30 research outputs found

    Unsur Paksaan yang Terkandung di dalam sebuah Perjanjian sebagai Alasan Pembatalan Perjanjian (Studi Kasus : Putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 943 K/pdt/2012)

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    One of the essential requirements for the validity of a contract is the agreement between the parties concerned. In the civil case, the requirement is grouped as the subjective requirement. No one knows whether there is duress in a contract in signing it without any complaint from a harmed party. In-depth research was conducted to find out a normative standard which stated that there was duress in a civil case which was caused by duress in a contract while the judge did not find it, and judge's consideration in stating that there was duress for cancelling the contract in the Ruling of the Supreme Court no. 943 K/PDT/2012. The research used judicial normative and descriptive analytic methods. The data consisted of primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from judges' verdicts, while secondary data were obtained from primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. They were all gathered by conducting documentary study and analyzed qualitatively. The result of the research shows that normatively duress in the civil case can cancel a contract as stipulated in Article 1324 of the Civil Code which states that as contract can be cancelled when duress is done toward the third party as it is regulated in Article 1323 of the Civil Code. It can also be cancelled when the duress is done toward a married couple or their families toward their upper or lower line of as it is stipulated in Article 1326 of the Civil Code which states that “…feelings of fear which is caused by respect toward father, mother, or other family members in the upper line, without being accompanied by duress, cannot cancel an agreement.” The Ruling of the Supreme Court No. 943 K/PDT/ 2012 has been in line with the legal provisions that a Notary's duty is to compare the relationship between legal provisions and the stakeholders in a written form and in certain form so that an authentic deed becomes strong evidence in the legal process of formal and material case whether they are accepted in the hearing as an authentic evidence before the judge in giving his verdict about the truth of a certain case

    Peran Pertumbuhan Nilai Ekspor Minyak Sawit Mentah dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (i) menganalisis kinerja minyak sawit mentah sebagai komoditi basis dalam perekonomian Sulawesi Tengah, (ii) menganalisis kecenderungan nilai ekspor minyak sawit mentah, (iii) menganalisis tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi Sulawesi Tengah, dan (iv) menganalisis bentuk hubungan pertumbuhan nilai ekspor minyak sawit mentahdengan pertumbuhan ekonomi Sulawesi Tengah. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis Location Quotien, analisis Trend, analisis Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, dan analisis Teori Basis Ekspor. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa komoditi minyak sawit mentah di Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah, dengan nilai LQ > 1, sehingga minyak sawit mentah menjadi komoditi basis di wilayah ini. Kecenderungan nilai ekspor minyak sawit mentah adalah positif dan nyata pada taraf α = 0,01. Rata-rata pertumbuhan nilai ekspor sebesar 78,16%. Laju pertumbuhan ekonomi Sulawesi Tengah dengan Tahun Dasar 2000 bertumbuh positif dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 7,3 %. Terdapat hubungan tidak nyata antara pertumbuhan nilai ekspor minyak sawit mentah dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi Sulawesi Tengah. Padahal, analisis konfirmasi menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan produksi berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Hal ini mengisyaratkan adanya masalah kelembagaan dalam ekspor minyak sawit mentah


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    Transportration is very essential in the archipelagic country that make people can go from one place to another. So, it is interesting to see the capital structure of Transportration Companies and factor affecting it. The purpose of this study was to look at the effect of asset structre on capital structure of these Transportation Companies. Method used this study descriptive, and the variable used in the study are Asset Structure with Fixed asset to current asset as its proxy in independent variable, and Capital Structure with debt to equity ratio as its proxy in dependent variable. Population used in this study is 10 transportation companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with an observation period of 2 years, namely in 2016-2017. The analysis of the data is using descriptive statistics, correlation, significant test, and regression linear. The results of the study shows that there is no significant relationship between asset structure and capital structure of Transportation Sub Sector in the Indonesia Stock Exchange seen from t-count 1.610 with a significant value of 0.436 > 0.05. The result descriptive result shows that sub-sector has average use of debt in debt to equity ratio of 126.40% of debt, which means that transportation company used their capital more in their funding then using debt. For asset structure the result shows that the transportation companies asset structure is more on fixed asset than current asset with ratio of 2.5920.This result indicates that transportation companies have tendencies to focus on fixed asset than current asset in their asset structure. In terms of capital structure they also seem to lean on equity than debt in their capital structure. However, since the result is not significant, it is recommended for future researcher to use different ratios and variables in their study

