313 research outputs found

    Old and New Fields on Super Riemann Surfaces

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    The ``new fields" or ``superconformal functions" on N=1N=1 super Riemann surfaces introduced recently by Rogers and Langer are shown to coincide with the Abelian differentials (plus constants), viewed as a subset of the functions on the associated N=2N=2 super Riemann surface. We confirm that, as originally defined, they do not form a super vector space.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex. Published version: minor changes for clarity, two new reference

    Statistical analysis of the scientific potential of the Russian Federation regions

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    The main indicators, characterizing the scientific potential of the regions of the Russian Federation, have been considered. The distribution of organizations, performing research and development, as well as personnel employed in them, by region, has been analyzed. Particular attention has been paid to the characteristics of the scope of variation and uniformity of the number of personnel per organization, engaged in research and development in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The analysis of the availability of academic degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences in scientific personnel in the regions of the country has been made. Attention to the assessment of the dynamics of the number of organizations, training postgraduate and doctoral students, has been paid


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    Reduction of the number of credit organizations in the banking sector of the Russian Federation has been considered. The paper has been based on the data of Statistical Bulletin of the Bank of Russia for 2015-2017 years. Attention has been paid to some problems of creating banks resources potential especially because of declining external financing. The problems of small and medium-sized banks, including the availability of state budget funds have been designated. The main characteristics of the dynamics of lending to non-financial organizations and individuals have been considered. A discrepancy between the high financial results of the banking sector and a very modest contribution to the investment activities of non-financial organizations has been noted. Particular attention has been paid to the difference in interest rates on loans and deposits for different categories of borrowers and depositors

    Processes of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense in healthy men of different ethnic groups

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    The research is devoted to studying the features of antioxidant protection system in fertile men of various ethnic groups. Studying the features of antioxidant protection processes in the populations of various ethnic origins, living in identical geographical conditions, is of scientific interest. 126 men of reproductive age (84 men of Russian population and 42 men of Buryat population living in Ulan-Ude) were examined. Blood plasma and hemolysate were used as the material for the biochemical research. Modern spectrophotometric, fluorometric and statistical methods were used. The basic indicators of lipid peroxidation, reflecting different stages of oxidation (рrimary,, intermediate, final products] and total antioxidant activity of blood, which characterizes the total activity of inhibitors of radical oxidation, and determining its buffering capacity were studied. We investigated the basic units of antioxidant protection - enzymatic (superoxide dismutase) and non-enzymatic (low molecular weight soluble vitamins retinol and а-tocopherol, oxidized and reduced glutathione). The peculiarities of Ирid peroxidation and antioxidant protection processes in fertile men have significant differences. They can be attributed to the ethnic origin and characterize various degrees of activity of metabolic processes in the surveyed groups. Studying the condition of antioxidant protection system will significantly expand ideas of organism adaptation opportunities to external conditions and will be able to become a basis for effective monitoring of reproductive health

    Oral manifestations of primary immunodeficiencies

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    To understand the current state of the issue of dental manifestations of primary immunodeficiencies, foreign literature on the problem has been analyzed. The article describes the dental manifestations of many primary immunodeficiencies, which can be both secondary and major symptoms. The article presents the data on the following syndromes: severe combined immunodeficiency, hyper IgE, Wiskott - Aldrich, DiGeorge, deficiency of STIM1 and ORAI1, NEMO deficiency and IκBα deficiency, common variable immunodeficiency, X-linked agammaglobulinemia, hyper IgM, selective IgA deficiency, autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1, Chediak - Higashi syndrome, CD70 deficiency, severe congenital neutropenia syndromes, leukocyte adhesion deficiency, localized aggressive periodontitis, Papillon - Lefevre syndrome, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, Marshall syndrome, hyper IgD syndrome, Aicardi - Goutières syndrome type 7, cherubism syndrome, CANDLE (chronic atypical neutrophilic dermatosis with lipodystrophy and elevated temperature), PAPA (pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum and acne), chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis, periodontal Ehlers - Danlos syndrome, and C1 inhibitor deficiency. The role of secretory immunoglobulins of salivary fluid is described. © 2019 Siberian State Medical University. All rights reserved.Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, UB RAS: АААА-А18-118020590108-7Sourse of financing. The study was supported by the state order of the Institute of Immunology and Physiology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (topic No. АААА-А18-118020590108-7) as well as by the decree of the Russian Federation Government No. 211, contract No. 02.A03.21.0006

    Static and resonant properties of decorated square kagome lattice compound KCu7_7(TeO4_4)(SO4_4)5_5Cl

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    The magnetic subsystem of nabokoite, KCu7_7(TeO4_4)(SO4_4)5_5Cl, is constituted by buckled square kagome lattice of copper decorated by quasi-isolated Cu2+^{2+} ions. This combination determines peculiar physical properties of this compound evidenced in electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, dielectric permittivity ε\varepsilon, magnetization MM and specific heat CpC_p measurements. At lowering temperature, the magnetic susceptibility χ=M/H\chi = M/H passes through broad hump at about 150 K inherent for low-dimensional magnetic systems and evidences sharp peak at antiferromagnetic phase transition at TN=3.2T_N = 3.2 K. The Cp(T)C_p(T) curve also exhibits sharp peak at TNT_N readily suppressed by magnetic field and additional peak-like anomaly at Tpeak=5.7T_\textrm{peak}= 5.7 K robust to magnetic field. The latter can be ascribed to low-lying singlet excitations filling the singlet-triplet gap in magnetic excitation spectrum of the square kagome lattice [J.Richter, O.Derzhko and J.Schnack, Phys. Rev. B 105, 144427 (2022)]. According to position of TpeakT_\textrm{peak}, the leading exchange interaction parameter JJ in nabokoite is estimated to be about 60K. ESR spectroscopy provides indications that antiferromagnetic structure below TNT_N is non-collinear. These complex thermodynamic and resonant properties signal the presence of two weakly coupled magnetic subsystems in nabokoite, namely spin-liquid with large singlet-triplet gap and antiferromagnet represented by decorating ions. Separate issue is the observation of antiferroelectric-type behavior in ε\varepsilon at low temperatures, which tentatively reduces the symmetry and partially lifts frustration of magnetic interactions of decorating copper ions with buckled square kagome lattice.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure