246 research outputs found

    Razlike u socijalnom i akademskom funkcioniranju između djece s oštećenjem vida u posebnom, integracijskom i inkluzivnom odgojno-obrazovnom okruženju u Poljskoj

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    The aim of this study was to examine the differences in social functioning (status in peer group, child’s satisfaction with peer relations), as well as in educational functioning (teachers’ difficulties, child’s satisfaction with academic performance) of students with visual impairment and their teachers in three types of school setting: special, integrated and inclusive. The sample consisted of primary school students with visual impairment (n=90) and their teachers (n=59). The measurement instruments used were the Polish adaptation (Szumski, 2010) of the FDI questionnaire (Haeberlin, Blees, Moster and Klaghofer, 1989), with 45 self-report questions, a classic sociometric assessment technique, as well as a questionnaire with open-ended questions about the difficulties in teaching faced by the teachers. The data were analyzed in SPSS using descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. The results showed no significant differences among the three groups of children regarding their subjective opinions of school satisfaction. However, the sociometric status of visually impaired children in integrated and inclusive classrooms implies a small number of popular positions. Teachers reported difficulties in teaching children with visual impairments; these difficulties were categorised into two groups: those caused by the disability and those caused by inappropriate school functioning. Determination and comparison of the school situations of students with visual impairment seems to be particularly important in the current state of fundamental transformations of the educational system. These results may contribute to the creation and improvement of programs for inclusion of visually impaired children into regular schools.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u socijalnom funkcioniranju (status u skupini vršnjaka, djetetovo zadovoljstvo interakcijama s vršnjacima) te u obrazovnom funkcioniranju (teškoće nastavnika pri poučavanju, djetetovo zadovoljstvo akademskim postignućima) učenika s oštećenjem vida i njihovih nastavnika, u trima vrstama obrazovnih okruženja: posebnom, integracijskom i inkluzivnom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 90 učenika s oštećenjem vida i 59-ero njihovih učitelja. Podaci su prikupljeni korištenjem FDI upitnika (Haeberlin, Blees, Moster i Klaghofer, 1989) od 45 pitanja, adaptiranog za poljski jezik (Szumski, 2010), primjenom klasične tehnike sociometrijske procjene te upitnika za nastavnike s pitanjima vezanim uz teškoće s kojima se susreću u poučavanju djece oštećena vida. Podaci su obrađeni na razini deskriptivne statistike te korištenjem jednosmjerne analize varijance u programu SPSS. Rezultati pokazuju da među trima skupinama djece nema razlika u zadovoljstvu školom. Međutim, sociometrijski položaj učenika s oštećenjem vida u integracijskim i inkluzivnim uvjetima odgoja i obrazovanja upućuje na mali broj popularnih učenika. Učitelji izvještavaju o teškoćama pri poučavanju učenika s oštećenjem vida, koje su kategorizirane u dvije skupine: one koje su posljedica djetetovih teškoća i one koje su posljedica neprimjerenog funkcioniranja škole. Utvrđivanje i usporedba uvjeta i okolnosti odgoja i obrazovanja učenika s oštećenjem vida čini se posebno važnim sada kada obrazovni sustav prolazi kroz razdoblje transformacije. Ovi rezultati mogu doprinjeti kreiranju i poboljšanju programa inkluzije učenika s oštećenjem vida u redovne škole

    Razlike u socijalnom i akademskom funkcioniranju između djece s oštećenjem vida u posebnom, integracijskom i inkluzivnom odgojno-obrazovnom okruženju u Poljskoj

