528 research outputs found

    Los Anglicismos en el Español de Canarias: Interferencias Lingüisticas

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    Una de las características del léxico canario en los últimos años ha sido la adopción de algunos anglicismos, apenas documentados en los diccionarios académicos y típicos bien del español del Archipiélago, bien del español ultramarino. En el presente artículo analizamos la etiología de esos préstamos y las posibles cadenas de transmisión de los mismos.An important feature of Cañarían vocabulary in recent years has been the adoption of a number of anglicisms. The words in question rarely figure in academic dictionaries and are typical of both Spanish spoken in the islands and overseas. This article examines the etiology of such borrowings and their possible transmission chains.L'une des caractéristiques du lexique canarien des dernières années est l'adoption de certains anglicismes figurant à peine dans les dictionnaires académiques et spécifiques, soit de l'espagnol des îles Canaries, soit de l'espagnol d'outre-mer. Dans cet article, nous analysons l'origine et les chaînes de transmission possibles de ces emprunts


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    This study analyses the impact of institutional characteristics on the students' performance in the National Examination of Higher Education Courses (Provão). A sample of more than 92500 students from Management, Law and Civil Engineering who had made the tests in the year 2000 was analyzed. Multilevel models have been fitted because these data present an evident hierarchical structure. Regarding individual aspects, one noted a nonlinear relation between economic condition and students´ performance. The contribution of higher levels of income on the performance had a limit, from which, the impacts were negative. As far as the institutional aspects are concerned, one found a positive impact on pupils´ performance of a teaching staff with higher percentage of PhDs and Masters, where there were better work conditions for the faculty and where research activities were used as a teaching/learning strategy. The students' participation in additional activities called "de extensão" had positive effects on their performance. Besides, this kind of activities generated an attenuating effect on the negative impact of the less favorable socioeconomic condition of the student. If the student had a familiar income less than R454,00,itsperformance,inaverage,tendtobe3,6pointsinferiortotheonewithfamiliarincomehigherthanofR454,00, its performance, in average, tend to be 3,6 points inferior to the one with familiar income higher than of R 7.550,00. However, if he participated in additional activities this difference will be reduced to approximately 2 points. If, additionally, the teaching staff shows more dedication and hard work, this difference will be reduced to 1 point.

    Efetividade no Ensino Superior Brasileiro:Aplicação de Modelos Multinível À Análise dos Resultados do Exame Nacional de Cursos

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    Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar o impacto de características institucionais sobre o desempenho dos alunos no Exame Nacional de Cursos (Provão). Uma amostra de mais de 74.000 alunos das áreas de Administração, Direito e Engenharia Civil que realizaram os exames no ano de 2000 foi analisada. Foram estimados modelos multinível, pois estes dados apresentam uma nítida estrutura hierárquica. Relativamente aos aspectos individuais, verificou-se a existência de um padrão não-linear na relação entre a condição econômica dos alunos e o seu desempenho. A contribuição de níveis superiores de renda sobre o desempenho dos alunos possui um limite, a partir do qual, observam-se, inclusive, impactos negativos. Em relação aos aspectos institucionais, encontraram-se efeitos positives provenientes da maior qualificação e das melhores condições de trabalho para o corpo docente e da utilização de atividades de pesquisa como estratégia de ensino/aprendizagem. A participação em atividades de extensão, além de afetar positivamente o desempenho dos alunos, gera um efeito atenuador sobre o impacto negativo resultante da condição socioeconômica desfavorável do aluno. Verificou-se que se o aluno tinha uma renda familiar até R454,00,seudesempenho,emmeˊdia,tenderiaaser3,6pontosinferioraodealunoscomrendafamiliarsuperioraR 454,00, seu desempenho, em média, tenderia a ser 3,6 pontos inferior ao de alunos com renda familiar superior a R 7.550,00. Porém, se ele participar de atividades de extensão essa diferença se reduzirá para aproximadamente 2 pontos e, se todos os docentes mostrarem empenho e dedicação, a diferença se situará na faixa de 1 ponto.Ensino Superior, Modelos Multinível, Provão, Efetividade Institucional

    Optimal endowments of public investment: an empirical analysis for the spanish regions

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    The aim of this paper is to estimate the optimal endowments of public investment in Spanish regions. Starting from the standard dynamic neoclassical model, augmented with the public capital stock, the optimal condition for the provision of public capital would be that, in the steady state, the marginal productivities of both public and private capital should be equal. In the empirical application we will estimate a growth equation derived from a simple Cobb-Douglas production function, where the coefficients on the rates of investment in private and public capital would be their respective marginal productivities. The econometric estimation of such an equation with data for the Spanish regions would provide us estimates of the marginal productivities of both factors, which would allow us to infer whether public capital stock in the Spanish regions would be insufficient or otherwise excessive.

