6 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinarne raziskave železarskega središča Cvinger pri Dolenjskih Toplicah iz starejše železne dobe

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    The prehistoric complex of Cvinger near Dolenjske Toplice occupies a strategic position between the regions of Dolenjska and Bela krajina. It has yielded important finds for the understanding of the Late Hallstatt period and holds the largest known iron-smelting area in the region. In recent years, several interdisciplinary research campaigns took place at Cvinger, combining modern remote sensing techniques, such as airborne laser scanning and geophysical surveys, with more established archaeological methods. Importantly, the results have brought new understanding about the whole complex, including the chronological refinement of the iron smelting area thanks to archaeomagnetic dating.Prazgodovinski kompleks Cvinger pri Dolenjskih Toplicah leži na strateški točki na prehodu med Dolenjsko in Belo krajino. Tukaj odkrite najdbe so imele pomembno vlogo pri opredelitvi mlajšega halštatskega obdobja v jugovzhodnih Alpah. Prav tako pomembno je odkritje železarsko-talilniškega območja. V zadnjih letih pa je bil Cvinger predmet interdisciplinarnih raziskav, ki so povezale sodobne tehnike daljinskega zaznavanja, kot so zračno lasersko skeniranje in geofizikalne meritve, s tradicionalnimi arheološkimi metodami. Rezultati so pripeljali do novih dognanj o celotnem kompleksu, vključno z natančnejšo datacijo talilniškega območja, pridobljeno z metodo arheomagnetnega datiranja

    Autologous Platelet and Extracellular Vesicle-Rich Plasma as Therapeutic Fluid:A Review

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    The preparation of autologous platelet and extracellular vesicle-rich plasma (PVRP) has been explored in many medical fields with the aim to benefit from its healing potential. In parallel, efforts are being invested to understand the function and dynamics of PVRP that is complex in its composition and interactions. Some clinical evidence reveals beneficial effects of PVRP, while some report that there were no effects. To optimize the preparation methods, functions and mechanisms of PVRP, its constituents should be better understood. With the intention to promote further studies of autologous therapeutic PVRP, we performed a review on some topics regarding PVRP composition, harvesting, assessment and preservation, and also on clinical experience following PVRP application in humans and animals. Besides the acknowledged actions of platelets, leukocytes and different molecules, we focus on extracellular vesicles that were found abundant in PVRP.</p

    Autologous Platelet and Extracellular Vesicle-Rich Plasma as Therapeutic Fluid: A Review

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    The preparation of autologous platelet and extracellular vesicle-rich plasma (PVRP) has been explored in many medical fields with the aim to benefit from its healing potential. In parallel, efforts are being invested to understand the function and dynamics of PVRP that is complex in its composition and interactions. Some clinical evidence reveals beneficial effects of PVRP, while some report that there were no effects. To optimize the preparation methods, functions and mechanisms of PVRP, its constituents should be better understood. With the intention to promote further studies of autologous therapeutic PVRP, we performed a review on some topics regarding PVRP composition, harvesting, assessment and preservation, and also on clinical experience following PVRP application in humans and animals. Besides the acknowledged actions of platelets, leukocytes and different molecules, we focus on extracellular vesicles that were found abundant in PVRP