    Morphometric and Phylogenic Analysis of Six Population Indonesian Local Goats

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    The research objectives were to characterize morphometric and genetic distance between populations of Indonesian local goats. The morphological discriminant and canonical analysis were carried out to estimate the phylogenic relationship and determine the discriminant variable between Benggala goats (n= 96), Marica (n= 60), Jawarandu (n= 94), (Kacang (n= 217), Muara (n= 30) and Samosir (n= 42). Discriminant analysis used to clasify body weight and body measurements. In the analysis of variance showed that body weight and body measurement (body length, height at withers, thorax width, thorax height, hert girth, skull width and height, tail length and width, ear length and width) of Muara goats was higher (P<0.05) compared to the other groups, and the lowest was in Marica goats. The smallest genetic distance was between Marica and Samosir (11.207) and the highest were between Muara and Benggala (255.110). The highest similarity between individual within population was found in Kacang (99.28%) and the lowest in Samosir (82.50%). The canonical analysis showed high correlation on canon circumference, body weight, skull width, skull height, and tail width variables so these six variables can be used as distinguishing variables among population. The result from Mahalonobis distance for phenogram tree and canonical analysis showed that six populations of Indonesian local goats were divided into six breed of goats: the first was Muara, the second was Jawarandu, the third was Kacang, the fourth was Benggala, the fifth was Samosir and the sixth was Marica goats. The diversity of body size and body weight of goats was observed quite large, so the chances of increasing productivity could be made through selection and mating programs

    Analisis Capital Budgeting Sebagai Dasar Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi Aktiva Tetap (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Blue Sky Travel Surabaya)

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    Competition in all sectors of the business makes the company should be able to improve and enhance their business. In order to overcome those obstacles, PT. Blue Sky Travel Surabaya planned to replace fixed assets on travel cars. The replacement of fixed assets was done because its cars has been entering its critical economic period. In order to make business plan, we need a large amount of money, so that we need a precise analysis and calculation. The use of capital budgeting to consider whether business plan is adequate to be implemented or not. The analysis made by author resulted Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) 20,486% higher than discount factor 6,651%, Payback Period (PP) resulted 4 years 1 day less than economical assets period 8 years, Net Present Value (NPV) resulted positive value of Rp. 755.413.522, Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C Ratio) resulted 1,7116, and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) resulted 20,9878% higher than discount factor 6,651% that indicates the replacement investment program in PT Blue Sky Travel Surabaya is adequate to be implemented

    Beberapa Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Produksi Induk Kambing

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja produksi induk kambing telah dilaksanakan di stasiun percobaan Loka Penelitian Kambing Potong, Sungei Putih dengan menggunakan ternak rumpun induk kambing Kacang, Boer dan Boerka yang ada pada UPT tersebut. Peubah yang diamati adalah total bobot lahir dan sapih anak, jenis kelamin anak, jumlah anak sekelahiran dan sapih, paritas induk, bulan beranak dan bobot badan induk saat beranak. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan apabila ada perbedaan nyata dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan uji Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata bobot lahir dan sapih anak rumpun kambing Boer secara nyata (

    Pemanfaatan Pasir Zirkon Lokal Untuk Cetakan Keramik Pada Proses Pengecoran Presisi