    Optimal endowments of public investment: an empirical analysis for the Spanish regions

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    Following Aschauer's (1989) influential contribution, the role of public investment has been stressed as a crucial factor leading to higher private capital productivity, which would lead in turn to higher growth rates. According to this author, the decline in productivity growth experienced by the US economy during the seventies, would explained to a great extent by the decrease in the provision of public infrastructures during that period. In this way, the next years have witnessed the appearance of a great amount of empirical literature that analysed the impact of public investment on economic growth. Although the first empirical studies made use of aggregate time series for countries, this approach has been also extended to a regional framework using panel data, obtaining results that were quantitatively lower than those found with aggregate data. The reason would be the spillover effects related to the regional endowments of public capital, whose effect would extend not only the own region, but also to the neighbouring regions. In any case, public infrastructure seems to play an important role in the growth process of regions that should not be neglected. On the other hand, the issue of the optimal endowments of public infrastructure has been hardly discussed. In a recent paper, Karras (1997) has developed a simple condition to assess whether public capital is optimally provided, namely, whether the marginal productivities of both private and public capital are equal or not. By estimating a simple growth equation for fifteen European countries during the period 1960-1992, he is unable to reject the null hypothesis that the marginal productivities of private and public capital are equal, so that government investment would be neither underprovided nor overprovided in the fifteen countries of his sample. In this paper we try to address this issue (i.e., whether the endowments of public investment are optimal or not) in a regional framework, using Spanish data for the period 1967-91. Unlike Karras (1997), who assumes that the production function exhibits constant returns to scale in all factors, we are able to generalise his condition without the need of this constraint. On the other hand, the Spanish economy can provide an interesting case of study, since it has experienced a sustained period of growth in the last forty years, which has been accompanied by a strong process of structural change. In particular, the establishment of new regional governments after the restoration of democracy in 1977, coupled with the strong increase experienced by public investment since them, are all of them elements that can justify the interest of the Spanish case for the objectives of this paper. Therefore, in this paper we will first derive the theoretical condition under which public capital would be optimally provided, and then we will provide an empirical application of the model, for the case of the Spanish regions during the period 1965-1995.

    Límites y alcances de la interpretación constitucional de la Suplencia de la Queja en Amparo Penal y los Derechos Humanos a partir de la Reforma Constitucional y Legal de 2011

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    El Juicio de Amparo en México con motivo de la reforma constitucional de 2011 y legal se ha transformado sustancialmente, principalmente su procedencia, ya que actualmente se ejerce contra normas generales, actos y omisiones de autoridad y excepcionalmente contra particulares que violen los derechos humanos consagrados en la Constitución y en los Tratados Internacionales en el que el Estado mexicano se aparte, procedimiento que es regulado por el sistema de Control Constitucional y Convencional; se puede tramitar por dos vías, la primera de manera indirecta ante Jueces de Distrito en competencia ordinaria, concurrente y auxiliar y ante los tribunales Unitarios de Circuito, y la segunda de manera directa ante los Tribunales Colegiados de Circuito, procedimientos en los que se deben observar una serie de principios sobre los cuales se regula su substanciación, algunos han subsistido en lo general, pero otros se han transformado, lo que ha impactado en sus excepciones, como es la denominada Suplencia de la Queja, sobre todo en materia penal, puesto que éste no será aplicado de manera total e indiscriminadamente, puesto que tiene alcances y límites, los que serán analizados para conocer su aplicabilidad y eficacia

    Un modèle pour la séparation et la traçabilité des préoccupations

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    National audienceL'évolutivité des systèmes d'information en entreprise constitue à la fois un enjeu crucial et une propriété logicielle difficile à mettre en oeuvre. Des solutions existent pour intégrer cette faculté logicielle mais elles restent propres à une étape du cycle de vie d'un logiciel et ne fournissent finalement que des réponses partielles. Nous proposons de faire le lien entre ces solutions par la définition d'un modèle qui regroupe, structure et trace les éléments de définition d'une application. A l'heure actuelle, notre modèle EUCLIDE relève les éléments logiciels issus de la définition itérative et incrémentale d'une fonctionnalité et établit l'évolution d'une telle définition avec la notion de traçabilité fonctionnelle

    Estructura económica: Análisis del mercado interno del frijol rojo en Nicaragua durante el periodo 2009-2013

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    El Frijol es uno de los alimentos básicos en la dieta de la población nicaragüense. A diferencia de otros granos, la producción de frijol se ha caracterizado en los últimos años por ser auto suficiente y así cada día toma mayor preeminencia en la economía nacional, pero se ha visto perjudicados por los fenómenos naturales y altos costos que afectan a los campesinos que lo cultivan. La mayoría de los productores tuvieron pérdidas en el ciclo de primera debido a las fuertes sequía que ocurriero

    Une aide à la réalisation des évolutions logicielles grâce aux modèles de traçabilité des fonctionnalités

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    Les applications développées en entreprise subissent des évolutions logicielles. La réalisation efficace de ces évolutions logicielles est devenue un enjeu crucial. Pour cela, nous exploitons dans cet article la notion de la traçabilité des fonctionnalités qui suit l'élaboration des fonctionnalités d'une application. Cette notion est capturée par un modèle. Ce papier stabilise la définition de la traçabilité des fonctionnalités en proposant une extension UML pour sa modélisation ainsi qu'une méthode de définition. De plus, nous présentons son utilisation sur une application, les apports et les limitations lors de la réalisation d'une évolution logicielle