recuperated power would be sufficient to justify the application of this WHR system in the vehicle. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Galindo, J.; Guardiola, C.; Dolz, V.; Kleut, P. (2018). Further analysis of a compression-expansion machine for a Brayton Waste Heat Recovery cycle on an IC engine. Applied Thermal Engineering. 128:345-356. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.09.012S34535612

    Local isotropy indicator for SAR image filtering: application to Envisat/ASAR images of the Doñana Wetland

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    ©2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper explores a geometrical and computationally simple operator, named Ds, for local isotropy assessment on SAR images. It is assumed that isotropic intensity distributions in natural areas, either textured or nontextured, correspond to a single cover class. Ds is used to measure isotropy in processing neighborhoods and decide if they can be considered as belonging to a unique cover class. The speckle statistical properties are used to determine suitable Ds thresholds for discriminating heterogeneous targets from isotropic cover types at different window sizes. An assessment of Ds as an edge detector showed sensitivities similar to those of the ratio edge operator for straight, sharp boundaries, centered in the processing window, but significantly better sensitivity for detecting heterogeneities during the window expansion in multiresolution filtering. Furthermore, Ds presents the advantage versus the ratio edge coefficient of being rotationally invariant, and its computation indicates the direction of the main intensity gradient in the processing window. The Ds operator is used in a multiresolution fashion for filtering ASAR scenes of the Doñana wetland. The intensities in isotropic areas are averaged in order to flatten fluctuations within cover types and facilitate a subsequent land cover classification. The results show high degree of smoothing within textured cover classes, plus effective spatial adaptation to gradients and irregular boundaries, substantiating the usefulness of this operator for filtering SAR data of natural areas with the purpose of classification.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Local texture stationarity indicator for filtering Doñana wetlands SAR images

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    This paper defines a new operator, named Ds, for local texture stationarity assessment on SAR images. . The aim is to discriminate heterogeneous targets from land cover types of high normalized variance values, as those observed in flooded vegetation areas of Doñana wetlands. Suitable Ds thresholds for such discrimination were estimated for different window sizes through Monte Carlo simulations of synthetic textures. Maximum stationary texture windows were then determined on Doñana ASAR scenes by Ds multi-resolution thresholding and averaging was applied within. Results reveal the substantial degree of smoothing achieved over high variance cover types, while edges among different targets were properly preserved.Postprint (published version

    Thermal response of Sanabria lake to global change (NW Spain)

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    Are large water bodies able to act as sensors of global change? As accumulators of water and heat, some of their thermal characteristics might be altered by long term (decadal) hydrometeorological changes and thus may be used as indicators of the effects of global change on fluvial ecosystems. This work focuses on the effect of global change (climate change plus water quantity and land use changes) in the internal organization of Sanabria Lake, specifically in its thermal annual cycle. The existence of temporal trends in the thermal behaviour of the lake was investigated based on the water temperature profiles are available since 1986. Data analyses include the non-parametric Mann-Kendall trend test and the Sen slope estimate to evaluate long term and seasonal patterns of hydrometeorological and in-lake thermal variables. The main results surprisingly point to a net lake cooling that could be explained by a stronger thermocline and a weaker vertical transfer of heat to the hypolimnion during the stratification period. These results contribute to understand and quantify the effects of global change on Iberian freshwater bodies.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Fast estimation of diesel oxidation catalysts inlet gas temperature

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    With the tightening of on-board diagnostics requirements, accuracy of sensors is essential to monitor the efficiency and ensure a proper control of the after-treatment systems. Temperature sensors are commonly used in the exhaust line at the diesel oxidation catalyst-inlet of turbocharged diesel engines for control and diagnosis of the after-treatment system. In particular, negative temperature constant sensors are used for this purpose. However, due to the necessary robustness that on-board sensors must fulfil, thermal inertia causes significant differences during engine transient operating conditions in temperature measurements. A Kalman filter is proposed in this paper for the on-line dynamic estimation of the catalyst-inlet temperature, which combines a slow but accurate measurement of the on-board temperature sensor with a fast but drifted temperature model. A fast research-grade thermocouple is used as reference of the actual exhaust gas temperature as well as a frequency analysis is performed in order to calibrate the model and analyse results of the signal reconstruction. Results of the algorithm are then successfully proved in experimental transient tests and typical European approval test cyclesThis research has been partially financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, through project TRA2013-40853-R PRELIMIT.Guardiola, C.; Dolz García, VM.; Plá Moreno, B.; Mora-Pérez, J. (2016). Fast estimation of diesel oxidation catalysts inlet gas temperature. Control Engineering Practice. 56:148-156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2016.08.020S1481565

    Changes in nutrient balance, methane emissions, physiologic biomarkers, and production performance in goats fed different forage-to-concentrate ratios during lactation

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    [EN] The objective was to determine the effect forage-to-concentrate (F:C) ratio and stage of lactation on methane emissions, digestibility, nutrient balance, lactation performance, and metabolic responses in lactating goats. Twenty Murciano-Granadina dairy goats were used in an experiment divided into 3 periods: early (30 d), mid (100 d), and late (170 d) lactation. All goats were fed a diet with 35:65 F:C (FCL) during early-lactation. Then, 1 group (n = 10 goats) remained on FCL through mid- and late-lactation while the other group (n = 10 goats) was fed a diet with 50:50 F:C at mid-lactation (FCM) and 65:35 (FCH) at late lactation. A greater proportion of concentrate in the diet was associated with greater overall intake and digestibility (P < 0.05). Energy balance was negative in early-lactation (-77 kJ/kg of BW0.75, on average) and positive for FCL at mid- and late-lactation (13 and 35 kJ/kg of BW0.75, respectively). Goats fed FCM and FCH maintained negative energy balance throughout lactation. Plasma concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids at mid-lactation were greater for FCM than FCL (680 mEq/L), and at late-lactation concentrations were greater for FCH and FCL (856 mEq/L). A similar response was detected for plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate. Methane emission was greater (P < 0.05) for FCM than FCH (1.7 g CH4/d). This study demonstrated that differences in F:C across stages of lactation lead to distinct metabolic responses at the level of the rumen and tissues.This study was supported by LIFE Project, European Commission (ref. LIFE2016/CCM/ES/000088 LOW CARBON FEED).Fernández Martínez, CJ.; Hernández, A.; Gomis-Tena Dolz, J.; Loor, JJ. (2021). Changes in nutrient balance, methane emissions, physiologic biomarkers, and production performance in goats fed different forage-to-concentrate ratios during lactation. Journal of Animal Science. 99(7):1-13. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab114S11399

    Drug-induced hepatitis superimposed on the presence of anti-SLA antibody: a case report

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    Study of the turbocharger shaft motion by means of infrared sensors

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    This work describes a technique for measuring the precession movement of the shaft of small automotive turbochargers. The main novelty is that the technique is based on infrared light diode sensors. With presented technique it is possible to perform secure mounting of electronics and also to measure, with good accuracy, far enough from the turbocharger shaft. Both advantages allow applying it even in critical lubrication conditions and when blade contact occurs. The technique's main difficulties arise from the small size of the turbocharger shaft and the high precession movement in critical conditions. In order to generate the optimum albedo reflection for infrared measurement, a special cylindrical nut with larger diameter than the original one is assembled at the shaft tip in the compressor side. Following, shaft balancing, the calibration of the sensors and the compensation of errors from different sources are needed steps before the method is able to identify the main frequencies of shaft motion. Once synchronous and sub-synchronous frequencies have been obtained it is possible to reconstruct the instantaneous position of the shaft to determine its precession movement.This research has also been partially supported by the Programa de Desarrollo del Talento Humano de la Secretaria Nacional de Educacion Superior, Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion del Gobierno Ecuatoriano No. 20100289.Serrano Cruz, JR.; Guardiola, C.; Dolz García, VM.; López, M.; Bouffaud, F. (2015). Study of the turbocharger shaft motion by means of infrared sensors. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 56-57:246-258. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2014.11.006S24625856-5

    Máximos diarios de precipitación y tipos de tiempo en la Península Ibérica en el siglo XIX (1886-1887).

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    Este trabajo analiza los eventos diarios máximos de precipitación en la Península Ibérica durante el siglo XIX entre los años 1886 y 1887. La investigación se realiza gracias a la información extraída de los Libros de Resúmenes Anuales, los cuales proporcionan la información de los máximos diarios de precipitación mensuales y los observatorios en que se registraron. El análisis de la distribución espacial de los eventos se completa con la utilización del reanálisis que facilita información de diferentes variables meteorológicas (presión, humedad relativa) que se combinan con la cartografía realizada de las magnitudes representada en ArcGIS. El objetivo es tratar de caracterizar los diferentes tipos de tiempo representados en cada situación sinóptica. El total de eventos detectados es de 15 que en su mayoría se asocian a situaciones sinópticas vinculadas a la circulación de latitudes medias en el océano Atlántico. En menor medida se han identificado eventos que pueden atribuirse a un origen Mediterráneo.<br /