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    Salah satu sumber daya mineral Indonesia yang cukup potensial adalah pasir zirkon yang banyak terdapat di aliran sungai-sungai di pulau Kalimantan. Diantara penggunaan pasir zirkon adalah untuk cetakan keramik di industri pengecoran presisi (investment casting). Tetapi sangat disayangkan penggunaan pasir zirkon lokal tersebut masih belum optimal, karena produk cor yang dihasilkan mengalami cacat penetrasi logam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan antara sifat pasir zirkon lokal terhadap kemampuannya menahan panas untuk mencegah cacat penetrasi logam. Metoda penelitian yang dilakukan adalah membandingkan lima jenis lapisan primer cetakan keramik yang terbuat dari berbagai jenis tepung dan pasir zirkon sebagai bahan cetakan keramik pengecoran presisi. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah uji visual dan kekasaran pada produk cor, serta analisis komposisi kimia, distribusi pasir dan struktur makro pada pasir zirkon. Modifikasi pembuatan lapisan primer menjadi dua lapis; dengan lapisan pertama berupa lumpur primer dan lapisan kedua berupa lumpur primer yang ditaburi pasir zirkon, terbukti dapat menghilangkan cacat penetrasi logam. Penggunaan tepung zirkon tipe 2 dan pasir zirkon tipe c dengan distribusi ukuran partikel yang lebih merata dapat menghasilkan produk cor yang bebas cacat penetrasi logam serta memiliki permukaan produk cor yang halus, dengan nilai kekasaran 4,9 µm. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena adanya peningkatan densitas lapisan primer yang akan meningkatkan ketahanan panas cetakan keramik serta terisinya rongga-rongga butiran pasir pada permukaan lapisan primer oleh tepung zirkon yang halus sehingga menjaga kehalusan permukaan cetakan keramik

    Molecular characterization of six sub population Indonesian local goats based on mitochondrial DNA D-loop

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    Indonesian local goats were spread in some region, but there was still limited data’s known about the characteristics of its genetic diversity and origin. The Mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences were used to study the genetic diversity and relationships of six sub population Indonesian local goats, namely, Kacang, Marica, Samosir, Jawarandu, Muara and Bengali goats. From 539 blood samples and DNA extraction collections were selected about 60 samples (10 samples each sub populations) analyzed by PCR-RFLP methods, followed sequence analyzed about 5 PCR products each sub population. The results of the sequence analyses were edited and acquired about 957 bp of nucleotides length. After the alignment analyses were found 50 polymorphic sites which divided into 19 haplotype groups of mtDNA D-loop region. The value of nucleotide diversity was 0.014 ± 0.002. Analysis of Neighbour Joining with Kimura 2 Parameter methods and bootstrap test with 1000 replication indicated that each sub population groups was significantly different between one groups to the others. The maternal lineages origin of six breeds of Indonesian local goats was included to the group of lineage B. The Lineage B was the maternal origin of the haplogroup of goats in the region of East Asia, South Asia, China, Mongolia, North and South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan and India. Key words: Genetic Diversity, mtDNA D-loop, Haplotypes, Local Goat

    Pola Interaksi Sosial Antar Siswa Berbeda Agama ( Kasuspada Kelas X A di SMA Negeri 2 Pontianak )

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    : This study aims to determine the patterns of interaction among students of different religions (case XA classes at SMAN 2 Pontianak). The method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach with the aim of researchers can learn more about the interaction between students of different faiths. The method used in data collection techniques were interviews, observation and documentation. These results indicate that the pattern of interaction among students of different religions are focused on associative interaction is cooperation and accommodation as well as interactions with dissociative ie competition and conflict. Cooperation directing how students work together to complete the task group.Accommodation directing how students solve problems that occur in schools among students.Competition directing how students compete for high scores and to get the champion class. And conflicts lead to any problems that often occur in class X A. The conclusion from this study is that there are students who are grouped according to their own religion well underway during recess they are always together, the task group, the students still choose friends believers to be invited to work groups