2,217 research outputs found
Emotional Contagion Within Social Media
Social networking sites have been growing in popularity over the last decade or so, and there have been many previous studies that have analyzed the possible consequences of these communication and interaction sites. Emotional contagion is the phenomenon of having one person’s emotions and behaviors directly trigger similar emotions or behaviors in other people. On social media, emotional contagion would mean that the emotions in the posts and content the viewer is exposed to are transferred to themselves without their knowledge. The purpose of this current experiment is to analyze how the exposure to positive affective pictures and messages on an Instagram feed could influence the people viewing them. I created a simple experiment with twenty participants total, 11 females and 9 males, that were separated into the experimental and control group through block randomization. My prediction was that the experimental group that is being exposed to the positive feed will have a higher positive affect score on the PANAS than the control group. My results found a strong effect size and significant p-value which supported my hypothesis as well as the research done previously on this topic
Plan de marketing turĂstico: agencia de viajes especializada en turismo activo.
Treball de Final de Grau en Turisme. Codi: TU0944. Curs acadèmic 2016-201
El restaurador Arturo Cividini en la campanya d’arrencaments de les pintures murals romà niques dels Pirineus (1919-1923)
A principis del segle XX un grup de restauradors italians començà a arrencar pintures murals romĂ niques d’esglĂ©sies dels Pirineus per a benefici d’alguns particulars. La Junta de Museus, un cop assabentada dels fets, reconduĂ la situaciĂł i aconseguĂ que els mateixos tècnics arrenquessin alguns dels conjunts mĂ©s importants però, aquest cop, per portar-los al Museu de Barcelona. En aquest article –sĂntesi d’un treball nal– explicarem amb mĂ©s detall la participaciĂł d’un dels tècnics italians, Arturo Cividini, amb la intenciĂł d’entendre un poc millor les circumstĂ ncies històriques i tècniques en què es desenvolupĂ aquest episodi tan important de la restauraciĂł a Catalunya
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