1,316 research outputs found


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    A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 occurred near the island of Paramushir (KurilIslands) on 25 March 2020. It caused a weak tsunami in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands.Earthquake and tsunami data from three DART buoys are discussed and compared withnumerical simulations. It is shown that the calculated and measured tsunami characteristics onthe DART buoys is in very good agreement. There are also data on the recording of thisearthquake by a laser strain-meter installed in the Sea of Japan at Shults cape at a distance ofmore than 2,000 km from the epicenter of the earthquake. There is also an instrumentalrecording of the tsunami at the Vodopadnaya point in the southeast of Kamchatka.Unfortunately, there was a large storm at sea at this time, and the amplitudes of tsunami wavesand storm waves were comparable to each other, so here the agreement between calculationsand observations does not seem good enough

    The Kinetic Characteristics of Nickel Electrodeposition From Solutions with Amino Acids

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    Kinetics of nickel electrodeposition from electrolytes containing glycine, alanine, serine and asparaginic acid was studied. It was shown, that the process occurs irreversibly under mixed kinetics conditions with dominant control by charge transfer and is complicated by adsorption. All the complexes present in the baths are electroactive and reduce simultaneously. The process rate and kinetic characteristics sufficiently depend on the nature of amino acids. Namely, the more stable complexes are formed, the larger charge transfer coefficient and the less heterogeneous rate constant of charge transfer. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3488

    Electrochemical Behavior of Electrodeposited Ni-P Coatings in Acidic Solutions

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    The paper is devoted to the investigation of cathodic and anodic behavior of electrodeposited Ni-P alloys of different composition in H2SO4 solutions. It was established that increase of phosphorous content enhances anticorrosion ability of Ni-P coatings and decreases their catalytic activity toward to hydrogen evolution reaction. The most probable mechanism of this reaction was suggested on the basis of analysis of experimental data. It assumes that at low overpotentials hydrogen evolution proceeds by Volmer- Heyrovsky route with limiting step of charge transfer. At higher potentials Volmer-Tafel mechanism with slow chemical recombination step takes place. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3546

    Prospects of public-private partnership in the middle of vocational the Sverdlovsk region

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    В статье рассматривается необходимость во взаимодействии государственного и частного сектора экономики для развития среднего профессионального образования. Показаны плюсы, минусы и перспективы развития государственно-частного партнерства в системе среднего профессионального образования Свердловской области.The necessity of cooperation of public and private sector for the development of secondary vocational education. Showing pros, cons and prospects of development of public-private partnership in the system of secondary professional education of the Sverdlovsk region

    Kinetics of Nickel Particles Nucleation and Growth from the Serine-Containing Electrolyte

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    Kinetics of nickel particles nucleation and growth from the serine-containing electrolyte was studied by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. It was shown, that the initial stage of nickel electrodeposition onto a polycrystalline copper electrode conforms to instantaneous nucleation mechanism. Main parameters of nucleation process (diffusion coefficients, number of active sites, nucleation rate, formation work of critical cluster and its size) were calculated. Partial curves of nickel deposition and hydrogen evolution were obtained. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3534

    Risk-oriented approach to ensuring the financial stability of the iron ore enterprise

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    02.05.2017This article is devoted to research of the risks of ensuring the financial stability of an industrial enterprise (using the example of Russian iron ore enterprises). The choice of this topic and the subject of research is caused, first, by the presence of industry-specific risks and threats, and, second, by a low level of development of risk management in Russian iron ore enterprises. The article describes a classification of the risks of ensuring the financial stability of an iron ore enterprise proposed by the author. This classification is the basis for the formation of the corresponding unified register with 127 risks. The identified risks are evaluated using the example of EVRAZ KGOK (this company is one of the five largest iron ore enterprises in Russia) using the expert method. Twelve highly qualified experts were involved in the examination. The experts are leading employees and managers of production, economic and financial services of EVRAZ KGOK, as well as researchers and faculty members of the Ural State Mining University. Appropriate methodological, organizational and control-analytical stages of the examination were implemented. The validity and reliability of the obtained risk assessment results is confirmed by high Kendall ranks. This indicator characterizes the degree of consensus among experts. On the basis of the received results a Card of risks of ensuring the financial stability of EVRAZ KGOK is created. This Card of risks characterizes the scale of importance and probability of emergence of the risks, and also admissible limits (zones) of risks. The author formulated the main measures for minimizing the critical risks of ensuring the financial stability of EVRAZ KGOK. Preventive implementation of these actions helps to achieve and maintain the target objective of financial stability of the enterprise, strengthen the adaptive capabilities of its activities in today’s unstable economic environment.Статья посвящена исследованию рисков обеспечения финансовой устойчивости промышленного предприятия (на примере предприятий российской железорудной промышленности). Выбор тематики и объекта исследования обусловлен, во-первых, наличием характерных отраслевых рисков и угроз и, во-вторых, недостаточным уровнем развития риск-менеджмента на российских железорудных предприятиях. В статье описывается предложенная автором классификация рисков обеспечения финансовой устойчивости железорудного предприятия, которая легла в основу формирования соответствующего унифицированного реестра, насчитывающего 127 рисков. Оценка идентифицированных рисков производится на примере АО «ЕВРАЗ КГОК» (комбинат входит в пятерку крупнейших железорудных предприятий России) с применением метода экспертных оценок. Для осуществления экспертизы были привлечены двенадцать квалифицированных экспертов, в качестве которых выступили ведущие специалисты и руководители производственных, экономических и финансовых служб предприятия, а также представители профессорско-преподавательского состава Уральского государственного горного университета. Реализованы соответствующие методические, организационные и контрольно-аналитические этапы проведения экспертизы. Обоснованность и достоверность полученных результатов оценки подтверждается высокими значениями коэффициента конкордации рангов Кендалла, отражающего степень согласованности мнений экспертов. На основе полученных результатов сформирована Карта рисков обеспечения финансовой устойчивости АО «ЕВРАЗ КГОК», наглядно показывающая градацию значимости и вероятности возникновения рисков, а также допустимые границы (зоны) рисков. В отношении критических рисков обеспечения финансовой устойчивости АО «ЕВРАЗ КГОК» автором сформулированы мероприятия по их минимизации. Превентивная реализация данных мероприятий способствует достижению и сохранению целевого уровня финансовой устойчивости предприятия, укреплению адаптивных способностей его функционирования в современных условиях нестабильной экономической среды