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    The aim of this study was to examine the differences in social functioning (status in peer group, child’s satisfaction with peer relations), as well as in educational functioning (teachers’ difficulties, child’s satisfaction with academic performance) of students with visual impairment and their teachers in three types of school setting: special, integrated and inclusive. The sample consisted of primary school students with visual impairment (n=90) and their teachers (n=59). The measurement instruments used were the Polish adaptation (Szumski, 2010) of the FDI questionnaire (Haeberlin, Blees, Moster and Klaghofer, 1989), with 45 self-report questions, a classic sociometric assessment technique, as well as a questionnaire with open-ended questions about the difficulties in teaching faced by the teachers. The data were analyzed in SPSS using descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. The results showed no significant differences among the three groups of children regarding their subjective opinions of school satisfaction. However, the sociometric status of visually impaired children in integrated and inclusive classrooms implies a small number of popular positions. Teachers reported difficulties in teaching children with visual impairments; these difficulties were categorised into two groups: those caused by the disability and those caused by inappropriate school functioning. Determination and comparison of the school situations of students with visual impairment seems to be particularly important in the current state of fundamental transformations of the educational system. These results may contribute to the creation and improvement of programs for inclusion of visually impaired children into regular schools.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u socijalnom funkcioniranju (status u skupini vršnjaka, djetetovo zadovoljstvo interakcijama s vršnjacima) te u obrazovnom funkcioniranju (teškoće nastavnika pri poučavanju, djetetovo zadovoljstvo akademskim postignućima) učenika s oštećenjem vida i njihovih nastavnika, u trima vrstama obrazovnih okruženja: posebnom, integracijskom i inkluzivnom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 90 učenika s oštećenjem vida i 59-ero njihovih učitelja. Podaci su prikupljeni korištenjem FDI upitnika (Haeberlin, Blees, Moster i Klaghofer, 1989) od 45 pitanja, adaptiranog za poljski jezik (Szumski, 2010), primjenom klasične tehnike sociometrijske procjene te upitnika za nastavnike s pitanjima vezanim uz teškoće s kojima se susreću u poučavanju djece oštećena vida. Podaci su obrađeni na razini deskriptivne statistike te korištenjem jednosmjerne analize varijance u programu SPSS. Rezultati pokazuju da među trima skupinama djece nema razlika u zadovoljstvu školom. Međutim, sociometrijski položaj učenika s oštećenjem vida u integracijskim i inkluzivnim uvjetima odgoja i obrazovanja upućuje na mali broj popularnih učenika. Učitelji izvještavaju o teškoćama pri poučavanju učenika s oštećenjem vida, koje su kategorizirane u dvije skupine: one koje su posljedica djetetovih teškoća i one koje su posljedica neprimjerenog funkcioniranja škole. Utvrđivanje i usporedba uvjeta i okolnosti odgoja i obrazovanja učenika s oštećenjem vida čini se posebno važnim sada kada obrazovni sustav prolazi kroz razdoblje transformacije. Ovi rezultati mogu doprinjeti kreiranju i poboljšanju programa inkluzije učenika s oštećenjem vida u redovne škole

    Activity Of Companies In Innovation Networks

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    Innovation networks can be understood as an organization in which two or more independent firms aim at joint research, development or spreading of innovations. In such a relatively stable and cooperative collaboration, the partner firms find support during one or more activities of the innovation process, which may increase their innovation performance (Dilk, Gleich, Wald 2008, p. 693). Relationships of innovative companies with partners in networks are based on development and transfer knowledge, which is used in innovation processes. With development of innovations in the network, knowledge and other resources are multiplied. The objective of this work is to explore cooperative relationships of companies with partners during innovation process execution within the network’s framework. This paper analyzes the impact of these relationships on the  development of innovative companies, as well as also attempts to describe synergy effects of cooperation between partners in innovation networks. Questionnaire research on this subject was conducted in Lubelskie region in 2009. Summary results of these research are  described in this wor

    Razlike u socijalnom i akademskom funkcioniranju između djece s oštećenjem vida u posebnom, integracijskom i inkluzivnom odgojno-obrazovnom okruženju u Poljskoj

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    The aim of this study was to examine the differences in social functioning (status in peer group, child’s satisfaction with peer relations), as well as in educational functioning (teachers’ difficulties, child’s satisfaction with academic performance) of students with visual impairment and their teachers in three types of school setting: special, integrated and inclusive. The sample consisted of primary school students with visual impairment (n=90) and their teachers (n=59). The measurement instruments used were the Polish adaptation (Szumski, 2010) of the FDI questionnaire (Haeberlin, Blees, Moster and Klaghofer, 1989), with 45 self-report questions, a classic sociometric assessment technique, as well as a questionnaire with open-ended questions about the difficulties in teaching faced by the teachers. The data were analyzed in SPSS using descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. The results showed no significant differences among the three groups of children regarding their subjective opinions of school satisfaction. However, the sociometric status of visually impaired children in integrated and inclusive classrooms implies a small number of popular positions. Teachers reported difficulties in teaching children with visual impairments; these difficulties were categorised into two groups: those caused by the disability and those caused by inappropriate school functioning. Determination and comparison of the school situations of students with visual impairment seems to be particularly important in the current state of fundamental transformations of the educational system. These results may contribute to the creation and improvement of programs for inclusion of visually impaired children into regular schools.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u socijalnom funkcioniranju (status u skupini vršnjaka, djetetovo zadovoljstvo interakcijama s vršnjacima) te u obrazovnom funkcioniranju (teškoće nastavnika pri poučavanju, djetetovo zadovoljstvo akademskim postignućima) učenika s oštećenjem vida i njihovih nastavnika, u trima vrstama obrazovnih okruženja: posebnom, integracijskom i inkluzivnom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 90 učenika s oštećenjem vida i 59-ero njihovih učitelja. Podaci su prikupljeni korištenjem FDI upitnika (Haeberlin, Blees, Moster i Klaghofer, 1989) od 45 pitanja, adaptiranog za poljski jezik (Szumski, 2010), primjenom klasične tehnike sociometrijske procjene te upitnika za nastavnike s pitanjima vezanim uz teškoće s kojima se susreću u poučavanju djece oštećena vida. Podaci su obrađeni na razini deskriptivne statistike te korištenjem jednosmjerne analize varijance u programu SPSS. Rezultati pokazuju da među trima skupinama djece nema razlika u zadovoljstvu školom. Međutim, sociometrijski položaj učenika s oštećenjem vida u integracijskim i inkluzivnim uvjetima odgoja i obrazovanja upućuje na mali broj popularnih učenika. Učitelji izvještavaju o teškoćama pri poučavanju učenika s oštećenjem vida, koje su kategorizirane u dvije skupine: one koje su posljedica djetetovih teškoća i one koje su posljedica neprimjerenog funkcioniranja škole. Utvrđivanje i usporedba uvjeta i okolnosti odgoja i obrazovanja učenika s oštećenjem vida čini se posebno važnim sada kada obrazovni sustav prolazi kroz razdoblje transformacije. Ovi rezultati mogu doprinjeti kreiranju i poboljšanju programa inkluzije učenika s oštećenjem vida u redovne škole

    Assessment of the impact of DIAM interspinal dynamic stabilization on pain in the lumbar spine - the role of physiotherapy

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    Pain in the LS segment occurs in both young and old people. Stabilization training is gaining more and more supporters in returning to proper functioning. Central stabilization is the ability to maintain the correct body posture during static and dynamic movements. The DIAM system of dynamic interspinal stabilization of the spine is a minimally invasive procedure which, by inserting a silicone implant between the spinous processes, relieves the intervertebral joints, the intervertebral disc and reduces the pressure on the nerve structures. Continuation after the procedure is systematic physiotherapy. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of the implant and individually adjusted stabilization training of the lumbar-pelvic-hip complex in patients after dynamic interspinal stabilization with the DIAM method. The study was conducted on a group of 56 people who underwent a minimally invasive procedure and qualified from the 10th day after the operation. The stabilization training was selected individually for each patient, including the current state of health. The training was conducted once a week for four weeks. The conducted stabilization training of the lumbar-pelvic-hip complex turned out to be an effective method in recovery. There was a significant decrease in pain in the lower part of the spine among the examined patients. There was an improvement in physical activity and activities of daily living based on the Ronald-Morris scale. A decrease in the number of points was noted in all subjects. Fast, post-surgical rehabilitation therapy after using dynamic stabilization - DIAM, turned out to be a helpful method in faster recovery. It is reasonable to introduce early rehabilitation according to the scheme established by us after the DIAM dynamic stabilization procedure, as the period of return to work is reduced

