9 research outputs found

    Nascar Restrictor Plate Exhaust Manifold Design Strategies

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    This paper presents the results of a study on exhaust manifold design for a NASCAR Restrictor plate internal combustion engine. A computer simulation model was developed using Ricardo WAVE software. WAVE is a computer-aided engineering code developed by Ricardo to analyze the dynamics of pressure waves, mass flows and energy losses in ducts, plenums and the intake and exhaust manifolds of various systems and machines. [1] The model was validated against experimental data from a current NASCAR Winston Cup restrictor plate motor. The parameters studied have been exhaust manifold diameters and lengths. A response surface analysis of the simulation output followed. The analysis of results shows the design parameters of the existing exhaust manifold are not optimized. The findings from these studies are used to derive exhaust system design guidelines which define optimum exhaust system geometry to maximize average Brake Horsepower over a given powerband for a restrictor plate NASCAR engine

    A Proposed Taxonomy of Anaerobic Fungi (Class Neocallimastigomycetes) Suitable for Large-Scale Sequence-Based Community Structure Analysis

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    Anaerobic fungi are key players in the breakdown of fibrous plant material in the rumen, but not much is known about the composition and stability of fungal communities in ruminants. We analyzed anaerobic fungi in 53 rumen samples from farmed sheep (4 different flocks), cattle, and deer feeding on a variety of diets. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprinting of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region of the rrn operon revealed a high diversity of anaerobic fungal phylotypes across all samples. Clone libraries of the ITS1 region were constructed from DNA from 11 rumen samples that had distinctly different fungal communities. A total of 417 new sequences were generated to expand the number and diversity of ITS1 sequences available. Major phylogenetic groups of anaerobic fungi in New Zealand ruminants belonged to the genera Piromyces, Neocallimastix, Caecomyces and Orpinomyces. In addition, sequences forming four novel clades were obtained, which may represent so far undetected genera or species of anaerobic fungi. We propose a revised phylogeny and pragmatic taxonomy for anaerobic fungi, which was tested and proved suitable for analysis of datasets stemming from high-throughput next-generation sequencing methods. Comparing our revised taxonomy to the taxonomic assignment of sequences deposited in the GenBank database, we believe that >29% of ITS1 sequences derived from anaerobic fungal isolates or clones are misnamed at the genus level


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    In this paper we study two questions about tilings of regions. One is a question of enumeration, where for certain planar regions we prove formulas to enumerate tilings with dominoes. The other is the question of whether it is possible to tile a given planar region by a given set of tiles