    Socio-Economic Costs of Systemic Transformation in Ukraine in the Lens of the Biographical Experiences of Ukrainian Female Migrants to Poland

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    The aim of this article is to discuss the socio-economic costs of the post 1990 transformation process in Ukraine resulting in the chronic feeling of discontent with one’s life, which results in the individuals and whole families’ decisions to migrate. I analyse the factors which account for the individuals’ subjective perceptions of their life situations and how they manifest themselves in the biographical experiences of the Ukrainian female migrants to Poland after 1989

    Zum Artikelgebrauch in nominalen Prädikativen des Deutschen

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    Substantive sind Prädikate im logischen Sinne, welche ohne weiteres referieren können. Sie sind referierende Entitäten im Sinne von Referenzobjekten (Denotaten). Dem Ausdruck Apfel im Satz Der Apfel ist rot entspricht ein Gegenstand in der Welt, in der wir leben. Im Deutschen kommt unter bestimmten Bedingungen ein Artikel hinzu. In seiner Referenzfähigkeit unterscheidet sich das Substantiv insbesondere vom Verb. Die Wortart ´Substantiv´ existiert zu diesem Zweck

    Procedury pielęgniarskie u pacjenta polineuropatycznego

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    Introduction. Polyneuropathy is a condition where multiple sensory and motor nerves are damaged, leading to the development of a number of nuisances. These ailments can, in the long run, lead to a significant reduction in the comfort of our lives. Nurses can have a significant impact on the long-term impact of the disease on the patient through education, support and counseling.Aim. The aim is to illustrate the nature of the problem of polyneuropathy and the importance of care activities in the therapeutic process.Case Report. The presented case study shows a 77-year-old man suffering from type 2 diabetes and polyneuropathy for 17 years. Information about his state of health was obtained on the basis of his own observations, the nurse’s case history, the analysis of the patient’s medical records. The Barthel scale was used to assess the patient’s independence. The assessment of the severity of pain was carried out using the NRS scale.Conclusions. Polyneuropathy is a chronic disease with intensifying symptoms that affect daily life by entangling the underlying disease unit. (JNNN 2022;11(1):31–38)Wstęp. Polineuropatia to stan dotyczący uszkodzenia wielu nerwów czuciowych i ruchowych prowadzi do rozwoju szeregu uciążliwych dolegliwości. Te dolegliwości mogą na dłuższą metę doprowadzić do znacznego ograniczenia komfortu naszego życia. Pielęgniarki mogą mieć znaczący wpływ na długofalowe oddziaływanie choroby na pacjenta poprzez edukację, wsparcie i poradnictwo.Cel. Przedstawienie istoty problemu jakim jest polineuropatia, a także znaczenie działań pielęgnacyjnych w procesie terapetycznym.Opis przypadku. Przedstawione studioum przypadku obrazuje 77-letniego mężczyznę, chorującego przez 17 lat na cukrzycę typu 2 i polineuropatię. Informacje o jego stanie zdrowia uzyskano na podstawie własnych obserwacji, historii przypadku pielęgniarki, analizy dokumentacji medycznej pacjenta. Do oceny niezależności pacjenta wykorzystano skalę Barthela. Ocenę nasilenia bólu przeprowadzono za pomocą skali NRS.Wnioski. Polineuropatia jest przewlekłą chorobą z nasilającymi się objawami, które wpływają na codzienne życie wikłając podstawową jednostkę chorobową. (PNN 2022;11(1):31–38

    Zur lokalen Modifikation der Verben

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    One of the main problems in the analysis of verbs is their issues in local domain. The aim of the article is to point out some verb issues as separable words. Their contact with local particles makes them a part of words and clause analysis. The particle changes the argument structure of verb. The preposition phrase can be incorporated into verb. The double particles are regarded as lose adverbs or verb particle. They are combined with prepositions and build a preposition phrase. This changes the perspective of their structures as a part of words